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Posts posted by MercurialKuroSludge.8974

  1. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    As always, going to wait to pass judgement. It's not uncommon to get an 'upgrade' and wonder 'WTF ... this is worse'. 

    Yup, 100% agree, best to wait and see first.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    Silent surf takes only slightly longer than sunqua peak. A good group can clear it in 5min and it could be faster without that pointless rp in the beginning. it is the easiest cm that can still bug out and wipe you. an hp nerf would increase the bug frequency.

    They nerfed the normal mode hp hard and it just dies. Barely any groups skip it on eu server. Is this a classic na problem?

    They only nerfed CM HP, which they shouldn't have, not NM.

    Is this reading issue a classic "EU player has too much ego" problem?

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  3. Honestly ye, Grapple feels like a misplay issue, it rarely happens.
    People like to complain about the NM JP being wonky, but its very easy for a person new to the Fractal to never use skill 3, and I still see ppl fail at 
    1. Getting off the zipline early for better control.
    2. Actually use the Parachute like a Glider for Horizontal movement.
    Also, if a pug healer gets Tether on 66% NM, thats the dps players being dumb, relying on ppl they cant trust to do dps on healer gear, instead of just body blocking the Tether like on Sunqua.

    That being said...the adds do behave wonky, and the only reason we ignore them right now, is because the improper design allows us to.
    If the devs changed how failing cc punishes the fight, the bugs that do exist wud be a lot more problematic, and they mostly Aspects/Adds related.

    • Confused 2
  4. 24 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    just made it and killed cm co 

    easy content btw

    but getting a group work is not easy

    and asking kp makes it very hard to grow a group of ppl willing to do harder content.

    i hope anet can find a solution since the experts try to gate keep much as possible for their fail runs.

    i get it many gw player are very bad very very but we need some way for ppl join groups withhout kp gate keeps.

    perhaps a bonus for ppl to lead non kp ppl on their first try or finally implement a dps meter bcs as jt stands now there is a split between the good and bad player abd the one with low confidence.

    im open for ideas 

    CO CM doesn't even HAVE KP on its own...

    Do you know how regularly CO CM runs have at least 1 person who dies on 1st Green Arrow, becuz they've never even done/learned NM?
    People STILL think the SF Team Change is saved by downing the person, instead of just hard-ccing them.
    Boon role peeps who clearly don't know they are supposed to go pickup SAK, just coming in and lying about how they've done CM before, because all the tryhards keep downplaying how bad CO CM (your quote: "easy content btw") is in pugs, so the average peep thinks NM=CM.

    How about some really cursed people,
    Like 2k Toughness Death Magic Reaper?
    Or some 40k+ AP guys who keeps talking about their throbbing ginormous benchmark, bragging about HTCM title, threatens the squad with "if healers dont pickup SAK Im leaving", then proceed to die REPEATEDLY on 1st Arrow on different pulls, because their nose is too far up their kitten and they just greed dps without thinking?

    I would like to know why other people shudn't ask for KPs?
    The method of "go in and replace trolls/noobs until good enough" is going to quickly erode any patience members of the group have, and dps meters wont fix it, because you still have to pull to measure that, when the goal of KP is literally to prevent the need of "yolo first adjust later".

    • Like 11
  5. This is great news.
    Even though I made the full 7, the fact that even 1x Leggy Rune can get people the Leggy Relic is great.

    The future unlock thing doesn't really bother me, just looks like the sPvP Amulet system now, you unlock it, you get to use it forever, same slot, all thats needed is a little extra work.
    Also...Reward Tracks can bypass PvE Achievements.

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  6. 37 minutes ago, devzero.4093 said:

    Is the pizza attack generally aegis'd in high kp/static groups?

    Yes it is, even on CM when you absolutely want to save Group Aegis for Mind Crush.
    Thats why HB is sought after on Deimos, its probably the easiest "Aegis on demand" build out there, while Chrono takes a lot more skill, so the meta just bleeds the requirement from CM to NM and play them the same way, hence why OP may have ran into issues of groups wanting HB instead of anything else, even tho in NM it shudnt really be as big of an issue.
    But ye, NM, Group Aegis shudnt be an issue unless the group is running an oil kite, which typically shud be HKs job while peeps down there fighting Saul anyway.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

    And posts like yours stink the forum. What have you really done here?

    Not make as much cry posts, thats for sure.

    "But people know when something feels off"
    Youd be surprised how little people care about Sorrows these days, people dont even react to Sorrows negatively much anymore, they just go sweaty.

    "At least I don't name people"
    Here you are trying to insinuate that everyone here who disagrees with you suck, yet we don't struggle with Convergences, you do.
    You are the one crying about YOUR failures, not us.
    And I never specified which pug players were bad, I never name dropped them, if you feel personally attacked when we tell you to try harder, thats just your bruised ego.

    And lastly, I don't care what build you run, as long as you are efficient with it.
    Do you even understand why theres talk of builds? Because we have nothing except your word that you aren't one of the liabilities dragging your instance down.
    Reminder, if somebody fails at something a lot, theres usually something they can improve, even if they arent responsible for the situation, or are you telling me a good HealScourge cant carry a bunch of crappy dps on Boneskinner? 
    Your angry post here with numbers and details is the only tangible thing we can see about what you have been doing in Convergences.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

    It seems both you and @MercurialKuroSludge.8974 misunderstood the "every public Convergence so far til now ended in failure" sentence in my original post. I meant every public Convergence of that day when I posted, not every public instance in general. Yes failing 4 times in a row in a single day got me questioning how could anyone claim with a straight face they haven't seen a singled failed Sorrow at all. Unless they play just once a week, and only with their private buddies instead of public events. 

    As for today if anyone cares, the instance I was in was almost a fail. Zojja was 1-2% left, Sorrow more than 50% before we managed to phase it. The next 2 phases were just as tight, but we managed to pull through. Still, being that hopelessly close certainly didn't make it a pleasant experience for anyone.

    There's just something obviously off about Sorrow compared to Demon Knight. And we're more than rational enough about it than baseless whining.

    If you didn't fail as much as we think you do, why you keep making cry posts about Public Convergences failing?
    I can claim with a straight face, because as dicey as some Sorrows get, Ive never failed one, literally ever.
    And Ive never done a Private Convergence, because the LFGs from the comms usually ick me out.
    If I had friends, I wouldn't be wasting my time reading posts like yours that give brain rot.

    Here you are again with another "btw I almost failed again today", if you are RNGing thru Public lobbies, that means you are fully dependent on other peoples' performance to carry you, instead of being a useful asset when a group succeeds.
    If you had ANY confidence, you would be saying stuff like "I dumped all of my Chrono CC on the boss and did over 2200, yet these pugs do 0", you've given no numbers, no quantifications, only whining about how good you are but displaying behavior identical to garbage pugs.
    "Not a pleasant experience when something almost fails", that's a "I want everything done while Im afk" mindset, the same thing the garbage pugs have.
    If you achieved something that you think of as extremely difficult, you should be feeling proud, but you don't, because deep down you know you didn't contribute to the success of it.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

    You do realize a person cannot carry a whole instance right?

    I simply can't. There's nothing more I can do beyond the share that Anet assigned to me. I already tried spamming "bring CC" whenever I got into an instance. I already tried yelling CC and Zojja. Not even in caps, no matter how annoyed I was. Yes there were also comms in all of those 4 instances I've been in who were explaining things. But to no avail, somehow that CC bar was still surprisingly up despite having 50 people in the map, which made balls dropped slower, and consequently no healing and then failing.

    What more could I possibly do from then to "improve my runs"?

    Unfortunately, the mass majority of pugs also think they do "just fine", and that they "bring enuf", if you don't give us a rough idea of what you normally bring, we have to assume you can do better if you tried harder.

    Despite different opinions that may be stated, my personal opinion is that one shud bring minimum of 1200 Break bar dmg.
    Some not-often thought about mechanic is how the Kryptis Essences reduce max HP, which means any flat healing can be doubly effective on a person with 50 stacks.
    Kryptis Essence also increases Boon Duration, making Boon Dps extremely effective at boosting at least 4 other people.

    If you are still absolutely sure you've done literally every method under the sun to increase the performance of yourself and everyone around you, but still cannot find success,
    then its time to start thinking about external methods, like Convergence after 0-4 hrs of reset, or biting the bullet and start a Private Instance at the equivalent cost of 5g, get a Commander Tag if you haven't already.

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  10. 2 hours ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

    Just wanna vent that Sorrow failed 4 times in a row in a single day, today. Every public Convergence so far til now ended in failure.

    Words cannot describe how frustrated I am. Either I'm just really unlucky or these "Sorrow never fail" people are the luckiest people alive. 

    At some point, you need to stop pointing fingers at pugs and start thinking about how to improve your own runs, because the only common element in YOUR runs, is you.
    You can't control pugs, and most of them will never listen.

    If you consistently fail,
    Maybe you are the one doing no dmg, maybe you didn't bring enuf CC, or the CC didnt land on Sorrow from the pushback because your positioning was bad.
    Maybe you aren't helping enough to rally the instance, call out "heal Zojja", call out islands that need more hands to attract the few ppl reading map chat (pugs who pay attention tend to also bring more dps).
    Maybe you run full glass and stack Essences to do dmg, then get downed becuz you didn't dodge/bring survival tools, perhaps even full dead, therefore wasting all the Essence carried, none of which went into doing dmg or healing Zojja. (This is what most pugs do)
    Or maybe, you are whining in map chat at people, which causes even more ppl to afk/literally leave from your doomposting.

    You can choose to call people who rarely fail at Sorrow liars, whine in forums, and solve none of your immediate issues.
    Or you can try to improve your runs by figuring ways out to do it better, at least to the point where it stops "failing every time".

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  11. 3 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    Not as bad as 15 tier 3 Krytis rifts.

    The funny thing is, non-SoTO T3s can sometimes not count for that task, at least the 5 I did this week for Straits of Devastation didnt, yet last weeks was fine.

    Also, flavor of preferred popcorn, anyone?

    • Like 4
  12. 2 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Willbender, Harbinger, Catalyst all need to be toned down, just like Thieves and Mesmers and Rangers all needed to be toned down.

    They are carry you builds, left alone to sell their expansion.

    Send me your salty confusions because you know it's true. -->

    We can probably add Vindi to that too.

    Also to be fair to ele mains, havent seen a ROAMING Catalyst since late November, they all jut come as part of a zerg now, so ppl either got tired of it, or some nerfs pushed the Catalyst bandwagoners elsewhere. Currently what I see is that particular portion of players went to Stealth classes.
    ...Or Ive been so busy running defense on busy matchups that all Ive been fighting/scouting against have been boon balls, maybe?
    Catalyst just seems to have less playerbase and is actually reasonably killable now.

    • Confused 3
  13. 15 minutes ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    I wasn’t 100% serious but now i am:

    the Guardian Profession is the last one in the entire Game that has reasons to complain. Across all the gamemodes, different Guardianspeccs are / where strong, always.

    it‘s okay for me. It’s fine. But you really don’t have to defend guardians generally or willbenders specifically.

    Ironic then, the upcoming heaviest Mesmer nerfs are for PvE Condi Mirage, which most of you don't seem to care much about anyway.
    Not only that, in high end PvE Mesmer is considered straight up an upgrade to Guardian, and in competitive Mesmers will never be garbage just from the fact that they were literally designed to be annoying, just like Thiefs, while sPvP FB has been lower than garbage tier since the nerfs and hasnt been back in years.
    In fact, In PvE tryhard culture, Chrono and Druid were mandatory for the longest time, now Chrono is better than FB at providing group Aegis and Stab when played well, so whats this bologney with the 2 of u crying about "across all gamemodes"?

    You wanna talk about WB? sure, its overtuned from numbers but suffers a bunch of QoL issues, just like most EoD classes having design flaws.
    Guardian isnt broken, Mesmer isnt trash, spend less time making cry posts and go practice.

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  14. 47 minutes ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    You mean firebrands?

    no wait.

    aaahhh let’s just call it „guardians“ in general. Tho DHs seem to be fine since trapperrune is not a thing anymore.

    Only noobs still run Firebrand for Zerg Support, that slot is for Chrono now, and DH isn't "fine", its trash tier in WvW now, since the map is so large theres no way to "camp a node" forever, and the fact that an army can show up instead of only 2/3 at a time.

    Most Necros/Warriors don't even whine about WB as much, becuz even tho its mildly overtuned, isn't too big of a threat when skill is above a certain floor on both sides, something non-Harb Necros/Warriors need to have in order to roam/1v1 anyway.

    Notice how ppl whining about nerfing WB seem to be majority Mesmers/Teefs/Eles? Thats because WB can do things in WvW in a similar toxic manner to what those classes have been doing since 2012, ofc they don't like their turf being shared with Guardians who are traditionally "easy bag" in a 1v1 and slow as balls.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

    It's more likely that they see these threads and think they can just pick up willbender and start dominating in wvw right away. Then they find themselves in for  a rude awakening when they realize they can't just sit there and tank every hit that comes their way. They have to, in effect, actually dodge attacks.

    Ppl like to dismiss the lack of QoL on WB becuz "its op", then once they play it and get curb stomped, they realize those "feelsbad" moments are actually quite pivotal and take time+practice to get around, like the fact that Sword 3 will never hit anyone who isn't CC'd.
    But whatever, they can snort their copium "I dont need to play my class better, its 'insert build here that is commonly hated', that build is OP while mine isn't!".
    And we will continue to see these ppl fail.

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  16. 13 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Had a macro using perma invis thief last night running around a keep waiting to port in some Mesmers and then open the gates for more. Could have used some Willies around to help with that personally. So bring on the Willies, to chase the thieves, and the rest of us will address the enemy Willies. Mileage varies I am thinking.

    No, gotta delete WB from the game, sincerely, a Thief/Mesmer main.
    (We must have supremacy and ALL the Stealth, delete Stealth from Engi and Rangers!!! HOW DARE A LESSER CLASS LIKE GUARDIAN TRY TO HAVE MOBILITY!)

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  17. Honestly Willbender is held up by Duct Tape and raw numbers.
    Look at it,
    Hyper Mobility on a traditionally immobile class, making that particular spec a balance nightmare, not to mention mobility inherently is a nightmare to balance in Competitive gameplay.
    "Hit X times to proc effects" on a spec that doesn't generate any substantial self Quickness, instead its Alac, ofc it shits out boons, it self refreshes CDs faster.
    Physical/spec identity skills that are either situational or downright garbage.
    A Major Adept healing trait that makes WB flames "heals yourself, and ONLY yourself when it hits enemies", why not "heal allies that are within its range"?
    And other "feelsbad" stuff.

    I honestly prefer if they reworked WB (excluding mobility SPECIFICALLY in PvE), maybe move Alac to DH like some ppl requested.
    When I fight Teefs as WB, I ironically understand why Teefs and everyone else hate WB, WBs/Teefs always catch up to you and are hard to get rid of, as long they half competent.
    Its like swatting a buzzing insect, some may be wasps, bees, flies, perhaps even mosquitoes, and they are ALL annoying to deal with.
    As long as the devs don't just nerf WB and leave it in the dirt, WB changes are warranted,  BOTH for ppl FOR WBs, and for ppl AGAINST WBs.

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