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Everything posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. I understand they're bullets being fired, but most of the time I'm getting hit by a deadeye and my health goes down rapidly and I have no idea why. Sure I get it, oooh they're a thief it's supposed to be like getting sniped. It's super annoying though, and I hate it. You can't even prevent it if you find out too late that you're getting shot at. Also, I think they do way too much damage. It seems like their "auto attack" or whatever it is can down me in like 3 hits (which hit in rapid succession).
  2. A lot of good replies above my post here. Mirror blade alone takes much longer than 0.1 sec to fly to its target. As someone else mentioned it can miss. The clones take time to run to their target on the shatter as well, so I really don’t know where you’re getting 0.1 sec but it seems like an arbitrary number that you pulled to make it seem like there’s nothing wrong with the class. On a completely different note…the class plays well in pve. I’m not much of a pve player but I did some metas last night and clones pop up at a decent clip with illusions. I really think the issue is that since the pace of spvp is so much faster, illusions really lags behind in usage and doesn’t really seem nearly as effective as it is in pve. I mean I think it’s still good and not sure what of anything I would replace it with…but that’s just my observation.
  3. That literally is ramp up time, all of that takes time. What happens if you miss the mirror blade? What happens if they dodge/shield the shatter? There's A LOT of classes that click only one or two attacks and you're dead instantly.
  4. What the hell is "frontloaded burst"? By ramp up time I mean I have to set up clones in order to do damage, that takes time. Thus, ramp...up...time. I'm top damage on my team most matches, and I usually lose because I'm paired with people who don't know how to play the map, their class, or pvp, or a combination of all of those. Sure I'm not a master of my class, but I'm pretty good. I never claimed to be a master, but how would you even know anyway without me saying so.
  5. This actually helps out a lot, going to try this tactic out more. I've sort of done this before with running away if focused and it sometimes makes the enemy disengage, but it doesn't work on every map. Also agree with core, it does seem to be more of a core problem. Others on the pvp forums have said damage is too high all around. If that's the case, I think faster clone generation would be a solid middle ground fix. It wouldn't really change the dynamics of the class much but would up the utility and give a slight damage boost in that you can shatter more frequently.
  6. Power chrono mesmer can be a pretty effective class to play, map dependent, teammate dependent. That's a lot of dependents in order to win and have fun in a game. FACT #1: CLONE REQUIREMENT. Mesmer REQUIRES clones in order to do damage via shatters, which is the bread and butter of this build. You have to ramp up clones, this takes time, whereas almost every single class in the game has zero ramp up in order to be effective. FACT #2: BEING FOCUSED. If you are focused by nearly every class, you're going to go down pretty quickly. Sure you have Jaunt and Signet of Ether to heal, you can even switch to your shield and block a couple of attacks while you try to run away. Otherwise, you're going to go down in probably 2-3 seconds depending on what class is targeting you. You also can use your clones to hide out in, but oh wait, you need those clones to also do damage. FACT #3: CLONE EFFECTIVENESS. In a lot of maps, your 3 clone shatters won't kill a person and they can just run around a corner and survive. Your clones can also be blocked, dodged, evaded with invis, etc. My suggestion is that clones shouldn't need to run to the target in order to do damage. They should just appear there and shatter instantly. Someone can still block, dodge, evade, or go invis, but it'll be much harder to do so. I think the clone ramp up should also be much faster, Signet of Illusions for example, 10 seconds is a long kitten time in pvp right now. Battles are decided in 2-3 seconds. Bonus suggestion, necro pets, ranger pets, etc, should attack clones and not necessarily know to focus the actual mesmer.
  7. I'm playing power chrono mesmer, and I'm a glass cannon. I admit that, but I'm not doing glass cannon damage. It's not fair because I have to ramp up clones in order to do damage. Can someone explain how this is even remotely viable in pvp? I'm only good when I'm paired with decent players who know how to peel.
  8. I think about this every day, I love the class though I can't
  9. To be clear, it's literally over in less than a second. I don't even really have time to react. I actually might record a video of me getting wrecked by a weaver so I can have proof of how bad it is. This isn't the only class either, pretty much anything that gets into melee range of me cuts through me like paper.
  10. It seems like if I get close to a weaver, it's game over. They throw down a fire ring or some crap and then melee, and it's over. On the other end, when damaging them, they can pull some invis bs and do a speed run to get away. Playing power chrono.
  11. Not sure what you mean, you can’t fault the players for wanting to play a powerful class (imo)
  12. To elaborate on my original post, you have a bunch of really good s-tier specs in spvp. Sure, skill and familiarity of the spec comes into play in matches, but if you're in a lower tiered spec, it'll only take you so far. I was experiencing this with power mesmer, and maybe I wasn't playing it to the fullest potential, actually I know so as I've seen it done. I still consider myself decent, and consistently have trouble downing people (usually s-tier specs that have seemingly endless blocks and heals). Ideally I don't think there should really be specs that are considered bad, and that's where balance comes into play. In gw2, it doesn't seem like this really ever gets done. I played several matches where I went up against the same group for like three matches in a row, consisted of a vanguard, reaper, willbender, and chrono. We got stomped every single game, which was super demoralizing. It was like an allstar nba team vs. a g league team. Three games in a row is a little bit out of hand, and should never happen either. Why aren't teams like these getting mixed up instead of putting the same people together every time?!
  13. Not sure where to post this, but I wish Anet would bring back Phoenix armor. It's one of the best looking sets in the game (imho). I haven't seen it at the BLM or the BLS yet but hoping it makes an appearance eventually!
  14. Not sure where to post this, but I wish Anet would bring back Phoenix armor. It's one of the best looking sets in the game (imho). I haven't seen it at the BLM or the BLS yet but hoping it makes an appearance eventually!
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