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Divine Motovation.5203

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Everything posted by Divine Motovation.5203

  1. yes! It's way too high... Sometimes my char is downed then finished before I even have access to my down state skills by one person. It feels as if the people working on pvp don't play pvp.
  2. It is crazy! I will have the very same afker on my team over and over again. Reporting is worthless. The people making fun of others complaining about afk'ers are truly trolling and are prolly the afk'ers. This is why I believe the PvP is fixed or broken. Afk'ers are not evenly distributed.
  3. I receive dishonor while waiting for the que sometimes. Instead of being notified the match is ready as usual I just receive the dishonor. Its rare and logging off and back on seems to fix it. Buts its frustrating to say the least
  4. I have issues in WvW as well. I notice that my char receive Bronze a lot with the rewards. Before anyone starts making leaching jokes, I don't leach. I will use a ram and knock a gate down, I will help kill the Lord, and then I will help cap the point. My final reward, Bronze participation...
  5. The Bug is still alive Yeah, I tried to use the Fast with Range Indicator with my Guardian. Any time I attempt to use Purging Flames for example (a ground targeting skill) I immediately target myself. I am unable to target anything else and the moment I let go of the button the skill is casts. Using this feature would be very helpful. I watched a couple you tube videos where people show casing the Fast with Range Indicator option. Mine is definitely not working.
  6. this happens to me every time. I just don't participate on this map anymore
  7. I hate it when they nerf my main. My class has struggled for quite some time already and its frustrating feeling like a noob with all the nerfs and changes... very upsetting and makes me feel betrayed as a long time loyal player
  8. I have to agree mostly. PvP feels more and more like a 1st person shooter. Ranked play is a pure joke with all the afk'ers imo. My last gold ranked match 3 people left bc there was one thief that quite literally downed each of us with one shot. It seems as if the PvP department is filled with devs that are trying to hurt the game or just aren't paying attention. I still play PvP bc I remember the good old days when it felt more like an mmo and I guess I miss it.
  9. Yeah warrior is my main and I couldn't be more disappointed. pvp isn't really an option bc the class is next to worthless in pvp. I recall back in the day the hammer war used to be fun but not so much anymore. if you play warrior your team needs to carry you a lot or if youre going against noobs you have a chance
  10. Lately I have been kicked a lot from pvp matches and its actually normal for me although frustrating. However, this time when I try to log back in the game will not display itself on the monitor. I uninstalled the game then reinstalled it, I create a copy of my Gw2.exe file and repaired that. It's probably a simply fix because every other game plays and displays just fine except gw2. I am working with support to find the issue but sending emails back and forth takes days. If anyone also had this same problem or issue and was able to figure it out please share your succuss.
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