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uberduber.7368's Achievements

  1. I fell for it again. 'Complete a Convergence of Fractal - 20%' 😞
  2. I second this suggestion. With my old key binds, my wrist would cramp up from spamming skill 5. I've since reworked, and I'm still relearning, my key binds due to this.
  3. This is a years old issue, affecting more than just mounts. Same issue props up in Forging Steel, when riding the tank, affecting tank skills. The latest expansion sure has made it a bigger issue, for more players. Work-Around / Band-Aid Solution: Say you bind weapon skill 4 to the number 4 key for example, add an alternate/secondary key bind like Shift+4, Ctrl+4, or Alt+4. And use the alternate key bind to trigger warclaw skill 4. Additional Information: You can bind Skill 4 and Mount Ability 2, both to the same key. They'll both show up as 4, at the same location on your UI, and the number 4 key will work both for your weapon skill and mount skill, for your Skyscale anyway. Same issue will occur with your Warclaw however. Reason they don't work the same way seems to be because that Warclaw skill is triggered by your Weapon 4 key bind, while the equivalent Skyscale skill is triggered by your Mount Ability 2 key bind.
  4. The objective is entitled "Complete a Convergence or Fractal" with "0/5" just bellow it. The hover over tooltip says "Complete a Convergence, or complete a fractal in the Fractals of the Mists. Completing a Convergence finishes this objective instantly." Completing a fractal updates the counter to 1/5. Clearly the intent is to have players complete 1 Convergence, or 5 Fractals. But the wording says a Fractal, meaning 1 Fractal, not 5.
  5. Have you restarted your GW2 game client since the expansion went live?
  6. Still bugged. Or bugged again. Can't progress "Banner of the Commander" for Vision Legendary Accessory. Edit: Just completed it.
  7. Captain Mai Trin Boss Fractal doesn't seem to count either. Just did it today, no credit.
  8. Legendary Archdiviner (Cliffside Fractal Boss) doesn't count for Weekly Legendary Kill. Just did a quick Tier 1 (Level 6) Cliffside run. Got my /bow Mastery point. But didn't get credit for the Weekly Wizard's Vault "Defeat 1 Legendary-Rank Enemy". Slight disappointment, as I only did it for the weekly, which wasn't credited. At least I got a mastery point out of it. (not worried about losing credit, doing another fractal for it, would be nice if fixed for future) [Edit: Just repeated the bug. Did lots of damage to the boss both times, and broke the final seal the second time. No credit on either occasion.]
  9. It used to cost me about 100 Candy Corn / Hour. Was all excited with the change lining up with the WvW Rush event. Hope they fix it soon.
  10. Not sure what AneraNet hopes to accomplish with this. If it's to prevent Generative AI Tools from training on their content, there's plenty of videos and live streams available for them to do so. GW2 Twitch drops are live right now btw. Whatever the goal is, I believe the section on Generative AI Tools is overly broad.
  11. Mystic Coin prices have increased steadily for the most part, since SOTO features were first revealed. As for the past few weeks, it may have been a little bumpier, but largely followed that same trend. I expect this can be explained in part due to login reward changes, including the introduction of the Wizard's Vault (don't forget the Legendary Starter Kits), and the soon to be introduced Open World Legendary Armor (and Legendary Relic). Focusing in on the past few weeks for a second. Recent 'Special Events' like the WvW Restructuring Beta, WvW Rush, and PvP Rush may spurred more interest in WvW/PvP Legendaries. As for this past day, I expect the recent drop has a lot to do with the latest announcement regarding Legendary Relics. Lots of people are suddenly crafting their first Legendary Rune, some of that's likely funded through the sale of Mystic Coins.
  12. I see what you're doing. Getting people to sell their Mystic Coins, so prices come back down. 😀
  13. While I believe this increased demand better explains the price change, this doesn't discount the idea of increasing supply to help balance things out.
  14. I believe it has less to do with supply than demand. (Hint: Mystic Coins are not the only commodity to have gone up in price). SOTO introduced Legendary Starter Kits, and will soon introduce Legendary Relics & PvE Armor. Topping things off, the Wizard's Vault provides players with more raw gold. Players are more incentivized to get Mystic Coins, and have more means at their disposal. In other words, there's more demand.
  15. What if players were provided with 12 daily tasks (four of each category) and only received Astral Acclaim for the first 3 or 4 tasks completed? Players wouldn't be able to earn any more Astral Acclaim than they currently do, if that's a concern. Once the daily cap's reached, the whole daily tab could be grayed out, including any uncompleted tasks. Same principle could also apply to weeklies.
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