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  1. It's hard to go back and read the stuff you post when you edit your posts like every 5 minutes. You edited the message you posted prior to this one like 3 times in 1 hour.
  2. Make a video of how the trail effect of your 8 Chak infusions looks like after you just reequipped them one by one and then how the trail effect looks like after you changed maps or equipment. Let's see if you experience any issues with the Chak trail effect. So you didn't read any of my comments, yet you refer to my comments when replying to other people. You honestly expect any sort of civilized conversation to come out of this?
  3. Let me get this straight. When this happens: the bubble effect of multiple Chak infusions sync up when logging off, swapping gear templates or switching maps. You can bring back the desynced bubble effect by reequipping each infusion one by one, but the bubbles sync up again once you do one of the afore mentioned things. The reactions are: this is definitely bugged and needs to be fixed ASAP! When this happens: the trail effect of multiple Chak infusions sync up when logging off, swapping gear templates or switching maps. You can bring back the desynced trail effect by reequipping each infusion one by one, but the trails sync up again once you do one of the afore mentioned things. The reactions are: this is fine, it's always been like that. Are we seriously having this conversation right now?
  4. Maybe next time refrain from posting kitten like this. and when it backfires But you came back strong. While your biggest counter "evidence" is this The only thing you did so far is a) post wild theories, one more laughable than the other one, and b) multiple times referred to me or my post while quoting other people's replies making it more of a personal issue than a debate over whether or not the trail effect is bugged. PS.: I took your advice and I submitted a ticket. Here's CS's reply (not sure I'm allowed to post screenshots of conversations with CS on the forums so I won't do that) "We have received similar reports from other players, and we are investigating." the reply continues with them asking to also report this issue using the in-game bug report tool so the QA Team can gather data.
  5. If I'm honest, I actually liked your first theory about having just 1 Chak infusion more 😄 Anyhow, if the experts say the effects of the Chak infusion have been restored with the latest patch, then who am I to speak against it. Well done Anet, proper work! Quality bug fixing as always. Whatever. /sarcasm. Good luck to you folks, enjoy your infusions.
  6. Huh? Do these screenshots look like 1 Chak infusion to you?
  7. At the moment the trail effect looks the same as before the fix, but still different than before the June 25th patch. Although back in June when I reported this bug I wasn't sure the trail effect was bugged, later it became obvious that with the June 25th patch both effects got bugged, meaning the bubbles of 2 or more infusions were no longer displayed alongside each other but on top of each other resulting in the same amount of bubbles being displayed regardless of how many infusions you had equipped, while the colors were off. The trail effect was affected in a similar way, meaning the lightning threads were no longer displayed alongside each other but on top of each other resulting in same amount of lightning threads being displayed regardless of how many infusions you had equipped, although a bit thicker and brighter, while the blue and pink background was looking more vivid and more like a flame instead of a trail. The trail effect still looks like this now, after the fix. The old effect can be seen only if you reequip the infusions, but it goes away once you swap equipment templates or maps. This is how it looks when you reequip the infusions (IMO it looked like this all the time before the June 25th patch) ->https://ibb.co/7nqh9SQ This is how it looked after June 25th patch after you swap templates/maps (after the fix it still looks like this) -> https://ibb.co/c3mW0WF
  8. The Chak Infusion isn't completely fixed. The bubbles are back but the trail effect is still bugged. You can clearly see the difference once you reequip the infusions.
  9. The trail effect from Chak Infusions is still bugged.
  10. Thankfully GW 2 offers plenty of ways to spend your time in the game. Some prefer PvE content like raids, fractals, etc., others prefer PvP stuff, some just spend their time trading stuff and get rich, while others just like to fool around with their friends. To each their own. So when a bug occurs, each and every player might be affected differently by it. So far so good. However, what annoys me (almost as much as bugs in general) is the lack of respect for people's preferences in games where you are free to do whatever the hell you want. You like to raid? Good. You like to clown around? Good. You like to PvP without ever touching PvE? Good. You like to clown around and have a strong opinion about those who don't clown around like you? Not good. Sure, you're entitled to an opinion on the matter, but projecting your own choices onto others is dumb and a tad insulting. I never raided in this game and only bothered with fractals just for a little while. Am I affected by raid related bugs? Nope. It's sad some raid or whatever content-that-I-never-touch related bugs haven't been fixed for so long, but it doesn't affect me, so I'm grateful for that. But what would be the point in going to some forum threads about content that I'm not even playing and pick on people that complain about those bugs not being fixed yet. Or maybe some are affected by it, meaning they do play that certain type of content, but they don't mind the bug that much. Once again, what's the point in picking on those who do mind the bug?? Now back to this thread. Some people like cosmetic stuff, some more than others. Some people have been fortunate enough to drop the infusions, others have farmed gold/other items and bought the cosmetic infusions, while others went straight to their wallet and bought gems>gold>infusions (which is totally fine). Once again, to each their own. But what's the point in picking on those who complain in this thread about the bug not being fixed yet? It's their time, it's their gold, it's their real money they spent on these items which are not longer working properly. THEIRS, not yours. So they are allowed to complain as much as they want. It's not relevant how many cosmetic infusions someone has, some have just one or two, others have hundreds of thousands of gold worth of infusions. Everyone affected by this bug has every single right to complain about it. Are you affected by this bug, but couldn't care less if it gets fixed or not? Good for you. But don't expect everyone else to feel the same about it. You dislike the fact that some people over stack infusions making them look like a bunch of circus clowns of just straight up show offs? Well, that's on you! Maybe I don't like how you customized your character either, so am I supposed to ask Anet to only allow people with same taste as me to customize their characters, while the rest must be forced to use some standard templates? No. Everyone is free to customize their character the way they want. I know opinions are like ... ahem... mouths! - everyone has one - and this virtual environment allows many who would otherwise be silent to voice their opinion, but at least try to respect others instead of picking on them because they don't understand how bug fixing works, or because they don't share the same opinion on which bugs should be fixed first or straight up don't play the game the same way that you do.
  11. When all you do in GW2 is sit on your butt while being envious of others, then yeah, I suppose everyone who has an expensive tradable item must have bought it with real money. Well, I found an online training that might help you get rid of those negative feelings -> How to stop being envious of people who have what I want but don't have. Enjoy!
  12. IMO the bug will eventually be fixed, but I highly doubt it will be fixed this year. Rubi's reaction can be interpreted as "everyone's very busy with JW so it's hard to get a hold of someone who could give an indication as to when they expect the bug to be fixed", but it can also be interpreted as "everyone's very busy with JW, this bug remains on our radar, but it's not a high priority at the moment". Or both. Either way, it's an answer meant to please the masses, not comfort those few players affected by the bug. The regular Joe wants new content and would have Anet's QA/QC team focus on releasing a bug-free new expansion and focus on bugs related to the new expansion rather than fixing some bugged items that are out of their grasp anyway. Moreover, some people are even happy the cosmetic infusions are bugged (no surprises there). Apparently it is not due to spite, jealousy and small mindedness, but because they're no longer affected by the visual defecation created by over stacking cosmetic infusions. Right. Despite Anet's announcement from a while ago apologizing for the (then) state of the game with continuous crashes and bugged content claiming it's due to the game being old and although they have each and every patch tested things can always go wrong once they press the release to live button, I wouldn't be surprised if they still don't have a dedicated team focusing only on fixing the existing 12 years of content. They mostly likely have the same personnel test and fix new and old content. Otherwise, why would you claim the slow fixes and slow responses are due to people working hard on the new expansion. Giving their current vision to release new content more often in smaller pieces instead of big chunks every few years, I wonder what's gonna happen with the existing (bugged) content, if testing and fixing new content keeps getting prioritized over fixing what we already have. Anyhow, learn to live with it and see you all in game.
  13. Imagine farming thousands of hours in the past 10 years to get the rarest and most expensive items in the game, countless evenings, weekends and days off just for a silly bug to take it all away. Oh wait, the large majority of the community is not affected by this, just us the "credit card kids", so yeah, it's not that much of a big deal. 100k worth of infusions went down the toilet. Thanks, Anet.
  14. Give it few more months and you might be able to buy one for about 1k gold on TP. Prices already dropped by 1-1,5k on trade discords in 1 week time. 😆
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