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  1. Will Anet ever fix people (in this case a mesmer) going through the floor and attacking people without any way to attack back in WvW or should I just call it quits on this game?
  2. Many of you seem to be missing the point entirely that the legendary starter kit will be the first indtroduction to legendaries for most new players in this game now. I probably wasn't the first nor will I be the last person to run into this through the starter kit. Your perspective as a player since launch or whatever is wholly irrelevant to the experience of a new player running into this and there is no important information whatsoever attached to the starter kits. By all means choose to kitten on people in your desperation to defend the game, instead of actually trying to make it a better one. I'm sure that'll work out wonders.
  3. So as a player who recently came back to the game I got the Legendary Starter Kit for Frostfang. Kinda excited I spent most of my gold getting everything I needed as stated in the wiki, only to get to the gift of exploration requirement in the end and instantly regretting my actions, with no way to undo them. You could say it was my mistake but there's no reason for somebody to imagine such an obnoxious requirement as full map completion to obtain a material, specially in a game that supposedly is great for letting you play how you like. I never intend to do full map completion on any char, so everything I crafted is worthless and I'm now poor. Legendaries taking time to craft is fine but if you're going to have annoying requirements like this at the very least have the decency to provide alternative options so we can pick whichever activity suits our preferences.
  4. I appreciate it but if I'm gonna pay that much for a skin I want to be able to have bare feet, doesn't seem like a big ask tbh.
  5. Hello all, I was just about to buy the new swimsuit pack but then it hit me that I can't hide my shoes for whatever reason in this game and didn't go through with it. Is there actually a way to do so or not? Edit: Just saw another post on the forum talking about some ridiculously priced item used to hide them. Guess I'm not spending money on this skin.
  6. Yeah, game is filled with hackers getting perma boons from no actual sources it's ridiculous. Dummies who just spam evade constantly with infinite endurance while jumping 10 people alone and evading every source of cc for 30 seconds straight while being unkillable and doing insane damage. Just yesterday a kitten spectre with perma stability soloed 16 players in our main keep entrance lmao.
  7. Dropped the game for a week, decided to do an unranked pvp match to give it a chance again, proceeded to get completely dominated by a catalyst team being unable to do anything at all. Can't even play unranked, Anet should be ashamed.
  8. Cata killed the game for me, I'm done.
  9. Same here, had been playing PvP like crazy but I'm done. It's ridiculous so it's obvious they don't actually care about fixing it at all.
  10. Hello, I got the game on release but didn't play much and just decided to come back. Would love to join if possible!
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