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UncouthTRex.4098's Achievements

  1. Not a PVPer or WvW duelist on Greatsword Warrior so I actually could give two wet farts about you being able to 1v1 me, something you'd be aware of if you paid attention to any one of the times I've replied to your keyboard-warrior tier "contributions" to the numerous threads on the subject. Look, I know you need those bursty one-offs to be effective as a player, but from practically everyone else who's bothered to reply when you run your mouth, actual greatsword players want that stuff to stay where it belongs. On other weapons.
  2. I was here the whole time, alternating between it and greatsword.
  3. Yeah like Hundred Blades, because it's really important to stand still in the middle of your mobility weapon rotation. Unless they fix Greatswords' other damaging option (because outside of its auto, 3 and 5 are just meant to get you places and 4 is more of a utility), hamstringing Arc Divider into a one-burst high risk high reward skill just makes the whole weapon back into the barely functional hunk of junk it is on Core Warrior. I suffered through that already man, DON'T KICK ME BACK DOWN THE STAIRS.
  4. I'm beginning to suspect that you're just not terribly familiar with greatsword warrior to begin. In other words: SKILL ISSUE
  5. You're one of the only people I'm seeing even complain about that.
  6. Yeah I main the dang weapon and I assure you I do more with it than kill pocket raptors and plink at zergs, your entire argument is based on a misunderstanding of the benefit of the current model and what its niche is. My primary game modes are PVE Open World and WvW, and power greatsword berserker is my primary character which I play daily. Multiple hits are harder to negate than one, and we already have plenty of one-hit uber-burst skills under Axe and Bladesworn. Let the weapon retain its identity, for crying out loud.
  7. You're sacrificing 2 game modes for one, and one of the game modes you're sacrificing is the primary mode of play for the overwhelming majority of the population. If they really need to switch it up that bad, make it that way in PVP only. Or simply make it nastier and keep the base mechanic. Add AOE weakness/cripple/extra vulnerability to lean into the class fantasy of cleaving through blocks, parries, and limbs. I would not want to be caught in that with my team while trying to cap a point.
  8. -vibrates in sync with the Greatsaw- Instead of leaning away from the class fantasy to make it PVP functional, lean in harder. Each pulse could add heavy vulnerability, or cripple enemies so they can't get away easily and put distance between you, or add weakness to make it less risky to stay in their face, or even strip boons. Imagine that going off with multiple enemies trying to cap a point.
  9. Heck if they want to make it more functional for PVP and are worried about benefit vs casting time, add extra vulnerability to the pulses, or even boonstrip or cripple or weakness, or any combination of the above. Heck, a cripple/weakness slap mirrors getting your guard/limbs cleaved through with a greatsword IRL, which is what a greatsword is actually used for.
  10. Honestly I don't care if they change it for PVP only, from the changes it'd probably be more helpful to do it there. But don't freaking sacrifice the entire weapon's niche in PVE/WvW for 1 of three game modes, for crying out loud! Making it somewhat more functional in a mode that they've historically ignored in regards to any kind of interesting update (or so the PVPers tell me, I barely touch it and when I do it's my Specter and Spellbreaker who get used) and nuking it from orbit in ALL OTHER MODES is just game design madness. Even then, Bladesworn and Axe already to the "one hit power strike you attempt to spam" in those modes, so it STILL robs Greatsword of its identity even in PVP. Heck, if they're concerned about the power of it, they could add boonstrip, weakness, or EXTRA vulnerability or, even more fulfilling for the class fantasy, CRIPPLE to the pulses, symbolizing that you're carving into the enemy so hard you're damaging limbs, shattering defenses, breaking weapons etc. Because actual greatswords will take limbs, shatter spears, and make people back the heck up when you swing it in their general direction.
  11. I've never actually used the forums before aside from google search links for help with bugs etc, this announced change was so concerning I decided to post for the first time ever and assumed the majority of threads on this would be in Professions.
  12. I am indeed aware that there's another thread discussing the proposed Arc Divider changes, however most of their discussion centers around whether the DPS is better or worse and if the mechanics are more functional or not. I'm hitting this from a different angle, much like I do constantly on my Power Berserker Greatsword/Rifle main that I've played for about year as that, and prior as core greatsword/rifle warrior, in largely open-world PVE and WvW. This is all about the feel of the delicious, sweet, murder whirlwind I've come to love more than any other move in the game. In the words of the infamous Critical Role Barbarian: "I would like to rage." More than that, I LOVE TO RAGE. I also like going very fast. Which is why in addition to the greatsword movement kit I also have To the Limit, Bull Rush, Signet of Might, Stomp, and Rampage, in addition to the traitline that makes me faster when I hold melee weapons. That's right, I like raging so much, my Asura with a chainsaw rages twice, consecutively sometimes. Aside from when Hundred Blades FORCES me to stay still, I am on the move. And when things get too dicey, I dance away and shotgun people with the rifle, both when I'm berserking or otherwise. It's not optimal, but I love it. It's high octane. I'm happiest when surrounded by the enemy, running directly through crowds as I yell so hard, the earth shakes, then I cut loose with an Arc Divider that hits multiple consecutive times, each time shaking the air around me. I even have flame sigils so my weapons explode more as the gunpowder and chainsaw roar (Greatsaw is best greatsword don't even try and disagree). The proposed changes suck the magic out of it. One quick pulse? Yeah, I know it's an AOE, but there's a reason I don't really like Decapitate and don't run Axe builds on my main: the whirlwind feels less like an engine of destruction and more like a "oh my numbers go up as I spin", and the F1 for 'zerking is just a quick chop that barely registers. I only use it when I dip into raids and strikes so I've got something more optimized for my teammates, out of respect for their time. There's no OOMPH to it, nothing that makes you feel like a god of carnage that's feeding on the adrenaline and fear of a horde of foes. I played without the magic of Arc Divider long enough to know I can do it again, but I always felt something was missing with Core greatsword, it never had a good feel despite the class fantasy, and Arc Divider filled that hole so nicely. It lets me be so mobile and creative with my positioning in ways that a single pulse would just feel weak doing, or like a cheap imitation of the bursting Bladesworn was intended to be. If you need to change it in PVP or something to make it more competitive, fine, but do it in a way that doesn't complete gut Greatsword Zerker's class fantasy and make it feel like everything else bursty that warrior already has. Bladesworn and Axe already have coup de grace style moves, let us Power Greatsword people have our explosive whirlwind of pulsating doom.
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