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  1. As a thief main I'm used to getting the short end of the staff, but nothing is cool or fun about main hand axe. Especially the skill 3 is WAYYY to slow and you need to be blind and deaf to not dodge it in pvp or wvw. Instead of giving us more off-hand weapons to have MORE options, you decided to give us ONLY 2 options (dagger and pistol) which don't have ANY synergies. Dagger skill 4 and 5 and meant for power builds and axe is most definitely a condi way to play it (very original yes) and pistol's smoke combo field has no combos except for useless 1/100000 chance projectile. It feels like thief is still in GW1 and other classes are in GW3. Other classes get insane dodge/block skills or overpowered boons and we get the same 3 condis: bleed, poison and torment. I want to be an assassin a a THIEF not as an Elementalist or Ranger!
  2. Thief is the class the benefited the least from weapon master. It just has too much 2handed weapons... give him some one handed weapons to work with and mix with other weapons
  3. @Eddie.9143 it's specifically about dagger dagger thief... I know there are other viable options for Thief, but dagger dagger is underpowered and outdated compared to basically everything, but I guess you're a meta slave and don't know that.
  4. I was always a fan of assassins wielding 2 daggers, but in gw2 playing double daggers on Thief is more punishing than anything. Skills 2 and 5 are great, but skills 3 and 4 are a big waste of space and feel very outdated. It would really help if you added Quickness to it's kit, for quick burst and a survival skill. Not to mention, the only usable elite skill is Dagger Storm.. Thief's utility skills are great, but it's sad that you need to use those slots for condi cleanse, stun break and shadowstep and the cool skills like Assassin's Signet are never used. I have all expansions, but still love the core thief and I wish the true double dagger assassin will be viable someday
  5. Why are there ranks if you get no rewards at the end of the season for the rank you achieved? (silver, gold, plat...) No wonder people don't like to play pvp and thus the matchmaking system is garbo. What about some pvp exclusive rewards? And what about making Gift of Battle available in the PvP also, instead of forcing people to play 1 game mode for it. I think it's about time to give Pvp some love!
  6. I enjoy playing Pvp, but the matchmaking is beyond terrible. I don't even remember the last evenly matched game I played. It's either win hard or lose hard, which is pathetic. Are there really only 20 people playing Pvp or what is the problem? Also you can't carry games alone like in League of Legends and if have 4 goblins as your teammates, you wish you never started the match. I know you don't care about pvp, since it's the same as 10 years ago, but at least give us a surrender button after 200 points to shorten our suffering. Also have you ever thought about making a Pvp map that DOESN'T require capturing zones? Just team battles where the team with most kills wins. Capturing zones is boring and stressful and without them people would learn how to play in a team and learn to focus the right targets. Kind regards of a frustrated Pvp player
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