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Tum.5894's Achievements

  1. There is no point complaining on these forums as nothing will get done about it. You should ALL, just not play WvW this week, Let everything turn Green, And let them all have nothing to capture or kill. Let them get bored of this poor link system. FOW is certainly NOT the best, They are just far greater numbers of players at all times. They should NEVER get a link.
  2. Just boycott World v World this week until the match against Fissure Of Woe is over. Let everything burn, They will have no fun when there is nothing for them to cap. This way, just maybe the devs will start fixing this problem. Why would Fissure Of Woe even get a link, when they have been number 1 for ages, and tier 1. And then poor Desolation, was in tier 5, gets no link, and thrust back in to tier 1 against Fissure oF Woe. Do the devs play on Fissure Of Woe ? And this is why they always give them more numbers ?
  3. The LINKING SYSTEM is total crap. Anet links servers they play on with good servers so they have advantage, At least that is what it seems. Just STOP linking any servers and let them play, server for server, This linking system just puts people of playing your game. No good playing when always outnumbered. How is Desolation a HIGH pop server ? DO YOU COUNT accounts that do not play anymore ?
  4. Why is the server linking so broken Anet ? I mean, look at the EU servers, Fissure of Woe (number 1), linked with Kodash (number 5). Desolation (number 4), linked with Arborstone ( bottm of the table) WHY are you linking Fissure of Woe (TOP) with a high ranking server ? Why not link Fisasure of Woe with Arborstone ?? How does the OBVIOUSLY BIAS system of server linking work ? No wonder Anet have to do a WvW event to get players playing WvW when they have such a broken system LOL
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