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Everything posted by saelweng.6420

  1. Pretty much what I am seeing is you want gild so your trying to tell ANet to make accended sellable on the TP and have people hike the mat prices up more then they already are AND for people to charge an arm and a leg just like they do for lwgwndaries because you think they are hars ro craft? Wow I agree with everyone else accended are the easiest to craft. Far easier then a legendary if you want to craft them. Tell ANet to make them sellable is honestly stupid and greedy.
  2. Ahh I had just started Chapter 13 but all I could see of Chapt 14, 15 and 17 was a blank spot not even titles or a lock. It reminds me of "If you did not log in during the time of the story relise you do not have access to it." Its why I asked as I know past chapters you could buy but not see that here at all for EoD
  3. I just came back from a long break and relised I am missing Chapter 14, 15 and 17. Is there any way to get those now or am I kind of SoL in doing them? I know my Husband is the same way and we are trying to get caught up before the new expansion.
  4. Nice but now can you give other players the ability to shut off the annoying effects that we see from those and everyone using just about every infusion they can find? lol I find too many people in one place with so many infusions turned on one person and times that but 10 or more in one spots my FPS drops and I have a system MORE then capable of handling it but yeah I disliked dropped FPS because of too many effects we can't shut off.
  5. Most are rollbacks I have noticed. Soon as I one to a diffrent zone I disconnect and go right back to the zone I just left. Not seen any answeres as to why or if they have even are working on a fix for it.
  6. Same for my husband and I. Soon as we move zones we crash back to the last zone we were in. This has been going on for about 2 hours now. The game has become unplayable at this point.
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