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  1. This popup is driving me insane. I only have access to the first three mastery tracks. I've already completed the first track (Pact Commander or whatever) and recently got another mastery point. I have zero interest in the other two track though. I have never done and will never do a fractal dungeon, and I have never and will never craft anything. Am I just stuck with this annoying popup? I literally could not care less about the lost experience.
  2. I get why this feature exists - it's in Anet's fiscal interest to build habit and addiction in their player base, but I should not have to interact with it in any way if I have no interest in doing so, and it is absolutely wild that Anet (or any company) thinks it's okay to pester me with reminders that it's there. I will play the game whenever I feel like it and the game should respect that choice, and not try to guilt trip me into playing it in any other fashion.
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