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buffstuff.5809's Achievements

  1. I went ahead and completed Burden of Choice (b/c why not) and I checked for the seer artifact on the table after completing each remaining step. (8,9, and 10) The artifact never appeared. I also talked to Sidony the Shadowkeeper (again couldn't hurt) as the last step was revealed in the achievement panel in the hero menu. I think that is normal but thought why not. I then went back to Isgarren's Quarters just to look, and nothing on the table by Niko except a vase with flowers, and an open book.
  2. I am also unable to see the seers artifact in Isgarren's quarters POI. Looking on the round table behind the elder dragon researcher in the right back corner. No interaction dialogue comes up in that area, either. I have completed burden of choice through part 7 right now.
  3. Do you play on NA or EU? NA What team were you on during January 12-26? Seven Pines What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Phoenix Dawn If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? During the day I pug. Evenings is guild Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? More I think. Specifically in that I felt like more people were on at different hours. Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? No Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? All except VERY early AM (Chicago time) Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? I enjoyed both. had less playtime week two. I think one MAY have been a bit more balanced to me What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? I love being with a variety of people in a combination i didnt usually get. A lot of servers we know a good deal of people from, but with was a new mix. Exciting. What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? I really liked it. I think fine tuning things is likely a big part of the work left. That can take a long time though. I would love to see this soon as a kind of 'early access' concept. We all know it may be a little odd at times, but rolling improvements to keep making it better ALSO: Please dont do a rush next beta. Having people who are farming for GoB is fine but it doesnt throw off the ability to see what a normal match up of regular wvw players is like. IT feels like you are introducing a variable that you cant control for during the test phases. Really needs testing with the population who will be in wvw every week when this is live.There is a different dynamic when wvw regulars are hunting bags (rush only people) and not really doing WvW. ALSO ALSO: Would love some love for SPvP Thanks for all your work ANET! Its really exciting to see WvW getting love. Hope its a trend that continues. 🙂
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