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  1. I have also played many mmorpg and it is different because there are tanks, healers, differentiated dps and there is always imbalance but it is not as exaggerated as in this game. In my opinion, the worst balance I've seen is in this game, and I'm already tired of it.... Here it's all mixed, tank, healer, dps all in one and they're messing up even more by adding more weapons to all classes. Classes with meaningless and superior weapons, and the weapons that should be, let's say, their main weapons are useless. I think it's out of an attempt to keep player interest in the game that they're including kitten weapons to all classes, and they're digging themselves into an increasingly dark hole. Balancing all the crap they are doing is becoming more and more impossible. Besides that those who think about balancing are either mentally kitten or 5 year olds, because they don't make any sense at all.
  2. You have skated with your comment. I confirm you and in capital letters, YES, RANGER WITH BOW IS UNBALANCED WITH RESPECT TO OTHER CLASSES. He has shared a video fighting noobs/bots. Grab a bow and start fighting against people who do know how to handle their character. Kazze.845 don't have to convince anyone because anyone who plays ranger with a bow knows that it is very bad compared to other classes. I'm always in dueling areas, anytime and whoever wants to come and prove things. It seems to me that some of you have your heads in the clouds, to put it mildly. Just because you can kill someone because you have a lot of skill, doesn't mean that the bow ranger is balanced, it means that if you meet someone who handles his character with the same skill as you handle the ranger, you are almost certainly dead, because at that moment is when you realize the shortcomings of the bow ranger and what other classes have. This is what is called imbalance, take a longbow/shortbow and fight against real people, no bots or noobs. It seems that someone is in a parallel world or I don't understand it, I can show you a thousand videos of guardians or another class holding 10 characters hitting them, balance is if the ranger can do the same, to give an example for fools. Just to be clear, because I think some of you are getting confused, I am writing this again.... That you can kill someone because you have a lot of skill, does not mean that the ranger with bow is balanced, it means that if you meet someone who manages his character with the same skill as you manage the ranger, you are almost certainly dead, because at that moment is when you realize the shortcomings of the ranger with bow.
  3. is it ok for you to make a call on discord and share screen to see live as you do on wvw?
  4. An absurd comment. Ranger is not your main if you say these absurd comments. Yes it is true that you have to know how to handle the ranger, but to say that it is a higher level with a bow and that the player is the bad guy? I don't consider myself bad with the ranger but there are classes that are hitting a wall. There are classes that have a thousand buffs of resistance, blocking, stability and when they attack the ranger melee, as whoever attacks you has experience with his character, you are dead almost 90% of the time. The ranger when confronted lacks almost everything that the rest of the classes have. I repeat that if you say that it is the player's fault, you don't have a ranger as main. To the one who says that the ranger is at a higher level, I invite him to record a video of a session followed by at least 1 or 2 hours of wvw and show that he survives 1 v 1 fights and against people who know how to handle his character, not newbies.
  5. the main weapon of the ranger since gw1 is the bow, yes, he can use other weapons, but the ranger has been characterized by ranged attack with bow. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ranger
  6. it needs to have debilitation? and the guardian? the thief? the mesmer? if it is class balance and besides giving it some survival, as Remus says, it needs any stability or multiple sources in a short reuse time that are not linked to other actions.
  7. That's what I mean, as you say with the thief, he makes up for it with all the mobility he has and the permanent stealth. These are just things we need to survive and we don't have anything. One thing is clear, if you see a guardian, a thief, a returnee and 10 hitting and they don't kill him and they do the same to you as a ranger with a bow, 10 hitting you you are dead in the second. Balance is if all classes can do the same thing, you answer this yourself.
  8. But 1 vs 1 in wvw and you survive? or are you talking while hiding in a group? i'm condition-druid and there's not much balance, expeditionary armor and rest apothecary to have more or less decent heals, condition damage between 1400/1580, no stability. There are fights that you get stuck, you hold healing but the damage you do is not high and the fight stays stuck until the end if you fail a cure, you end up dying or hopefully you can run away, if you do not get knocked down or attract you .... If you change the condition-druid to vibora, you do more damage but you don't have much life, nor defense, nor decent heals. Not much else... There are only nerfs when, in my opinion, it needs fixing, revision of skills and traits that really help. And in wvw I don't consider myself bad, but you have to be objective with the real ranger situation.
  9. I don't understand how arena net doesn't realize this, that rangers with long or short bows have little efficiency and survival, especially the latter...while there are classes with a thousand ways to endure, dodge and kill and they don't nerf... Less maces, less hammers and giving the ranger the fix he needs with bows and survival in combat
  10. If you go into stealth, hunt seal and when there is a siege and you all go together you use skill 5. But the ranger in general is not efficient, if you can kill some but if they know how to handle their characters, roaming for a ranger is giving away deaths. I would need to see a video of a wvw game from start to finish, without cuts, to see the efficiency of the ranger, roaming and compare with the rest of the classes. But for 90% of the rangers I see, they are free kills for the rest of the classes.
  11. Although stealth is not on par with the thief, I think that the ranger in general needs some adjustments, improvements to escape and/or endure better. Does the ranger lower others to 0 before? But what about the one who attacks with clones? Yesterday I came across one and in a single attack he took 24,000 of my life. It's just that I see the rangers as too unbalanced with respect to the rest of the classes. The ranger is far behind the rest. I apologize again for my English, it is very bad and I used a translator in some parts...
  12. Please, could you explain better what you are saying? I don't understand
  13. I've been in the game for 6 months, I like archers and for that reason I became a ranger, the problem I see is that in this game the rangers with bows are terrible. I see characters who, for example, have permanent stealth and don't nerf them, and in wvw I have sometimes seen 5 or 6 behind a thief with permanent invisibility and they don't lower it. I don't know what the solution would be with the ranger but it needs an urgent fix. I don't know if, for example, more ability to enter stealth and more damage with bows, I don't know the solution but it does need an urgent fix. Sorry for my English, I hope you understand what I'm saying.
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