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Posts posted by Jevati.4328

  1. @"Inugumi.7609" said:Hello! I am a returning player that has been pretty inactive over the last few years. I came back when mounts first released and did raids/fractals quite frequently back then. Took another decent break and now am returning and starting fresh with a new character. Once I get them up to 80 and do all the casual PvE stuff, I am hoping to start getting back into raids, fractals, and WvW/PvP. I'm probably super rusty with all of those now so I'd need some help relearning them.

    I'm looking for a small guild. I prefer a guild that doesn't require voice all the time. LGBTQ+ is a nice plus but not required. Primarily just wanting a friendly and active guild that does a bit of everything and doesn't really mind a more casual player. I'm getting back into playing the game daily but I can't promise that'd always be the case and may be on and off for a few days here and there.

    Hiya, Inugumi! Since you're looking for small, might I interest you in Café Solidarity [CAFÉ]? We're a very small guild for people at the margins, meaning people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people, etc. You can check out our full recruitment post here, and you can pop into our Discord to see our rules and the intros from our members (to see if we're the kind of people you'd like to spend your time with). If you're interested, you can post an intro yourself and then I'll send you an invite. If you've got questions, please feel free to reach out to me. =D

  2. @"kellin.7594" said:Casual player (1-2 hrs mainly evenings, occasionally on during the day, more on weekends), long time MMORPG gamer. Been playing mostly solo for 7 years after my guild faded away, world explorer and story line follower looking for friendly folks with whom to expand my horizons beyond single play or PuGs. Happy to do WvW, really terrible at PvP even after years of gaming. Enjoy events, dungeons, fractals, questing, etc. in groups small or large. Prefer a laid back adult guild with regular activities that understands things like dogs, jobs and life. More a typer than a talker, good listener, awful jumper. Thanks!

    Hiya! If you're happy in a pretty small guild (we started out recently and are building), and you're an ally to people at the margins (people of color, disabled people, LGBTQIA+ people, etc.) or are one yourself, then you might like Café Solidarity [CAFÉ]. Most of our members are on Tarnished Coast, and we do events and fun activities together. We mostly type, too. =D If you're interested, please check out our official recruitment post. It's got more details and a link to our Discord, where you can read our rules and post an intro if you'd like to join. =D (P.S. - We have a whole text channel on Discord just to talk about our beloved pets.)


  3. @"conqueered.1659" said:As the title states I am looking to join a LGBTQ based or at the very least LGBTQ friendly guild. I have been playing for about a month now casually (y'know full time job and such) and although I'm still fairly new, I believe its time to finally dive into the guild portion of Guild Wars.Currently my highest character is a level 30-something necromancer with more being raised as well, and for now I'm just enjoying the climb to cap. After that I might want to get into more such as WvW, PvX, or whatever else I find interesting when the time comes.So if there are any such guilds that fit the bill, please enlighten me.

    Thanks y'all!:)

    P.s- Why is the word -Q u e e r- censored???

    Hello, Conqueered! (I seriously love the play on words with your name.) If you're still looking for a guild home, we would like to have you in Café Solidarity. We're an NA PvX guild for people at the margins, and at the moment, all of our current members are LGBTQIA+. I personally identify as the lovely word you mentioned is censored (ugh), as does my spouse and most of our members. We love new people and would like to help you reach whatever goals you have in game. If you're interested, feel free to join our Discord, check out our rules, and post an Introduction. I'm going to send you an in-game mail, too, just in case. =D

  4. vZTfFB2.gif

    Café Solidarity [CAFÉ] is now recruiting!

    We are an 80% Rep, PvX guild on Tarnished Coast specifically designed for people from marginalized communities. This means Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color; disabled people; LGBTQIA+ people (intersex, aces, aros, and more definitely included); neurodivergent people; people of different faiths and non-faiths; and anyone who wants to be an ally to people from these communities.

    What We Offer

    • Guild Discord (primarily text, as most of our members do not use voice chat)
    • Raids And Strikes (RAS) Training Groups (read our RAS Expectations here)
    • Holiday Parties
    • Lost Precipice Guild Hall
    • Contests and Giveaways
    • Guild Missions
    • Weekly Tier 1 Fractals
    • Map Complete & Hero Point Trains
    • People who really care

    I can't stress that last part enough. This is a close-knit guild where you can really be yourself. We cheer each other on when there's good news like landing a new job or acing an exam, and we comfort each other when there's tough news, like getting laid off or losing a loved one. We strive to be inclusive of people from all different kinds of communities, and this manifests in how we approach guild activities. For example, we don't require voice chat (to be sensitive to Deaf/HoH people or people with auditory processing issues), and we make sure our Winter Holiday activities are more than just "Christmas by any other name" (which means we do cool things like our Eight Days of Giveaways, which coincides with Hanukkah).

    Who We're Seeking

    We're looking for people who are ready to be in solidarity with each other. This means caring about people from different communities and cultures and supporting each other. Our guild rules are pretty clear and can be found in our Discord.

    We're particularly welcoming of new people who would love some help and guidance in the game. We enjoy helping people with their in-game goals, whether it's story content, achievements, working your way up the PvP ladder, Fashion Wars, or more!

    How to Join

    If you think we sound like a good fit, please join our Discord, read our guild rules, and write an introduction. Then you will receive an invite in game. If you're not sure if we might be a good fit and you'd like to learn more, please PM me (Jevati.4328) here on the forums, whisper me in game, or send me an in-game mail message so we can talk more.

  5. My spouse and I both play GW2, and some dialogue pieces have become permanent fixtures in our household.

    • When I'm feeding the cats, sometimes I'll say, "Alright you lot! Let's pick up those scraps and kill their lord!" (A mis-quoting of the opening dialogue from the Stronghold PvP mode.)
    • When things don't go according to plan, I might say, "Wintersday went splat. Giant clanker lied to us." (Skritt dialogue from Tixx's Infinarium) or "Oh. Oh no. Why can't things ever run smoothly, just for a little while?" (Pipeline Inspector Zaina's dialogue I can hear from the TP/Bank area in Lily of the Elon).
    • When I'm interacting with something fun but unfamiliar, sometimes I'll say, "Stand back. Watch me push a button. Oooh, maybe I'll flip a lever." (Agent Spire's comment from the Crucible of Eternity dungeon.)
    • When I find random spare change around the house (like while folding laundry), I might say, "I'm rich, you know." (Not technically dialogue, but the title you can get from purchasing a patronage contract.)

    And sometimes, for no reason at all, I'll say, "Cores installed. Charging the laser." (From the Skyhammer PvP map.)

    Does anyone else ever quote bits and pieces of GW2 dialogue outside of the game?

  6. @Bobholiness.5912 said:Good evening all, just stumbled upon this thread!

    Long time Wow player that isn't going back this time. I started GW2 a few years back but got sucked back into Wow and never came back, best I managed was a level 41 engineer. Well here I am, ready to give it a proper go this time around so i've invested in the 2 expansions and I'm gonna get started tonight.

    I guess the gift I would like most is something that other players might think i'll find useful getting back into the game, in the short or long term or will keep me interested in the game for a while.


    I sent you some nifty skins and a prettyful dye. But really, the best way to stay anchored to a game is to find an incredible group of people to play with. Finding a guild home will help you build lasting friendships with people, and that will keep you excited about the game. =)

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