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Everything posted by Jevati.4328

  1. Hiya! We definitely do! Our guild is open to people of any level, and we love helping new players find their footing. 🙂 If you're interested, please join our Discord (link is in the OP) and post an intro!
  2. We've been focusing on Keep Construct lately, and we're making great progress!
  3. We are still looking for people to join our Raids and Strikes Team! If you're interested, please check out the original post, which has the details on how to join. 🙂
  4. I think these kinds of things (balance changes, "pay to win," etc.) can be something different people view differently based on their past experiences. My first MMORPG was Ragnarok Online, but on a private server. Talk about no recourse. I played on a few private servers, and they were almost all run by some college kid with a server in their basement, and they could put whatever game-breaking stuff they wanted in the cash shop and implement whatever nerfs they wanted in the game, and the whole server could just disappear overnight (and sometimes did). The people running the servers didn't have the legal right to run them, and they were free to play, so the cash shop items were the only way people were making money, so of course they put pay to win things in them. It was imba as all get-out. By comparison, nearly anything is better. I don't say that to mean that there's never anything wrong with other games, just that, historically, I'm used to chaos. =P By contrast, ANet's cash shop items are all aesthetic, not anything that breaks game play. And you can trade gold for gems. Balance changes at least appear to be made in good faith, even though they will always frustrate someone (RIP my old grenade kit engi and the beautiful range they used to have back at launch). I feel comfortable putting money into the game because I am enjoying (most of the time) the experience ANet is providing. And while the game is not mine, the memories and friendships I'm making are mine, and those are ultimately why I play. (Cue emotional violin music.) I will also add that I've been a GM before, and a forum moderator for an MMORPG, and it's one of the most thankless jobs. No matter what you do, several people are always unhappy. People rarely talk about things they enjoy. Even valid criticism is often expressed in the most vitriolic ways. You can create something where people like 95% of it, but oh my word, they will burn everything to the ground and personally attack over that 5%. So while I totally get being frustrated by certain things in the game, I think it can be helpful to remember that real people put their real heart and soul and creative energies into this. We should definitely be able to talk about what we don't like, but it might also be nice to talk about things we do like sometimes, too.
  5. Come join us! We are a kind, knowledgeable group of people who offer a great space to grow your raid skills!
  6. This weekend, our RAS group started out in Wing 3. =D
  7. We are looking for more people to join! If you're interested, please follow the instructions in the original post. 🙂
  8. Hiya! We don't keep a static, so we're always inviting more people who would like to join. The sign-up process is welcoming for people to rotate in and out if we have more than 10 people sign up in a week. Here's the full RAS Expectations if you'd like to read more! I also want to note that the RAS Team is part of the guild, and to join, people need to join the full CAFÉ guild, which is 80% representation. 🙂
  9. We are still looking for awesome people to join our Raids And Strikes (RAS) Team! We've been having some spirited discussions on our Discord about how the upcoming balance changes may affect raid comps -- come join in!
  10. We just held our Spring Party, and it was SUPER! Thank you to everyone who participated in the Get-To-Know-You game and the Scavenger Hunt, led by Meggie!! And a huge thank-you to everyone who entered our Spring Fashion Show to raise real-life money! All told, we raised $299.87 split between: Asian Americans Advancing Justice: https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/Hmong Cultural Center of Minnesota: https://www.hmongcc.org/Autistic Self-Advocacy Network: https://autisticadvocacy.org/Autistic Women & Non-Binary Network: https://awnnetwork.org/
  11. Hi, Ghis! If you're interested in joining, please join our Discord, read through our #rules, and post an introduction in our #introductions channel. Once you're a member, you can fill out the form to join RAS! =D
  12. Hiya! Here's our Discord: https://discord.gg/rWTKRbP We'd love to have you join, read through the rules, and post an intro! =D
  13. Well, if you're looking for a primary guild, CAFÉ welcomes new and returning players, and we do all kinds of other activities together (here's our calendar), so you could always join us to be your guild, and then join our Raids And Strikes group when you feel more comfortable. :)
  14. Our RAS group is currently working on Wing 1, and making great progress!
  15. When I'm unloading the groceries and I find the delicious snacks I bought: "Sweet, sweet loot!"
  16. Yet another one has joined the day-to-day lexicon! When the cats are misbehaving: "You're gonna get it. And I'm gonna give it to you!" (Brekkabek's threat when you start the Bounty with them.) ?
  17. A reminder that between our RAS Barista and the RAS Assistants, we have in-depth knowledge of all raid wings, strike missions, and meta builds and strategies.
  18. Hiya, LeonieAlexia! My guild is NA, but I have seen these other two LGBT-friendly EU guilds: Wanders' Haven [WAHA]Bastions of Hope [boH]Maybe one of those two would be a good fit! I hope you find a great guild home!
  19. Hello! My guild is NA, but I have seen these other two LGBT-friendly EU guilds: Wanders' Haven [WAHA]Bastions of Hope [boH]Maybe one of those two would be a good fit! I wish you and your partner all the best in your search for a guild!
  20. Very excited to welcome our newest members to the Raids And Strikes group!
  21. Café Solidarity [CAFÉ] Raids And Strikes (RAS) Group is recruiting!We are an 80% Rep, PvX guild on Tarnished Coast specifically designed for people from marginalized communities. This means Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color; disabled people; LGBTQIA+ people (intersex, aces, aros, and more definitely included); neurodivergent people; people of different faiths and non-faiths; and anyone who wants to be an ally to people from these communities. In addition to all of our PvX activities, we also have a Raids And Strikes (RAS) Training Group! Who are we?CAFÉ's Raids and Strikes (RAS) group is a training group focused on teaching 10-person PvE encounters to players of all experience levels. We run every Saturday from 1 - 3 PM US Eastern Time (EDT). Our mission is to foster a supportive yet focused environment for people to learn raids, improve at roles, and share knowledge collectively so that we can all develop our in-game knowledge. Who can join?All CAFÉ members with a level 80 character are welcome to join as long as they read and agree to the RAS Expectations (also linked in our RAS Discord channels). While there is a minimum gear requirement (full exotic gear and appropriate runes/sigils for your builds), we don't want gear to be a roadblock for prospective members and will work with you to round out any outstanding gearing needs Why join us?Inclusivity: One of CAFÉ's core principles is inclusivity, and that extends to RAS. As long as you are willing to follow our expectations, we will be happy to have you with us. Inclusivity and endgame PvE content are not mutually exclusive; our group actively works to foster an environment where everyone feels welcome, safe, and at ease. Constructive Development: With over a dozen active members including an official GW2 Raid Academy instructor, RAS collectively has in-depth knowledge of all raid wings, strike missions, and meta builds and strategies. Our community is happy to answer any questions you might have, and we encourage you to share your findings and experiences with the group so everyone can benefit from your knowledge. Low-Stress, High-Focus: As a group, our goal is to beat raid and strike encounters in a low-stress environment. Chat -- both text and voice -- is free of yelling, accusations, and unhelpful/unconstructive feedback. Instead, we focus on areas where we can collectively improve and bring individual concerns to light in a constructive and attitude-free way. Engaged Leadership: We are invested in the success of everyone - both collectively and individually. To that extent, we:○ Post summaries of each RAS training event, including DPS reports, successes, and areas for improvement○ Have members who are experts on all builds and roles and are available to offer suggestions○ Post squad compositions for each encounter ahead of time to allow members to prepare effectively○ Host additional events on Discord and in-game to develop in-game knowledge How to join?Join our Discord, read through our #rules, and post an introduction in our #introductions channel. Once you're a member, you can fill out the form to join RAS! If you have questions or would like to know more before joining, please message me on Discord or send me an in-game mail. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
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