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Everything posted by Frenzy.8730

  1. Bumping for Abaddon's Sake :3 Be sure to read the main post again, we've made some changes 🙂
  2. Hi Elithur, That sounds good, I'm not sure how many of our active members are doing Fractals daily, but you're welcome to join and see what you can find 🙂 For the most part, everyone is quite understanding so it should be fine :3 If you're interested in joining, please join us on Discord so we can get you in the guild 🙂 To anyone else joining, please note that we're a casual guild and that our Staff aren't available 24/7, So if you do join at really weird hours, either very late or during the day when most work, please be patient, we'll get to you as soon as possible 🙂 Kind Regards, xFrenzy47x
  3. Hi @Stulp.2039, We are still open, however, activity has taken quite a dip. The only events currently running is PvP Guild Missions and it doesn't run every week as there's not always people interested. Raids have died, since our Raid Leader started focusing on Raids in WoW. The normal PvE Missions were canceled a long time ago, as it also had very little interest. I logged back in here, to check if the thread had activity as well as to potentially bump and see if we can get some new people joining. So we can become a little more active :3 Ideally, has active as we were 😄 So if anyone else is reading this and would like to join/help a guild that is on the edge of dying. Join us on Discord! 🙂 Discord link: https://discord.gg/ajyenHz
  4. As someone who works in IT and has recently been exposed to AWS. I would love to know more about the environments and how they're setup. Obviously not actual details, but things like if any of the services run on a Kubernetes Cluster etc. 😁
  5. Hi @Wanderer.8053 , We do still have space for you :> Please join us on Discord if you're interested :)
  6. Hi @"Exxai.4762" , If you haven't yet, please join us on Discord, if you'd like to join the guild :)Here is the link to Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ajyenHz
  7. Bumping for Abaddon's Sake :) Tonight, we're going to Wing 2 for our Training Raids, for the last time. Next week we'll be rotating to a new wing.
  8. Bumping for Abaddon's Sake :) NOTE: If you join and you don't respond to messages from us within 24 hours, you'll be kicked. You are free to rejoin though. This is just to ensure that our landing zone stays clean. Else it just looks like we're inactive and not dealing with anyone...
  9. Bumping for Abaddon's Sake :) If you do join, keep in mind that we'll conduct a little interview before inviting you to the guild :)
  10. Hi @Asterenika.3786, Yes, there is :) Please just us on Discord if you'd like to join the Guild :)Here is the link to Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ajyenHz
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