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  1. blind is so powerful in this game and not talked about as much as it should be. blind and weakness in copious amounts make the game feel literally unplayable. working as hard s you can to get a spike just to get it insta kitten is a feels bad man moment.
  2. this is kind of where my head is at with this idea. I think its simply easier for ANET to expand the core kit mobility than add new stuff so since we have a few skills already for this portal sounds like a reasonable contender for buffs and changes.
  3. No Idea. I'm not a game designer. However I think its a little wasteful that we have a interesting class skill like portal and it doesn't see any personal use in most ordinary situations. Iterative design means that we don't have figure it out all at once. starting to move portal in this direction could lead to some good solutions to the problems.
  4. Im very pro the idea of of buffing portal. Giving mes an incentive to pre cast an escape tool similar to necro flesh wurm. If portal acted as a self stun break and allowed a retreat to safety it could give mesmer an interesting yet impractical alternative to blink that would come with a decent size trade off for the distance it travels. Mes has good potential to be balanced and strong because we have more built in trade offs than lots of other profs. I think you could make such changes and it would be very fair for everyone involved. edit: To be clear I dont mean the act of portaling should stun break because it has a duration I mean the act of dropping the exit portal should be a stun break. the portal should open instantly and the mesmer can then escape way. if you return to the exit and are stunned again you are stunned. portaling it self can only be a stun break if the duration is removed or greatly shortened and the cooldown would need to be much shorter like 35 seconds.
  5. also this. 90% of the games most annoying builds are some sort of bunker gw2 has always had a toxic relationship with high sustain builds. if Anet stopped stacking all the healing and toughness in the known universe into traits warrior would be fine. they are actually making the issue worse with the changes to S/M style so expect more nerfs to warriors kit that are unrelated to that.
  6. I main warrior mes and ele. trying to get mes nerfed because warrior sometimes gets singled out is not about game balance. You are salty and lying with numbers. Secondly your point and "numbers" automatically become invalidated by the existence of dodging and blocking. Spear doesn't burst in any way that's unique in mesmers kit. the same way you avoid getting deleted by greatsword you avoid letting spear free cast into you....... by timing your evades and avoiding a telegraphed nuke.....
  7. I tend to agree. people talk about Mesmer as though it gets a free lunch in terms of damage and sustain and mobility and stealth. I have one of each profession and since 2012 have mained all but theif and engi at one time. Most professions have traits that allow synergy stacking to blow massively out of proportion one aspect of a build. Mesmer can never have all that it wants at once. You can try but there really is no design for it in the class. When people suggest nerfs to mesmer they are always looking at one annoying thing it does well not realizing that without that thing Mesmer will loose its niche. As someone who also took a liking to necro in the past few years seeing a class be gutted for what it should do well is brutal.
  8. yeah doesn't make sense. kind of seems like its only being changed this way to give it synergy with dom traits like VE and furious interruption.
  9. A new offhand would be amazing. Mes off weps are genuinely terrible outside of pistol and shield. I would like to see offhand dagger as well. mostly because the aesthetics of it would be really cool and it feels weird to MH dagger and offhand sword. here is an idea I had about a new weapon skills Dagger 4 Phantasmal infiltrator: Summons a phantasm at the mesmers target. If the phantasm strikes the target grants the caster 2 seconds of stealth. 3 Dagger 5 coup de grace: Hurl a psychic dagger at the target that explodes in a small radius if used from stealth, increases radius and damage removes 2 boons. this idea is free Cal you don't have to pay me for it. take it. DO IT.
  10. wayfinder, fireworks, main other options: NOT META BUT STILL NICE unseen invasion pack relic (for buffs on jaunt) isgarren defender for shield evasion as well but not needed when using MG trait in dueling.
  11. So here is my feedback. Spear is a weapon on the cusp of true greatness. The potential kit it adds is both visually stunning and satisfying to use. here are my PVP and WVW focused concerns keep these they are good: skill 4 being usable without a target skill 5 being usable without a target skill 3 providing healing and an evade auto attack proving weakness Improvements to the Skills "Mind the Gap" is often hard to land. The range indicator of the inner and outer circle is not very clear. This skill needs a better visual cue for confirmed hits if it is going to continue functioning this way. The lack of clarity in "Mind the Gap" can make the weapon feel very boom/bust, but not in a good way. Needing to use one of the non-empowered skills without clarity feels awful. Once you do land "Mind the Gap," you aren't always in a position to capitalize before needing to swap off. This can lead to long periods of being unable to use your skills for their intended purpose. Consider also allowing this skill to benefit from clarity. Perhaps when empowered, it could do its full damage at the end radius at all ranges, or provide protection, stability, or blind a target. Phantasmal Lancer This skill needs increased range to be an effective opener. The phantasms often do not spawn or miss their target completely, neutering the skill's damage. The non-empowered version and empowered version aren't very satisfying or interesting. It would be nice for this skill to do more when empowered. Illusionary Inversion This skill is not the best survival tool. It starts up fairly slow and is not as snappy as its counterpart, Blurred Frenzy. Clarity being held hostage on "Mind the Gap" is stifling the usefulness of this skill specifically. Illusionary Inversion should most likely provide a "lesser" clarity effect when an attack is evaded or a target is struck. The heal and cleanse should be baseline, and your movement during the skill should be increased to allow a faster retreat. Alternatively, this skill could leap you backwards, putting you within perfect range of triggering "Mind the Gap." Consider adding swiftness to successful evades with this skill when empowered. Psycut Auto-Chain Consider allowing this skill to trigger clarity on the third swing of the chain ("lesser effect") or be affected by clarity itself. For example, the first hit of Psycut could provide daze or quickness when used while empowered, allowing faster execution of burst combos. Mental Collapse One of the best skills visually and incredibly satisfying to land when empowered. The issue is that "Mind the Gap" holds so much of this ability's true power that it can make this ability unreliable. I don't always feel like I land on my target properly when using the skill. You don't have I-frames when porting, causing interrupts to put the skill on full cooldown. This must be changed for the skill to be anything other than a suicide button against AOE. The animation could also be sped up a bit. I would like to see a portion of this skill's power be decoupled from clarity. If I have to use the skill without empowerment, it would be nice to benefit more from putting my squishy body in direct danger. This skill could use a daze effect when non-empowered, which turns into a full stun when empowered. Alternatively, it could provide boons or apply a condition like slow. Conclusion Overall, I like the weapon and the direction its design is headed. I just feel like the skills need more cohesion with themselves and with existing Mesmer traits and weapon skills. The weapon in its current state feels incredible when the stars align, but it feels absolutely awful when they don't. In its current form, the weapon lacks the urgency of its sister greatsword in providing the player with on-demand damage and counter-pressure. Having a defensive skill on 3 that takes a defense-through-offense approach is good, but it needs refining. Keep tweaking, and you will have made one of the most well-crafted tools given to players in this game in a long time.
  12. Yes this is SUPER useful. This has allowed me to plan ahead for MC burst combos. I actually wanna see this mechanic expanded a bit, in what way I can't articulate yet.
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