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Posts posted by videoboy.4162

  1. I don't have any add-ons and I've been lucky to make it a full ten minutes before getting fatal errors today. I just leave all my settings alone so that Anet can have the reports. I think it's next week that we get another Dx11 update, but I'm wondering if maybe they should roll out more often? 

  2. I haven't seen any comments here or on reddit about this, unless I missed them.      I figured more people would be excited about the news.


    We’ve also heard Tyria’s stylists buzzing with excitement about some fresh new trends. It won’t be long until you’re on your way to Cantha in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, so look for opportunities to put your best face forward this winter!


  3. 35 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

    I think the problem with this is how horribly long it takes to upgrade just *one* hall.  I mean if the guild has 500 members, no problem, but my original guild that at peak had maybe 40 members has not quite maxed out Lost Precipice (still WvW and Arena upgrades galore, since we never were into pvp so much anyway).  We claimed the hall almost immediately after it became available in 2014, too.  This is because most of the guild began to drift to other games and it ended up being me and 2-4 other people (depending on exact time period) donating to the hall.  The mine got severely delayed when three of us realized we could get baby tigers by making the pre for the new short bow and so no one was willing to give up their elder wood.


    Huge guilds could handle upgrading multiple halls but there are many smaller guilds that could not.  It's much easier to join multiple guilds, each one in a different hall, than to quadruple that staggering black hole of resources, though then you have to decide which guild gets your mats. Also consider all the new legendaries coming down the pike.  There may be grumbling about their implementation, but if they cost as much to make as current legendaries, that's a lot of bespoke mats not going to guild halls.


    On the technical side, I don't know if they even could keep multiple halls existing and stored per guild.  But I'm not going to assume anything about what ANet can and cannot do with their database, so I'll stick with worrying about the impact on players of "having" to grind out more than one hall.

    We're pretty small too, so I feel you.  For me, personally, it would be fun to upgrade, but I'd still be happy if ANET kept the upgrading connected, rather than each hall separately.  All I really want is the ability for my ONE guild to all be able to go to whichever hall they want.  😃

  4. 2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:


    That is the way in the game atm were you can have what you want.


    5 different guilds 4 guild halls then just level up 4 them and switch bettwen them to your hearts content.


    If you dont want to do that then stick to 1 hall mate.



    My request was in the spirit of adding something to Guilds that all the members could share in. You suggestion removes things from players. In order to access the other three halls with your solution, we'd all have to give up three guilds and the friends inside of it, to be in the same guild four times.  

    It's cool if you don't want the ability for one guild to access all halls, I just don't think your solution is the best one.

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  5. On 6/15/2021 at 4:58 AM, ParadoX.3124 said:

    We can't dye weapons, I think they don't have the ressources to allow us to change colors on all skills in the game


    I don't think this is true (or least not anymore) because they've shown they can change the color of spells in PvP/WvW to differentiate between enemy and ally spells.

  6. A quick note about Kralkatorrik changing color:  He is/was the Crystal Elder Dragon and it's very common for crystals to change color over time or due to certain types of light. He may have also been purple due to the magic he was absorbing. I mean, he also looked like regular rock when you visited him in GW1 while he was sleeping. 

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