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Everything posted by Ntastan.7509

  1. Currently finishing the EoD story. I skipped the whole expansion and I saw it was on sale these days so i thought f it, why not? Probably DEFINITELY the worst experience i 've had it a while in any MMO... Parts where you have to sit and listen to npcs dialogues in an instanced environment (so you can't do anything else), especially the part with the ladies' wedding where you just had to talk to npcs while w8 npcs to arrive, like... rly? And then that part with Gorrik's holo-journal (or w/e it was) where you had to sit in front of it, listen to entry #x .......... click again to listen next entry ........... click to listen next entry .......... and so on for like 10-11 entries. COME ON... I don't mind doing the main stories in MMO to either progress/unlock content or just to see the whole thing, but sitting and listening endlessly to character/lore "enriching" bs is a bit too much some times. And EoD was 100% one of those times.
  2. I see that some ppl keep doing what the 1st guy did, read to a certain point and stop there to comment ignoring the following text (or they are just unable to understand it). My point wasn't the "FiGhT oN pOiNt" but if that's what you got from the whole text on game 5 part of my post there isn't anything i can do to make you read and understand the whole picture. I'm just going to quote the following part of the "FiGhT oN pOiNt" thing you like to stop at (as if it is a game checkpoint) and not move forward. Will also use bold, italic and underline just in case that help some:
  3. Firstly, I doubt that considering the other guys kept going all together and were dying 24/7 while i was decapping/capping bases and won the 1v1s i i had to fight 3-4 times. Secondly, from the whole thing i wrote about game 5 you think that was my point? Why and how we lost the game and if i was or not the reason? I guess it's a solid tactic to isolate a block of text/speech and make or lead others to false conclusions (or the best you can/allowed by brain to do), corrupted media and politicians make a career out of it for years now... Seems like the ignore this community gets by the game devs is well deserved after all with 1+ year of same class balance and minor changes.
  4. So I came back after few months of absence to play a bit and see the state of spvp, the only mode I liked in this game. I played 5 games since last night, on top of longer ques than what i remember i faced the following: 1st game: a guy was half-afk, every time he respawned after death he was sitting in base for like half min then play a bit, die, afk for half min and repeat. The game was almost 4v5. 2nd game: decent one, had some fun eventho we lost, ppl rotated a bit, did map object etc. 3rd game: enemy had a fully afk guy so rest just ignored bases and pvp'd at mid. 4th game: we had 2 daredevils, enemy team 2 daredevils. we had 2 scourges, enemy 1. out of 10 players 7 were playing 2 classes (out of 9)... 5th game (probably the main reason i started this post besides the 2 afk games above): gates open, noone goes for close so i turn an go there. 1 goes for far and 3 for mid. a few secs later enemy caps mid. So with my little brain i state in chat that "hey guys, you know that you can step in the circle and fight there to not give them the base for free, right?" a guy answers "we were 3v4 nothing we could do" so i just point out that they didn't back out to help far or come close, they just stayed there to die 3v4, so might aswell get in the circle (which btw was the foefire mid circle, the biggest of spvp maps iirc) to prevent the cap! seems like the guy was offended even more and started saying that i seem to be a pro so i should carry them, that i am a keyboard warrior, toxic and i should chill etc Like... WTF we can't even state facts nowadays in order to not get called toxic tryharders??? Yea sure let me chill while i lose a game with a 60-500 score Seems like this game (along with others) suffer from 2021 snowflakes that get offended way too easy and start calling others toxic even for simple things. you can state that 2+2=4 and ppl will get offended and call you toxic or smt simply because they didn't want to hear it in THEIR chat (emphasis on their cause seems like they feel like they own it so you are allowed to type only what they permit). Those guys are the main source of toxicity and not the guys that curse, but that might be my opinion... Cya in February 2022 I guess
  5. Since MAT is over i want to congratulate every mastermind pvp player out there for predicting a "5 burn DH" meta incoming after last patch!!! .... Ohh wait! 0 in finals? wtf! (meanwhile winning team had 3 revs)
  6. "these days"? I was always like this in ranked in every game. And no most of the times it's not toxicity. Snowflakes that had their pride/ego offended (and the last few years it's not hard to offend someone) started calling it like that.When you stay to double or even triple cap (yes, i've seen it in plat) while i play a bunker and you are a thief that can go fast for a +1 somewhere, then prepare for some of the so-called "toxicity".When you keep wasting time trying to win a fight you outnumber enemy at far for like 3-4mins and you don't realize that your team gets outnumbered all this time cause you can't kill or rotate for help, then prepare for some of the so-called "toxicity".When you run vs 2-3 alone and die instantly all the time, then prepare for some of the so-called "toxicity". You don't like meta? Fine, unranked is always there, you can try w/e you want there. Let me guess "ppl that play there troll or enemies are not good enough to test the build"? Ppl play ranked to increase their rating and most of the times they play what they know, expecting others to do the same and by testing new or "hipster" builds you don't. It makes them feel like it's 4v5 and some times it is. Don't expect ppl to say "Oh you have a build that doesn't even do half of others' dmg, bring zero boons, dies almost as fast as zerker but it's fun cause you spin around? Ye that's totally fine. No prob. You can take away my 15 rating". When you play ranked you basically play with other ppl's rating. And btw what do you mean by meta? The 3 builds that are meta atm in metabattle? If yes then i doubt ppl get mad about that. I play a build that is labeled as "good", not even "great", and i get no hate about that.
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