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Posts posted by babak.3654

  1. I don’t know what else to tell you, OP. The original LS4 way of getting the skyscale already got much easier once you could complete the ‘Return to’ achievements to get the map currencies for the saddle. That’s how I got mine and it was doable even though I have less gaming time than I’d like. Then others have explained the process got even more streamlined as part of the SotO expansion, to the point that anyone who plays that expansion should be able to get it. 

    The rest is a ‘you’ problem. 

    • Like 5
  2. So far all anyone has to go on is a promotional trailer and a few short blog posts. As more information about the expansion features gets released you're bound to see more feedback, good and bad. I think I viewed this more positively than I thought I might because this is more inline with what I expected a smaller, annual expansion to be, rather than what we got in SotO. But can't really form an opinion without more information.

    • Like 5
  3. 11 minutes ago, Astewart.8415 said:

    Nah, don't tell me it isn't a grind

    Ok, I won't. But whether you did it the LS4 way, or the SotO way, if you took it just one step per day you'd probably have it done in a couple of weeks. As opposed to what you're doing right now, which is not getting it at all. The focus of the new expansion is Warclaw.

    • Like 7
  4. Pleasantly surprised with what has been shown so far. Wilds of Janthir (yes I am calling it that) looks very appealing visually, the fuzzy Warclaws are very cute and I'm curious on how the abilities will be reworked for PvE (you could already throw a lance in WvW to dismount your opponent, will that get reused here with spears?). Also seems quite balanced content between the new raid, housing, new legendary and PvP mode. A bit weird that every profession gets the same weapon, but it's a 'new' 2-hander and sounds like it will have unique abilities for each profession so I guess it's fine.

    Obviously need to see more between now and August, SotO didn't work out all that well for me, but the reveal here made a good initial impression and I am looking forward to seeing more.

    • Like 4
  5. Yep. Just had the final boss of the Seitung meta narrowly fail, with what seemed half the group fully dead on the floor for much of the fight. There has always been some of this behaviour but it seems to have gotten worse. I think thresholds for participation need to be tightened up, there shouldn't be an expectation to get rewards for just lying there.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    On one hand: woo, roleplay and fashion wars options.

    On the other hand: oh boy, bikini female meta armor incoming. Fashion aesthetics integrity at Asian MMO standards.

    Which side of the fence do you stand on!?

    That ship sailed so, so long ago.

    Edit: I might have misread your comment, but still, my personal opinion is - it's tacky. I can't wait to fight through some life or death event with characters dressed for their holidays. Coming next, Bucket and Spade BLTC weapon skins.

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  7. 14 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    There's also a number of issues they should have mentioned but didn't, like too much dependence on boring repeated grind (bar filling as primary "story" content, rifts, more and more repeat achievements, requiring tons of mats or event repeats for stuff, skyscale weapons...), or having the whole expansion revolve around legendary armor (and having that legendary armor revolve around an extremely narrow slice of content even if it's technically OW armor set). There's no mention whatsoever about the massive overall quality drop of content after changing into the new schedule either. Or about the overall impact of them apparently moving significant part of their studio resources off GW2.

    Yeah, this sums up my lingering concerns about future expansions, so it's unfortunate it wasn't addressed. I have a limited amount of gaming time, even less than I had when I started playing GW2 at launch. I've always had to be a bit selective about the grinds I go for. That's been largely fine in previous GW2 content, but that approach didn't work well in SotO because so much of the expansion is built around repetitive grind for stuff I didn't really want or need anyway.

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  8. I felt SotO started reasonably well, Skywatch Archipelago, Wizard's Tower were nice maps, lots of (rather obvious) asset re-use but a story reason was found for it and it sort of worked. Initial story was enjoyable, meeting the wizards and the first encounter with Cerus made a good impression. I enjoyed weaponmaster specialisation, being able to equip any weapon on any specialisation has been fun even if it hasn't been so good for balance. Some of the new weapons are ok. I also ended up liking the Wizard's Vault system much more than I thought I would. Those are the pluses. I already had Skyscale from LS4 so that aspect didn't matter to me.

    The negatives ... the whole thing took a nose-dive in the subsequent patches and this most recent (final) story installment was probably the worst thing I have played in some time. Eparch's palace in the story instance looked like someone designed it in Minecraft. Inner Nayos is incredibly boring to play in and I really disliked how the Kryptis were handled generally. Wizards vs nightmare demons is a fine concept but for it to work, your nightmare demons should be inexplicable, unrelenting monsters. Giving them badly written, human melodrama and motivations ruins the whole thing. The culmination of the story left me wondering why any of us bothered with the story at all.

    I must comment specifically on the SotO rewards. There are going to be a good chunk of people who do not care about PvE legendary armour, either they already have legendary from another mode, or like me they've just come to the conclusion they just don't need it. It really feels like there is no value in spending more time on these maps, as not only are they less fun than previous expansions, I also don't seem to be able to earn anything worthwhile by playing on them.

    I've taken some long breaks from the game, didn't purchase EoD or SoTo at launch due to them looking disappointing, but ultimately changed my mind due to (mostly) nostalgia ... there is a nice feeling coming back to a game and characters you've played for 10+ years even if the current content isn't the best. But honestly? SotO has me really pessimistic about the next 'expansion'. Either this new way of delivering content doesn't work (you can't fit development into one year so prepping the next expansion is causing you to rush the later patches to the current one) or you have a skeleton team working on GW2 (again!) and your main efforts are going elsewhere ... or perhaps both of those.

    People will (reasonably) say £22 isn't a lot to pay for content, and I tend to agree, but whether it's a lot of content or a small amount of content, doesn't really matter if we what get isn't even good.

    • Like 10
  9. I don't have legendary runes although I was hoping the people who do would see reasonable compensation, but that still seems up in the air. The expectation given to players that legendary items would always be Best in Slot, when legendary runes will lose functionality here, isn't adequately compensated by 'progress' toward a legendary relic in my opinion.

    But for those of us with exotic runes - some of which are still relatively expensive to obtain or change out, often specifically because of the 6th piece bonus -that the 6th piece bonus is moved to the relic but that we are only going to receive 3 choices of relic for our lost 6th piece bonuses is concerning. I hope one of them might be "increase strike damage by 5% while your health is above 90%" so that I can keep parity with my existing builds on many of my characters running power gear. I wonder how likely that is.

    But more generally, given the stated aim to be "spending our development resources on improving core systems and features of Guild Wars 2", considering all the areas of the game that are crying out for improvements or updates - how the hell did this rune rework come to the top of that list? 

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  10. I’m sufficiently underwhelmed that I am not planning to buy at present. As it is I regretted my EoD purchase, and nothing that has been shown since really excites or reassures me either. 

    So far the developers have not shown that they can competently balance the game as is, so I’m particularly sceptical of the changes to weapon restrictions, runes and relics.

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  11. I picked Cinder purely because I couldn't remember who they were and needed a reminder. Considering the characters that could have been used for this, the choices seemed bizarre.

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