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hunkamania.7561's Achievements

  1. Ya, the EBG map is the best one by far. For sure no1 wants to go to that horrible red BL
  2. scratch that.. they need to get rid of the extra tier ASAP.. it's just dead out there..
  3. They need to get rid of a tier for the next whatever it's called in a month
  4. Not enough action. Q's are part of the game. Would rather have that than no action and empty maps.
  5. One of the biggest issue is they nerf anything that does DPS all the time. It's gonna get to a point where you can't win outnumbered unless the enemy team is all skill clicking or a real bad comp.. It's already there i guess and it's been that way for awhile. No AOE cap would be nice for DPS skills and would change the game for the better but they are too care bear to do that
  6. Ya but they have skills with no AoE cap like breach and that mesmer shield skill so they might as well limit those skills if that's the case.... even that trail of anguish on the necro hits everybody or whatever it's called.. Could make a few skills hit everyone like wells for example and expand from there..
  7. You cannot win outnumbered fights(unless they are trash) right now which makes this game garbage for guild groups atm.. Need a way for small groups to be able to kill large groups and the only way of doing that seems to be increasing the AoE cap. I doubt Anet would do it but increasing damage skills to 10 and trying it would not hurt. increasing it as you go(15 20 30 etc) would be the way to go to see if it makes the game lag or not.
  8. I think it's good but 500 people in a alliance is way too much and we've been saying that for awhile. prob should just be a guild 80-100 tops
  9. The DX12 guy had them smooth. Something to work on in the future
  10. Camera turn producing low fps unlike DX12 where it was butter smooth
  11. lots of left clicking... the combat aint touching gw2 but it's perfect casual game for the social justice 2021 mmo players with amazon big dollar backing
  12. Atleast with that skill there's some counter play.. I can hear the sound and Dodge.. way better than all the crappy 1200 pulls
  13. Exactly... This is what ends up happening. Bigger groups end up using it making the out number fights even harder..
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