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Posts posted by AikijinX.6258

  1. Gotta be careful with the titles, because I think they’re removing threads with titles that have anything in regard to scepter spoilers. 

    They already removed that thread with the poll that people were voting on. About whether we were hype about Thief (possibly) getting scepter and such. 

    I would just change the title to “scepter speculation and discussion” or something

    • Confused 1
  2. I kinda don’t want this to be swept under the rug either. Because this topic needs to be looked at. Initiative cost rebalance needs to happen and be reassessed. If this new elite spec happens to have anything in regard to faster initiative generation tied in with the spec that alone won’t even be enough. We gotta make preparedness baseline, and cut some of these initiative costs down.

    • Like 6
  3. 10 minutes ago, MrForz.1953 said:

    Nope. It could be Deadeye's identity given how its main weapon forces it; but Thief's identity is Steal. Stealth is a side aspect, like evades and venoms, we may have more of it but we can build without this aspect. I know it's hard to step out of Shadow Arts but it's certainly doable.

    Also, it's funny how it's fine by concept that thieves step out of thief things to become warriors and so on but completely abhorrent that other classes to reach out to acquire some thief aspects.

    Thief as a whole umbrella’s (daredevil and deadeye). And I’ll just point out, while I’m not disagreeing that steal is apart of our identity. It’s a profession mechanic that we utilize, however we are masters of the shadows and agile beasts.





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  4. 7 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

    They said they wanted to really mix things up apparently with this expansion so what if they actually pulled the ultimate mixup and by some miracle intentionally fixed everything wrong with thief, something never attepted by anyone before: Then applied the Teef "OPness" to everyone so Thief doesn't soak up all the blame anymore. So if anyone made a nerf thief post it'd threaten every class including their own, causing them to be unable to thanks to their survival instincts not wanting to seppuku. Everyone will try to get good instead and there'd be world peace.

    It's a thief, it's identity is Stealing, by any method that lets it steal. Which happens to be a lot of things. 

    Just ironic how every other class is stealing from us lately😂

  5. 2 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    What are you talking about, Guardian and Necro have always been able to shadowstep. And no stealth was really given to any class that didn't already have it? For example, sure Scrapper got the Gyro, but Engis were area stealth-bombing for many years in WvW before that, its one of the main things they were known for.


    If anything the devs haven't broken out of the Core mechanics of these classes enough, Its boring copy-paste.

    Necro’s were able to sacrifice their flesh worm and “Teleport” not “shadowstep” Guardians are able to “teleport” not “shadowstep” well.. until EOD. But honestly the teleports/shadowsteps… Tomato/Tomado… semantics really. However the one distinct difference between teleport and shadowsteps are shadowsteps require valid pathing, where as teleports do not.


    and stealth has been handed out to multiple classes over the years. Stealth is a Thief’s identity, like clone is to Mesmer. So I could argue that even back in core days that other classes back then during launch stole a piece of thief’s core identity. Stealth isn’t apart of a mesmer’s core and true identity nor is it for engineer, although they’re capable of doing so, that’s not their identity. 

  6. Someone make an "Invincible" anime meme, where it says "look what they need just to mimic a fraction of our power"


    Literally throughout HoT, PoF, and now EoD they've given other classes access to stealth, shadowsteps, and various skills that Thief have or originally had, it's funny how we are the benchmark for other classes.

  7. Kinda surprised this thread didn’t get locked yet, because it’s just pretty much a bunch of people telling you to get better and how the situation you’re complaining about isn’t an isolated case of “boo-hoo, thief too strong pls nerf” it’s really just exposing and showcasing your ignorance to the class and game in general.


    btw every time a thief uses infiltrator arrow (short bow 5 teleport skill) he expends 8 initiative which is over half of our resource. Just to put that into perspective. So you need to be SMART with how, when, and WHERE you use it 

    • Like 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, Jilora.9524 said:

    I think this is all because you downed someone in wvw and they got rezzed and it's more of a remove downstate in disguise because you want to jump someone from stealth and run off before anyone can react and downstate makes that hard.


    Haha good theory, I enjoyed that 😄 But no. And this theory rests on the idea of me being the one that's up and not down. 


    However I do and am in support of the elimination of downstate, however I just think that if they are not going to remove it, then why not have food for when you're in  downstate, because I do think that downstate damage is kinda low and doesn't offer good ability to * stand a fighting chance *

    • Confused 2
  9. It's quick and easy. I suggest 3 food types instead of the 2 we have so far (Nourishment and Utility)


    I recommend 3 types of food. The first 2 stay the same as normal, but make the third type of food be "downed" combat food buff. 


    People aren't going to build and make their builds strong for downstate, it's just not practical, so having to choose between Power nourishment food and downstate food is obnoxious. 


    If we aren't eliminating down state and immediately going towards death, then I recommend this as a choice or 2nd option. I can't see the harm in this.


    What do you guys think?





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  10. You know if you were soulbeast your pet could shadowstep thru the wall and chase the thief, even you would be able too as well, just saying. But condi trapper runes. I'd get outta there like that too if I were fighting kitten.


    Just switch to your long bow next time, and do your cookie cutter rapid fire reveal debuff combo.


    And Thief a forgiving class? lol.. I will admit there are "forgiving instances" but the class as a whole. No.


    This is quite honestly a Lack of knowledge issue. (ignorance). Thieves have been able to port thru that type of terrain for years.

    • Like 4
  11. Very high effort post. Much appreciated in the forum. Welcome to the forum btw, seems like this is your very first post. Love the ideas.


    However the mechanic where our initiative drains is bad enough on Thieves haha. We barely  have enough initiative and initiative generation to survive right now as it is. 


    And there is no CD reduction trait?


    And that shadowy reflection utility skill makes me lul at pewpew longbow rangers. Would that be instant dmg reflection on hp, or would the arrows need to be reflected back to receive the reflection dmg?


    Btw. I almost cut my finger with the amount of edge in this post xD haha.

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  12. 1 hour ago, SlitheSlivier.1908 said:

    It's not supposed to be a thief. The gameplay is meant to be fast and more mobile, which is like a Thief, but the rest is not. It's not a good comparison. It's actually closer to sword weaver than Thief.  


    I wouldn't baseline it against a Thief since they work so differently... weaver or maybe gs ranger would be a better choice. The classes as a whole have different tools to balance around.   Also remember the classes are more rock-paper-scissors. Just because a Thief kills you doesn't mean your build is crap, it may just be the rock to your scissors. I think 3 days wasnt enough time to figure out the intricacies and determine just how they fit in all matchups tho.

    I think it was a good comparison (at the time) when listening and viewing the devs play test on their stream. But once the beta rolled out, the play style definitely compared more to weaver, in regard to virtue CDs. 

    The game play “was” supposed to be fast and mobile, yet was underwhelming to play due to the cast animations and animation locks, as well as Longish CDs and janky virtues. (It should be fixed and tweaked when the next beta rolls through), but their intention didn’t meet expectation. 

    and Drd slaps all these new elite specs regardless, doesn’t matter “how fast or mobile or how much dmg  (that they won’t reliably get off on you),” drd will always slap. Like I said before and will always say. SA Staff Drd currently counters all these new elite specs, especially virtuoso.


    All I pray for in this new spec for Thief is that we get all ORIGINAL ideas, and not stolen (lol ironic) ones from other classes, because that is BORING and uninventive and just in general lazy, if ANET decided to go that route. 


  13. 4 hours ago, Vidit.7108 said:

    If we're judging mobility by how much and by how far you can move, yes thief is better. However what the willbender has is better damage on all of it's utilities that allow for travel. Infiltrator's signet and Shadow step both do no damage and have a longer cooldown. They were also more generous with range on the Willlbender utilities for very similar and even better effects than the physical Daredevil skills. 

    Willbender gets a 2 second melee stun with 240 range on a 15 second cooldown. For an on demand stun like that Daredevil got to throw some daggers for a 1/4 daze up to three times but it gains a longer cooldown if we interrupt with it; and for the Daredevil in particular scorpion wire is way better for interrupts anyway. DD physical skills are clunky.

    It's not a problem that Willbender gets to do cool things. It's a problem that thieves have become underwhelming and Daredevil is victim to a lot of weird post HoT balance changes that haven't aged well and were never revisited. 

    Harbinger is just not in a great position right now with those elixirs so I'd hold off on comparisons until the next beta. It will probably see some big changes. They still got pistol ricochet on their auto attack when anet said we did too much damage with it.

    The point Saerni is trying to make is that WB still pales in comparison to Thief. You will not take these “Better damaging Utilities” to fight, let alone fight a thief, and expect that your better damage will carry you to that desired win or reliably hit that Thief in general. 

    I, along with many others had these pre-conceived mis-judgements and this premature fear of WB replacing Thief and doing their role much better. But when everything got put into practice and you saw how WB’s fought during the beta, all those pre- conceived fears were nullified. Because they don’t pose any type of threat in comparison to their superior counterparts (DH/ Core Guard). 

    There movement skills and CDs will definitely be touched up and tweaked because as it is, there are redundancy’s in skills as saerni mentioned in his analysis as well as high CDs and possibly even a range increase for their teleport(s) (possibly) 


    The Harbinger is a whole other beast. I really liked that Spec, Saerni pretty much said everything in his analysis I agree with, but honestly as of now every one of those specs can get smacked by Drd. Especially SA Staff DrD.


    ANET stole like 3 or 4 moves from Thief in general and gave them both to Harbinger and Willbender, instead of creating totally new mechanics, techniques and animations. I won’t let them off the hook for that. Yes this pandemic delayed them and a lot of people in general, but I feel as though it should’ve given them even more time to think about different ways to implement new stuff and ideas.

    Give. Ricochet. Back.

    • Like 1
  14. I thought with the last patch our combo fields prioritizes our own field first? Doesn't seem as though this is the case, unless I am misunderstanding something or doing something wrong.


    I'm a Thief using a D/P Black powder> Heartseeker combo inside my ally's mass zerg combo field and all I get is light field, etc. Everything BUT what I expect (which is stealth)

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  15. 9 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

    I already feel funneled into a few kits and build combos. As much as people claim thieves have all that going on, they're not working on any honor system when they light me up. I go back to sword/dagger + rifle or shortbow a lot because every other combo lacks at least one answer to something. Even then I don't think people understand that all that stuff they see us doing is a slot dedicated to keeping up with and trying to punch through their stuff at least once. S/D + Rifle is a little stacked, not going to lie and I'll probably fall back on that a lot in the expansion unless our new roll out is flexing also. 

    I want a 1 handed Greatsword, while being able to wield like sword or pistol offhand or something. Something like One Piece’s Anime character Zoro, holding all those katanas. So we still get that variety factor in weapons. 

    EDIT: I still believe SA Daredevil will still completely dumpster Willbender, as well as the harbinger and virtuoso. Daredevil will forever be one of the best specs in the game. I look forward to fighting these swagbenders with my SA Staff Thief.

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  16. On 8/6/2021 at 8:22 PM, AikijinX.6258 said:

    Honestly Now that I think about it more, I’d definitely support a more defensive spec that offers blocks on top of blocks on top of blocks, Perry’s, and Full Counters. I want to be the most annoying spec out there that doesn’t need to utilize stealth but instead denies your dmg while visible so it makes it that much more satisfying when you’re smashing your keyboard in the classic “nerf thief” frenzy post. Having another thing the community can have a public uproar over is always a foot in the right direction. 🙌🏾

    EVERYTHING I mentioned, they gave to Willbender, (for better context go to page 6 and scroll down) and since ALL our skills cost like 8 initiative this will be real nice trying to catch or tactically retreat from a Swagbender


    EDIT: People cried to Anet to delete Thief and they actually did. lol.

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