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  1. i have a 4790k & in fractals whether it's syswine, or wine with staging patches it's garbage. Meaning 25-30fps, but feels like 15. At least on my system both staging & proton patches are needed for a good performance. (I don't have a problem, I don't need help, I just wanted to share my experience with this venture)
  2. I tried playing GW2 with vanilla Wine 9.0, just for bonks and giggles. Unfortunately the performance is really really bad in fractals, it was good in meta events, it's like something's wrong with the GPU thread, because if I'm heavily cpu limited there is no negative effect. Back to soda 7 we go ^ This happens a lot on Windows as well, might not be L related at all.
  3. Need more info. What are you using to run GW2? (Steam, Bottles, Lutris etc) What is your GPU setup, is this a laptop with a dedicated nvidia gpu that sits unused most of the time? ---- Nm, you are talking about Lutris presets. Yes, please do not use the Lutris community installer to run GW2. Install the Bottles flatpak, make a default gaming bottle & run the GW2 exe from that bottle to test what's what. (or even just install Steam & run GW2.exe as a third party steam game, though this is worse than Bottles)
  4. Please read the last 2 pages in this thread. You'll find the answer as to how to fix it & what's causing it. Though if you are using Manjaro the downgrade process could be different. (though I think pacman is still pacman, so it should work.
  5. It would be interesting to try running GW2 with the new Wine Wayland beta, or whatever it's called.
  6. It's not related to Plasma or Kwin. It's easy to reproduce this crash on virtually any DE or WM config.
  7. In case someone is a bit of a Linux noobie, but is still using an Arch derivative, then this is what they have to do to TEMPORARILY fix this problem: (Be advised that this is the exact practice that often breaks Arch systems down the road, though it's an easy fix) run this: sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/p/pixman/pixman-0.42.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst And then edit your pacman.conf to disable updates for this package. (for example: sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf ) Add IgnorePkg = pixman to the [options] section!
  8. I just wish there was a way to bypass the launcher, I'm using scripts to switch between my two accounts anyway. I would imagine many of you are the same. (I already did this before I migrated to Linux) Look at this 'awful.menu' I made to manage GW2 :-). https://imgur.com/MxC0s7P
  9. Amazing job figuring this one out. Let's hope this bug is not niche enough for this problem to be ignored for months on end. Luckily I can still run the game, so don't have to downgrade, though I did test it. (I feel a bit dumb to immediately blame Anet, while did not even consider Arch farting in my face)
  10. I heard rumors about a small subset of GW2 devs using the Steamdeck & GW2 working on the Steamdeck should be at least somewhat important to them. But yeah GW2's launcher has always been notoriously heavy with all those insane transparency effects running on top of a web browser?, I have totally though this exact event could happen one day.
  11. Not it. I installed that after my daily fractals today, has no influence on this.
  12. Okay so it is indeed impossible on Wayland, I just tried on Hyprland. So basically use X11 WITH COMPOSITING OFF and do not click with the mouse on anything before pressing enter to log in & pressing it again to play. (make sure the window gets focus without clicking into it, such as using mouse follow focus/sloppy.focus) Did anyone try it with gamescope on Wayland?
  13. Same thing's happening to me, but pressing enter twice instead of using my mouse works, though the launcher is generating 100% cpu usage on one core, what a launcher! (unfortunately it's not arcdps)
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