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Everything posted by Roadkill.2374

  1. But why should we care how their business work. You are not their friend you are just a paying customer of their service they provide. I am more then happy to pay for the years of service they gave us but if I feel like the direction they are taking is becoming anticustomer I have the right to let me be heard. And I think you would be suprised how much money they make. In my case: Because I want the game to succeed. So I care about their business. This... it's not even close to be the worst thing they've done. I know this opinion is a minority, but when it comes to gambling issues (I have some) I find it far worse to lock very convenient items behind money gambling (keys and permanent bank, dyes etc) with never a guaranteed chance to get anything, getting stacks and stacks of crap you don't need (I have STACKS of bank express that I don't need, talk about wasting money...)I remember getting insane over the tickets for the fused weapons the first year. THE FIRST YEAR. You had a very low chance to get these tickets, it was really bad RNG then. That was really hurting my gambling addiction. Not this! Not a gambling that is "finished", that reduces the RNG the more you play until there's none left.This gambling is generous compared to BL keys, you can turn it into a end goal by just farming goal just fine, no stress about it, it won't go away and every time you'll get a new skin.So we have the same goal. I want the game to secceed too. That is why I am voicing my opinion and concerns here. I would not otherwise if I would not care. I just dont think this is the right way for them to be succesfull.
  2. Maybe to you, I have pretty much zero interest in cosmetics, end game is some form of PvP in any MMO I play, cosmetics are just optional fluff for which they can charge what they want to people who want to play dress up like my 10 year old niece. Well maybe to you also. But for the majority its all about the Fashion Wars. Why do you think are the cosmetics so popular and profitable in any game. Think about that.
  3. But why should we care how their business work. You are not their friend you are just a paying customer of their service they provide. I am more then happy to pay for the years of service they gave us but if I feel like the direction they are taking is becoming anticustomer I have the right to let me be heard. And I think you would be suprised how much money they make.
  4. I feel like this lootbox mount skin fiasco opened my eyes. If you look at the game everything you do in the game it slowly points you to the shop at the end. Every new map they add brings like dozen new items, keys and stuff that bloats your inventory space. Hey you can craft this ascended bag after like a year of grinding (with rng plasma gamble) for a regular player OR you can buy this new bag slot right now. Same with gathering tools. Legendary armor takes monts of grind maybe more to get and you cant even dye it properly but gem outfit you CAN. And look at PoF now. I finished it after like a week or two. I also have the griffon and all the mesteries. PoF has no endgame no good rewards to chase. We wanted new mount skins true and we got them.. but only behind the rng paywall ...now is the endgame of pof so much better right? Maybe it is just me but the store gets into my face more and more? I know its MMO its suppose to be grindy. But still endgame of any MMO is about the cosmetics and how to get them not just buy them for money. This imbalance of quality of ingame items vs inshop items is becoming too great. Sometimes I feel like the game is frutrating me on purpose so I end my missery in the gem store. It wasnt always like that. But its of course just my opinion.
  5. You got a point. But I just dont like the attitude that its just cosmetics it doesnt matter. I want to feel rewarded for playing the game with some good looking loot. I want to have option how to get gear with quality design. Look at the legendary armor and how hard it is to obtain. Compare it to any of the outfits and tell me it is worth the grind (I know matter of opinion). But what I dont like the most about the mount skins, other then the rng bs, is that is the first and only way to get different variants and it is behind a paywall.
  6. Except it would be nice to, oh I don't know, maybe acquire them some other way by like, uh......... hm................... maybe playing the game? Instead of just buying them? Exactly what I was saying few pages back. Let us earn them ingame! They gave us only one dye channel mounts so they can milk us on them later. They gave you a basic, one-dye channel, mount and offered upgraded (cosmetic upgrade only) versions for sale. How is that not ok? They can't force you (i.e. milk you) to buy them. It's not like they said you have to buy the skins or your mounts cease to function.So you play the game to look average? You can spent hours chasing achievements and better loot, running dungeons and tunning your skills. And than you return to LA and next to you would stand some newbie with lots of money in glorious flaming outfit and awesome greatsword you cant get anywhere in the game other than to just buy it with zero effort. Did you hear about Fashion Wars 2. Its a thing why do you think theres such an outrage now, people care about cosmetic stuff its an MMO.
  7. Except it would be nice to, oh I don't know, maybe acquire them some other way by like, uh......... hm................... maybe playing the game? Instead of just buying them? Exactly what I was saying few pages back. Let us earn them ingame! They gave us only one dye channel mounts so they can milk us on them later.
  8. Let me see...Nice skins you got there, it would be a shame if I would buy like a dozen new games for that price instead. Honestly I don't know if i'm angry or just dissapointed anymore...
  9. I don't agree with that cosmetic stuff doesn't matter and can be charged however they want. Is it not the point in MMO to have fun leveling/killing etc. AND look awesome while doing it? I am not saying that there cant be no payed cosmetics but now it starts to look more like just grab you wallet and pay because it is not enev worth it to farm for that dungeon armor wich looks mediocore at best anyway. That is also why microtransactions are so succesfull in the first place.
  10. Great point. You don't just go to the pet pound and they chuck a random animal your way! Imagine stables or a farm somewhere in the world you could visit to rent a ride for all the skins for mounts and then you could pick the one you want to buy. Nope here is your lootbox you paid for TADAA ...here is your recolor you didn't want... better luck next time. #ezmoney
  11. Now they are interested in our feedback. Of course they know how anti-customer it is and I bet that was the plan from the moment they came up with mounts they were so against before. I was naively hoping that they would add some mount skins you could obtain by PLAYING THE GAME. Crazy idea I know. I avoid games with this kind of rgn gambling bs and I don't understand why whould anyone defend it. It spreads like cancer and it makes me angry because I love GW2.
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