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Aaron Forestman.4758

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Posts posted by Aaron Forestman.4758

  1. @"Linda Rae.8971" said:I, unfortunately, am an idiot. I unlocked different weights for my characters for the Blossoming Mist Shard Bracers. It says I need to do the bridge activities to acquire but I have done them and they are checked off my achievements. Can I still work on this or is all over?

    You should have gotten a recipe for all glove weights when you finished the bridge achievement. They're quite simple to craft:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diviner%27s_Mist_Shard_Bracers

  2. Today's difficulties with it had to do with getting Afflicted as an instability. He's supposed to just pulse some light damage during the invulnerable phases, but Anet forgot to make that not trigger afflicted. Thus we get tons of unavoidable condis.

  3. Grab a torch offhand instead of your second dagger and you're golden for a condi build. OH dagger is unfortunately the least useful ranger weapon, probably the only one not used between all different top-tier builds.

  4. @Vicus.5841 said:how is the Soulbeast and Deadeye in PVP with similair setup? I want to dabble in pvp but only like ranged as well. But as far as raids go, raids are basically stack on the everyone and attack the boss? Sounds pretty boring. Is there a decent amount of strat to it at all or is it mostly zerg/dodge?

    Raids vary in difficulty, but they all have some sort of mechanics that prevent you from sitting in place and attacking the boss. The general idea is to stay as grouped up as possible to get maximum healing and boons.

    As for PvP, SB and DE can do fairly viable ranged builds, but you have two weapon sets for a reason. If you try to stay exclusively ranged, you're making yourself less powerful.

  5. @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:Technically GW2 does have a comparable title set. You get a title for every 5k achievement points you get; each one ends with "Achiever". So showing off the 30k or 35k AP title (Wondrous Achiever and Exalted Achiever) is at the moment the closest obtainable equivalent to God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals.

    Sadly, it doesn't have the same oomph as GWAMM does. Not even the 10k one (Acclaimed Achiever) feels comparable to Kind of a Big Deal or People Know Me.

    Part of the lackluster feeling to titles in GW2 kind of feels like there's just so many achievements compared to GW1, thus there's such a heavily bloated amount of titles that just leave a lot of people going "what's that from?" People loved titles in GW1, and loved title hunting, and I think that's why ArenaNet added so many from Season 1 onward (there weren't many at launch, most came from connecting accounts to GW1 or PvP), but it just got so bloated that no one recognizes or cares nearly as much.

    I feel like Wondrous Achiever is on par for the amount of work put into GWAMM, but since it's just another "Achiever" title hardly anyone knows what it is. I have the thing and even I forget which one is my highest one from time to time. Since titles are largely unrecognizable, I opted to wear full hellfire armor since you get that at the same time and most players have some idea of it. That's one nice thing with titles in this game, a lot of the high tier ones come with something else: Envoy's Herald has 3 sets of raid armor, PvP titles have their corresponding finisher, etc.

  6. WvW has always been more of a novelty than endgame content. It drew in a lot of people early on but the rewards and the challenge simply aren't there to keep the attention of long term players that are going to continue spending money on the game. That's what raids and fractals do, with living world episodes keeping people coming back when they care more about story and new content. Anet can't very well make new content for WvW when everyone throws a fit the moment something gets changed.

  7. Since you have the opening down, break your main rotation down into two sections: Shatter/clone generation and filler.

    Shatter/clone generation: Weapon swap, phantasm skill (pistol 4 or torch 5), two shatters during axe 2 - this takes some practice to get the timing with a 1/4 second delay between each shatter, then a deception skill (alternating Crystal Sands and Jaunt) for your third clone. That all takes place in about two seconds, so it's the majority of the difficulty in learning this build.Filler: Use up your dodges to get Imaginary Axe casts, including picking up the mirage mirror from Crystal Sands if you cast that a bit ago. Then you use your axe 3 and remaining pistol or torch skill before weapon swapping and starting the whole thing again.

    I found it easiest to get the shatter and clone generation down first while ignoring the filler. Make sure you're reliably getting two shatters in every time you go through it and you end up back at 3 clones by the time you cast Crystal Sands or Jaunt. Once you have the muscle memory down for that, you can start working on getting all your other filler skills in between those shatters.

    Follow the priority list SC has: F2/F1 first, then F1/F3, then F1/F4, repeat. If you're using this on a boss with periods of quick skill activation where you want to immediately get as high of confusion stacks as possible instead of pulsing them out for a steady average, you'll want to always use Crystal Sands with your F2/F1 pair to max that out and Jaunt with the other two pairs.

    The video on SC shows this rotation with a lot more added in, especially involving extra phantasms by using your heal signet. That's something to get used to working in as you get more confident in the build.

  8. @Kenny.7203 said:Soulbeasts issue is that many skills locks you in place (GS#5; F2; F3; Axe#5). Your DPS is also very dependant on Twice as Vicious (5% dmg after CCing) and Predator's Onslaught (15% dmg on a disabled foe) and the Impact Sigil (10% dmg ona disabled foe). If your burst and CC doesn't align your DPS will suffer.

    Thankfully since the most recent balance patch we can keep up Twice as Vicious pretty much all the time. Getting used to a good raid rotation is important since you can accidentally cancel a lot of these skills. Fractals also have you moving a lot more so you are likely to get some nice use out of GS 3 and dagger 3 or sword 2 depending on which of those you choose.

  9. @maniksdi.1765 said:I found T1 Reef really annoying with my 250ess CMs team today.

    Wait what? That's definitely a bunch of people pinging copied chat codes then. T1 should be a breeze for anyone with the slightest bit of T4 experience. Your argument for it driving away new players seemed valid until you brought up something as ridiculous as regular CM runners having any sort of difficulty with anything in T1.

  10. Stability has become less and less useful in PvP with how easy it is to remove boons. Even classes that don't have tons of it can put on annulment/revocation sigils and tear your boons off that way. I stopped using SotP and went to the stance elite just so my entire elite skill couldn't be removed in a shot or two.

  11. The gameplay advantage of any legendary equipment is of course to be able to change its stats at will. That and its visual effects are the only motivators for throwing thousands of gold into ventures of armor, weapons, and trinkets. With runes and sigils having no visual effects, only the gameplay advantage is worth considering - this puts it on the order of PvP and WvW legendary armor since you can get the advantage without the unique visual effects.

    The catch 22 here is that these legendary runes and sigils have limited usefulness when you don't have legendary armor/weapons and are almost completely unnecessary if you do have legendary armor/weapons.

    Case 1: If you're running ascended/exotic equipment, those items will be almost always used for a single build, thus there is no reason to spend hundreds or thousands of gold to be able to change your runes and sigils when you could spend 50 gold or less for the runes and sigils that will stay in their slots forever.

    Case 2: If you have legendary equipment, you can swap its stats to work for any build, so naturally you'll need a variety of runes and sigils to cycle through. A handful of inventory or bank slots can handle this perfectly well, and its clear that even converting gold to gems to max out bag and bank slots and buying the already very expensive 32 slot bags for all slots would be more cost effective per slot than the amount of inventory space saved by having legendary runes and sigils.

    All legendaries are vanity items but most at least have some usefulness as well. The only reason to put effort into these runes and sigils is if you have literally nothing else to do with thousands of gold. We can see that isn't the case for 99%+ of players with how the community donation event has stalled and the prices of lucent crystals are dropping once more. The community got excited at first, but now it's clear to most that these are a misuse of our resources. Its rare for a recipe to change after an item is put in the game, but we need some serious recipe changes here if anyone is going to care at all about legendary runes and sigils.

    TL;DR: Make legendary armor and weapons. They're cool AND useful, while legendary runes and sigils are neither.

  12. There's a wide world of PvE out there that this game is made for. Tons of low and high end content for people to enjoy in small or large groups. Beating your head against PvP for years when you know you don't like it is just foolish. Deal with it for a few months, get your fancy wings and legendary armor, then put it away and enjoy the other 95% of the game instead of complaining about Anet not balancing your 5% of content.

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