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  1. I'd love to see larger horns then the devil horns available as a hat/headpiece. The horns on the first follower desmina and winter monarch outfits are fantastic, but i'd love to be able to wear them on their own WITHOUT a hat piece attached to them. Just the horns.
  2. Not sure what bringing business numbers really adds to the discussion when the game has a boatload of ways to use your real money for things. RNG loot boxes being removed or edited to be less RNG will not be the sole reason Anet dies (if it ever does). Thinking about how much money I've spent over my years of gw2 in the gem store for single specific items sometimes gives me a headache. Obviously, this isnt the case for everyone and I can only share my own experience here, but even WITHOUT looking at any RNG based products, I am still constantly finding things I'm burning to purchase, from more inventory slots to outfits to weapon skins to gliders (huge weakness on the gliders here lol). The way the stables are designed impacts more, I think, partially because the cost is so much more expensive. With dye packs as an example, you can get 1 for under 200 gems. Sure, you may get dupes and common colours, but the price point for a single always feel like its a bit of a throwaway anyways. 400 gems for something youre not even sure your going to get feels uncomfortable. I would rather pay a bit more gems to guarantee I get the exact skin I want. For me, $5 for 1 "loot box" is way too much. There have been a lot of suggestions as to how to curb this or make the system less... grim, and I really like most of them. Removing the RNG aspect entirely would me endgoal, but I'm not sure if that would feasibly happen. I think offering mount type specific RNG based items would be acceptable, as that way people can pick and choose which mounts they actually want skins for, and it eliminates the scenario where players who do not have griffons and are unlikely to get them receive griffon skins. A good compromise could be having both a mount-specific RNG based box and the individual mount skins for sale, but have the indiv skins be a bit more expensive. That way, if people are dead set one one specific skin they can purchase it upfront, but you offer the option to take your chances for a lower price. For me its about having the option to choose. Mounts as they are offer no choice or sense of control over where my money is going, and feeds some really harmful habits that many people have (myself included).
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