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Everything posted by Zaggrel.3692

  1. This would be great if you were on NA. 6 day's later and still not fixed. This is a bit ridicules, why the map adjustments? Several maps effected. Either fix it or just give up the achieves so we can move on towards the leggy.
  2. For record of war: strength, you need to kill Vespera, it will give you credit for that.
  3. Hello, I'd like to join if there's room. Zaggrel.3692 in game name. I'm a casual player looking to get into raids preferably on the weekends. I'm CST, can be flexible on Fridays & Saturdays. Thanks in advance.
  4. I did a complete reinstall, worked fine until a few mins ago when they released a new build for WvW... now back to reinstalling the game. Come on Anet, fix this crap.
  5. Same, this started for me on the Tuesday 2nd update, have to use the repair launcher in order to get in game. Can't group up with guildies since it shows me in an older version of the game. For me, closing those clones, doesn't do anything, client will not open.
  6. Sanctuary of the Voiceless [SoTv] is a new casual PVX guild. Looking for chill active new/vet players to do diverse schedule of content. PvE, Strikes, Fractals, Raids, group content. All are welcome. Contact Zaggrel.3692 or Mhiska.3681 via whisper or in-game email. Please include your game id so can send invite.
  7. Yea, not a big fan of spending gold for an item in which the chance of getting DM is still low. Even with the masters salvage, it's still a low chance. Thanks though.
  8. I've noticed that when I salvage exotics, the number of Dark Matter seems to be a rarity at best to get. Could we not have a vendor that uses Laurels, Karma, Spirit Shards, etc., or other map currency to purchase? Can keep a limit on it if need be, such as 5 per day? It's just a suggestion. It's just being a real pain for me to get to craft more armor for a few of my characters. Thanks.
  9. I was able to log in yesterday (3/10/21). Today, (3/11/21), however, I'm no longer able to. I've tried to repair launcher, no luck. Re installing the game now. I'm getting several different error codes.
  10. I'll help out, usually 1: it's an HP I need anyways. 2: for me it's paying it forward as help was given to me in the past an present. I don't complain if others jump in on mine. I view it as, it just gets done faster and I can move on to the next.Completely agree that soloing out in the PVE world is NOT the place to test out a build. For those that are new players, they may not have all of their abilities or, their build complete.I see this thread from both sides... just my opinion but, it's still better to jump in an help others since, HP'S are repeatable, at least many of them are.
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