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Lucky Charmz.5089

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  1. Okay so chrono mesmer, firebrand guardian, herald revenant, and maybe tempest ele? Any others? How does engineer do? Seems like it would have defensives, boons, and healing like that. Also wondering about necromancer.
  2. Hello, I haven't played for several expansions and am just getting back into it! I remember when the chronomancer was added, it was the first build that really felt like a tank. I understand that tanks today are more tank/buff/healing hybrids, but most of the threads I've found are from 2022. What are the other "tank"-like classes/builds these days? Thanks for your help!
  3. I honestly think this will be what's next. Called "Warden" with a lot of CC that says "Get outta my forest." We already got a healing spec with a healing weapon, then we got a bruiser spec with a damage weapon, I think tank/CC is next. And its most unique. Hammer would be awesome (and could totally be tank CC too), rifle may happen too, but it seems to me that they like to add new kinds of playstyles, and I feel like the hammer would be too similar to our GS (a tanky direct damage 2h melee), and shield would synergize well with sword, methinks, maybe axe too for a ranged condi tank. But when it comes down to it, there's no reason. I just got a feelin. =)
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