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  1. I understand, just seems a bit odd to have a daze and stun improvement trait in a line that has weapons without a daze or stun function. But that's just me.
  2. Yes, short bow is a condition weapon with the hard Condition Daze and Stun attached to a skill (unlike Longbow), so do you feel it could make sense to move MoC to support that? And if anything, short bow could maybe use a little help. Even decoupling the AoO and the Daze/Stun functions would be a sensible move. Moment of Clarity Gain an attack of opportunity for you and your pet on interrupting a foe. Daze and stun durations that you inflict last longer. This trait can only grant an attack of opportunity against enemies with defiance bars once per interval. Concussion Shot Daze your foe with an arrow. Stun them if you hit from behind or from the side or if your foe is defiant.
  3. Would seem that Moment of Clarity - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) would be more useful in the Skirmishing - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) since Longbow does not have a Daze (hard Condition) on any of the skills, but Short Bow does. Longbow - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Short bow - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Marksmanship - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  4. Wondering if the Ambidexterity Trait is the best Trait to assign Mace upgrades, as opposed to something like (example) updating Honed Axes to also accommodate Maces? Maybe somewhere in the Nature Magic Trait line could be a good landing spot? Ambidexterity - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Germinate - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Burgeon - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Cultivate - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Flourish - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Oaken Cudgel - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Thistleguard - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Wild Strikes - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Rampant Growth - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  5. I misunderstand nothing. You post a video with npcs and your side doing the work while claiming maces are "viable", then try to play it off like people just didn't get it or don't wvw. We all clearly see what you did in the video evidence you posted, and it was anything but "viable". The problem is that gives the devs the false impression that these weapons are good, when in fact, they aren't. Maybe reassess your own video in a more objective manner?
  6. Ok, but your video clearly shows how subpar maces are for wvw so thanks for hi-lighting my point. You post a video with 3 npcs + you killing a lone guard and your side doing all the work, yet you use that as some feedback to the devs as to why maces are "viable". You presented the video, then accuse someone of not reading it correctly when challenged, when you should have reflected on how poor maces performed instead. Maces are not currently viable outside of pve period. They were not designed for wvw or spvp in mind, and that's clear to see.
  7. Well, thanks for posting your gameplay video showing why maces aren't viable outside of pve and reinforcing my argument!
  8. Just replying again to reiterate on skills 2-5. Step 1- Shoot/Place Arrow. Step 2- Arrow blows up in a 300 AoE (like them good ol' necro staff skillemebobber marks). Step 3- Player is now happily playing the game, with fun and useful skills not playing the UI! Win-Win.
  9. I want to help make these weapons enjoyable and usable in every mode. All #1 Skills magically blast out “verdant” (nature, grass, rocks, and stuff) energy 900 range. #2 Slam the ground causing a conical cascading quake in front of your character. 900 Range. #3 “Ammo” type Skill. 2 uses. Manual/reticle targeting for tactical use. 900 range. 240 blast radius… Or 3 “ammo” for 600 range with manual targeting. 240 blast radius. #4 Summon thorns to pull in enemies, then damage them, and all the other stuff. 360 radius. #5 Slamming the ground causes a “verdant” quake that lingers for 5 seconds. Damage pulse each second. Daze 2 seconds. 360 radius. …So now these skills become fun to use and more viable throughout the various game modes.
  10. OK, sure. You kill some lone guardian fighting a tower lord and 2 guards, while you swipe a couple times with mace then use CA. You go down ramp and swipe at outnumbered enemies with your mace then use CA again. You run outside swipe some baddies getting pelted by your team, use CA again, then swap to GS. Your maces accomplished next to nothing, it was the NPCs and your team doing all the work. That's exactly what the video shows, yet here you are claiming "viable zerging weapon".
  11. I'm sorry, but unfortunately no, mace isn't viable outside of pve. The only things viable were the npcs and your side outnumbering the enemies, and that's clear by your vid. Your mace wielding contributions were negligible, and again that's clear by your vid.
  12. These swords are fun to use, really excited to test them out more!
  13. Skills #2-#5 would be cooler, and far more useful, as straight aoe skills without needing extra activation. Think a tad bigger AoEs as well, have to go back and check. Less UI and more play please?
  14. EDIT: Necro Swords Coolness, Design, and Utility Score- 9/10 and will be usable outside of PvE. Ranger Maces 2/10 and are PvE limited weapons. --- --- --- My 2c. I'm glad that the team made the decision to add more weapons. Following the heels of Hammer, we have another melee weapon. I didn't feel any excitement while trying the maces. Seems like the weapon will only be usable in pve and there may end up being better options than maces. Won't be enjoyable for me to stand at a pve mob or boss pressing buttons mindlessly, and it's not a weapon choice I would use for any other mode. I feel like a couple changes could make these weapons much more enjoyable and usable outside of pve. Melee weapons struggle vs ranged weapon counterparts in competitive play because targets don't stand still. If all this weapon set has is a small 450 hop, then it's out of any pvp or wvw mode. Compared to... Echoing Eruption - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Holo Leap - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Also, this could be a good weapon set to give some range to the skills. Examples... Crystal Configuration: Storm - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (grants sword skills some range) Rocket Fist Prototype - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Searing Fissure - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Tremor - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) If it were up to me, then I'd give all #1 skills a 600-900 range component. Skills #2, #3, and #4 give a 900 range component (900 leap on #3). Skill #5 not sure, maybe boost the radius and let the skill linger a bit more and do damage. This weapon could be made cool and fun for every mode, but currently it's not.
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