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Everything posted by Rawr.9467

  1. I like this. They could also utilise non-attack specific animations. Something like customised running, how you hold your weapon, idle, sheathing or drawing weapons, jumping, dodging etc
  2. Unfortunately you only need a few people to buy them. Boycotts don't work very well when you have whales that give in and purchase everything, further solidifying the benefits of this marketing model.
  3. One QOL addition they could do is a customisable UI. I use a 4k monitor and the UI is just so small that it's annoying to click on tiny icons like leave instance or the "yes" button when readying up for raids or the like. I really don't think this is even a "first world problem" anymore. We're in 2017 people. 4k is becoming more and more common. I do use third party apps like yolomouse to circumvent this problem to a certain degree but it's more of a bandaid than a solution. The game looks gorgeous in 4k but honestly it really is a strain to play with the current UI.
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