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Severdnerv.4523's Achievements

  1. Woah, that's a great video! Love it! I know right. Even thinking about it gives me goosebumps XDDDD Masterpiece
  2. Hello,I really like the video a lot. There are really beautiful and breathtaking details in it but I would have some suggestions. Firstly I see that many people comment on the recommendation by people/players thing... I think it's not really necessary to have it in the video. I've seen some video on HoT hype and I have goosembumps after watching it even now after seeing it countless times.. That video was epic in a matter that it simply dragged the viewer inside, because the NPC (I think it's Canach?) is talking directly to us - asking us for help - which really brings a need to hop in the game and be part of this epic story. That video also very briefly showed dates of events that have happened so far which is something that I miss in the video you are making now. Because you are basically telling people to go play your game and you show them content which comes WAY after they get in as level 1.You are aiming for new players - but you show them the latest content. They won't start as level 1 in Elon Riverlands or Highlands etc... They will start from Kryta and those players should know it before they hop in. They should also know that there is Maguuma jungle which is rich on gorgeous sights and challenging monsters... I think it's clear that all veterans or people who continually play the game WILL buy expansion (heck I bought it as prelease cause I love your game, it's my favorite MMO) so you are basically truly aiming for people who have no experience with GW2 yet and who deserve to know that there is lot more than just mounts and desert. They need to know about amazing Seasonal events, they should know that there were many things that happened before Balthazar and Joko (Praise Joko!) like living season 2, 3 ... They should know there is even possibility to go in Maguuma and use awesome gliders, they should know that you offer both pve and pvp, wvw and raids because people are tired of MMOs that offer same content over and over again which is not the case of Guild Wars2. You should let them see that even if they get tired of questing they can engage into world vs world battles or that they can have the joy of discovering new recipes for their proffessions, tell them that they can go on Achievement hunt that gives them good prizes, go do dungeons, fractals, kill World bosses, go on hunt for Legendary equipment... Tell them that the game does not necessarily need to be a grind fest that is way too common for MMOs and that they can have fun and yet relax. I find it amazing how NPC change they way they address as we grow. It brings dynamic feel in the game. Makes it more real. Show them that there are such things as SAB, Wintersday, Halloween... tell them that they can have so much fun experimenting with various builds - it's not THAT common for MMOs to let their players change traits as freely as it's in GW.The way I'd do this video - start from Kryta... I know that what I am going to suggest is questionable a lot as it gives many spoilers, but I just want to give you the idea. Show the starting player who just popped into game, let the viewer see how the character grows, how he finds allies, becomes pact commander, show them how he fights in maguuma, glides through jungle... Show that character in the city chatting with other people, attending seasonal event... change the gear look of the character, make a shoot of some epic battle with some world boss, make a shoot of wvw battle and promote the character as commander. Show that character in raid and how he obtains legendary armor, show the character flying on the ship to Crystal Oasis, let the viewer see that there are mounts , new mobs...Show flying across canyon with a griffin, Balthazar, then end the video with buffed Kralkatorik closing in on the poor people who call for help and say something like : "Elona needs you..." you know, something emotional that will leave impact on the viewer. Talk to your viewers through whole video... Something like: "You have always felt there was inner drive to make you better. You would never turn back on those in need and that's why you have gone to this quest to become someone important, someone who could protect the land and it's people. You are the adventure that looks monsters in the eye and who leaves the battle victorious. Together with your comrades you have decided to make Kryta a safer place. .... " etc etc something in such emotional tone. I am leaving here the link for the video that was very emotional (and still is) and that'd make me buy even 10 copies if I had to : Well sorry for the long response, hope it helps. Keep doing awesome work!
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