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Posts posted by Woof.8246

  1. 1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I'm trying to make sense of what you're saying. Can you translate it to English? Are you confusing LI builds with games that play by themselves? I'm asking because literally noone complained about LI builds.


    EDIT: Another thing I wanna add is that our friend hasn't played in a year, which kinda explains his "will tell me to play Engi" comment along with not understanding that essentially everything is capable of strong enough LI builds with some - such as Virtuoso - almost being on the level of average DPS bench from 2-3 years ago. 

    I want to see which is the most pressing issue here :

    - The threat of 30k LI builds , might effect the Competitive side .

    - The Li will be used for their intended purposes , so OW and Instanced population play together.


    I would prefer to 'chop things down" (boons) which is the fastest option, but i guess for now we are going to the first one

    • Confused 4
  2. 11 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Is Passerbye.6291 your second account and you forgot to swap to it or something? So far the only person complaining about the damage numbers of LI builds and now straight up LI builds is you.


    I want to get a feeling , about how people love/hate LI build after this time.

    Accessibility vs World First , kind of thing

    • Confused 2
  3. 26 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Where's the part where he's against LI builds, because all I see there is that he's against simplifying the game even further as it's already simple enough.

    In the last few years the game went from 1/3rd of the effort for 50% damage to 1/10th of the effort for 70-80% of the damage in terms of LI builds. You're complaining that people - that are linking LI builds and giving tips on how to use them, showcasing how strong they are despite taking almost no effort compared to regular builds - are against LI builds. 

    We shouldn't promote LI builds to the masses then , if they can clear content with fewer buttons

    • Confused 4
  4. 4 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

    Then accuses other people of not wanting LI builds. 


    On 12/7/2023 at 8:54 AM, Passerbye.6291 said:

    That being said, can we please stop trying to turn the game into an autobattler by using people with disabilities as an excuse? Barring very, and I mean very, serious problems, you can do more than enough damage in this game. And I'll come out and say this, if you are unable press 1 button every minute or so, should the game change to accommodate that, or should you find alternate ways to make it possible for yourself to press 1 to 3 buttons? A lot of people with varying degrees of disabilities find ways to make their situation work. This game is already very accessible in its current form, I don't think it should be pushed into autobattler territory.

    Oh well , good luck with that

    • Confused 4
  5. Just now, Passerbye.6291 said:

    I linked you a 5-button 33.9k dps log, wiggle all you want honey, not weaseling your way out of this one. Btw, that build happens to be one of the faster ramp up condi builds, also comes with ungodly amounts of self sustain, I'm talking over 1k per second, as well as a lot of CC if you need it.

    So , are you willing to allow the OP's Mesmers LI built to reach the height of other LI builds ?


    15 hours ago, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

    You're talking on golem, yes? Because my Mirage was doing about 4K during my last tests against Forged raiding parties. That includes dodging, 2, and 3.

    The thing is, we keep finding ways to make things work, and then Anet keeps nerfing them, seemingly for no reason. The Vamp rune bonus was a staple for most of us LI players

    • Confused 2
  6. 19 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

    5-button condi virtuoso btw, since you wanted mesmer, your move champ.

    Edit: Here, have one with 3 buttons, didn't even use weapon 2 and 3.

    Do that with Power Gear that is stapled of instanced content 


    On 12/7/2023 at 8:54 AM, Passerbye.6291 said:

    You can do 26k dps with hammer mechanist with 0 additional input other than pressing auto attack once at the start of a fight.
    As mentioned above you can do above 25k dps with 1 or 2 buttons on mirage.
    Herald does 29k, potentially 30k dps with 3 buttons (assassin stance: impossible odds, stance swap, dwarf stance: vengeful hammers), this build can also use speed relic and rising momentum trait to move at capped speed so long as you have swiftness. Alternately, you can play a quickness herald by changing 1 trait and permanently provide quickness and over 15 stacks of might while doing less personal damage.
    There is currently a staff thief build that spams staff 3 along with 1 or 2 skills to restore initiative doing 28-30k dps (not sure on the exact number on this one) while also doing breakbar damage every hit, similarly, you can do pistol pistol unload spam with only 1 additional input for around 25k I believe and it goes up to 28k with 3 buttons.

    • Confused 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

      Edit: I main mesmer btw, hit me up if you need lessons.

    Hm , no thanks i'm good .

    Most likely you will tell me to play Enginner in the end ,or tell me this :


    13 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

     So much so that presented with multiple examples of super accessible builds, your go to reaction was to pick one of them and create the absolute worst scenario for it to somehow justify your belief that anet hates people with disabilities. 

    • Confused 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

    It isn't. While I don't really play elementalist much, keep in mind that this is an older build, but the damage numbers overall went up, so it likely does more, not less.

    Also, you don't balance things in a vacuum, if you buff the LI build of elementalist, you buff the proper dps build as well, please think for a while before typing. There is a reason why a class with a lot more weapon skills on separate cooldown than any other class in the game should not perform as well as some others by pressing 2-3 buttons, I'm sure you can figure it out, I believe in you.

    On 12/5/2023 at 8:24 PM, handicappergeneral.4316 said:

    As part of a group of players with disabilities, it's no secret that we've been hit hard by a lot of the recent changes (not all rune effects becoming relics, the recent removal of passive bonuses from Mirage to name a couple). It's clear the developers frown on more passive elements as much I think that sucks. However, what about a possible "compromise"? We have multiple auto cast skills on Ranger pets and the Mech, could we not bring that idea to the player bar as well?

    • Confused 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

    Which it does, if you cared to read that is.

    Just like with every class, there are variations to how they perform and what they are good at. If you insist on teaching a fish to fly, you'll have a bad time. In this game, the fish actually does fly, except it is worse at it than a bird *shocked pikachu*.

    If the difference is 15k dps  between 2 LI specs , we buff the fish , or we clip the bird's wings that got too fat

    • Confused 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

    You can make an LI build with every single class, including elementalist, there will be variation in their performance because the game isn't, and shouldn't be balanced around low intensity build.

    That why i ask that we should neuter the outlines (by reducing boons) , which is the same thing as buffing them and there's  wont be a reason for him to switch classes


    • Confused 2
  11. 7 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

    Did you even read what I wrote? I linked multiple builds that do more than enough damage for every single encounter in the game with 0 to minimal input. 

    And he wants his class to have the same opportunities , rather than playing other classes  . That why i try to find the middle ground with the 30k>20k , and 20k>15k formula


    And your response to him was offensive 

    On 12/7/2023 at 8:54 AM, Passerbye.6291 said:

    That being said, can we please stop trying to turn the game into an autobattler by using people with disabilities as an excuse?

    • Confused 2
  12. 16 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

     nerfing boons any lower will make that approach pug meta as well.

    Well it would be better than telling a handicapped person that we cannot increase other LI builds , because the PvE area doesn't need  any other LI builds .

    I say we remove the problem , by neutering the outlines , by nerfing the core problem , which is boons

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  13. 4 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

    Statement of facts is not a personal attack, will you be able to take off that victim mentality you wear like a scarf any time soon?

    Mirage was terrible for trash clear for YEARS, the recent changes did little to change that.

    And yes, design-wise not every class is equally good for low insensity. For instance, playing a weaver with only 1 attunement will inevitably result in lower performance than auto attacking on herald or mechanist.

    We  could lower the effect of boons  so the disparity is not so huge .

    Its the exact same thing as bringing up other underused specs 

    • Confused 4
  14. We could offer a new types of weapons that offers  rewards (Kryptic Essences?), that  cut down the effectiveness of the Boons on you  and when you do an combo , you increase it by a small percentage and you get the "bonus elemental damage" on your attacks .

    Enemies could be durable for the first 6 sec if attacked by those new weapons , needing to do Elemental attacks (Undead vs Water effects)  but afterwords they behave like normal mobs , so there's no need to force people to play the punishing way .

    If you are solo your aoe fields are divided in 4 areas (smaller combos areas) ,where out of combat you can choose which fields you want .

    In the zerg scenario , Commanders can choose how nearby combos behave  , nvm


    And in order to avoid forcing people to do the boring Hearts in order to learn to use this mechanic , we instead create on OW scenario  where:

    a) You do combos in OW events you are eligible to participate into the "final 3-weeks" Costumed battle Tournament/20% scalling PvP ,  that will happen in LA

    b) When the events ends , the sytem Ask you to choose from these 4 options and guides you to do a single event  (keeps the maps alive) in either:

                  1) the east side , and will give you a more advanced Costume , and repeating in the east side of other maps to advance your Costume (rather than sword he can get a wand)

                   2) North side , it will reduce the "final 3-weeks" Costumed battle Tournament , by 12 hours and you get small loot

                    3) South side will increase the final loot from anyone and you get rewards regardless of the result 

                     4) west side , puts more random environments  in LA (small bush) and anyones standing near it get some "ranged cover" , or HoT teleport tunnels ?

                      5) choose a different one after two times in a row for some bonus rewards


    • Confused 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Kris Knives.8513 said:

    Unless you can think of something pretty revolutionary, the most I think we might get is a QoL update to the guild hall system such as making it is easier to expand a guild hall without a large group of people to run guild missions.

    They can make it customizable , for some Dungeon-trap delving where the opponents might be npcs or players , just like Orc Must Die 3


    Or create a pseudo huge valley that puts a random Guild Hall (pseudo cave) with random Guild Houses (pseudo house) around it , creating a pseudo community  and in the mid of it allow some Guild Portal to a random location , or a huge Colosseum in the middle of that map for rotating into the old Hunger Game / Madking Tower / GvG / PvP map and the spectators can use environmental weapons/becomes waves or random mobs ?


    Later on , we can improve that pseudo valley into Airship , battles maybe ?

    • Haha 2
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  16. a) What about we create a progression system for new players (check achiv).

    As fresh people stroll through the woods , they can smell the iron from the bloodsoaked enemies (see the enemy on minimap and have an "!" icon) and they have a "croutch-stealth ability" like ESO to escape .

    Or they choose 1/8 of their screen and they get perma invisbile . If the enemy have also choose that same piece he can see the new player  through that spot . As the time goes on , the new player must choose another "screen pie" . Ultimately after 2 week , he is fully transparent and neither this or ESO mechanics works.

    The goal of the new player is to find low life mobs and become them , that allow him to beat bigger mobs that have a weakness to it . If in the meanwhile he can capture a camp or follow the commander . Facing real opponents as "animal" he sees their attack pattern . After 2 months the "animal form" have a chance to break on DAMAGE THAT HE DEALT , and even more as the character gets older (better reroll a fresh character. But after 3 characters the RNG to break  will be too high and perma for this account)


    b) I am  guessing that  taking the WvW and splitting them into parts and randomize them , with "fog-unexpored areas" to "keep fresh things" and extra thick fog to hide the  edges to cover some silliness that might occur is not fisable ? Each WvW part is categorized as "as jicksaw puzzle"and basted on the areas you  go in or out , we create placibo new WvW parts that connect those 1,3 ,6, 9 , 12 spots (which are live WvW parts ) ?

                                1         ----             placibo  asset            -----         3

                          placibo                   ------             6                 ---------    placibo

                               9            -------                       placibo           ------         12


    c) Could you drag and drop huge letters when you open  the "map-"M"" ?

    Like Placing an "R" on the map that covers 3 square-areas  and dropping some pods   . When you walk throught the map and activate those pods , so you  you activate the "rain mechanic"on these 3 squares (but beware of gankers).

    Then afterwards , try to search the whole WvW map  for the "MD" (metal dust) and drag and drop on the area that the rain is activated and walk through that area once again , for some " rusty rain" that eat slowly the walls .

    You can cast a bigger "R"(rain) that can cover all the WvW map  if you find it , but you must cover a lot of distance and more gankers will see you


    Edit: This effect could last 5 min and destroy 5% of the door , and other people effects are lined up to be done later .

    Also there a "water pool" that  "coppies"  the "letter that are found and used by other players  and the commander of the biggest guild or others (Camp tactivation mechanic) can manually "cancel" the" rusty rain" by using "W-wind" or enhance it by casting "F-fire" and in that area boons are removed from everyone and they move faster,or "D-Darkness" where downstate is not allowed   can override the sequence with his own (if the combo pending is from his server)


    Edit3: d) What if , over time the castle-keeps are self-improving , like attracting villagers , building houses around them > farms > extra walls > monasteries >  accidentally create  bridges -arcways between the monastery and inside keep , that the enemy can use and have a change of pace for fights (like fighting a gatekeeper that has constant knockback and cannot be ranged damage further than 450 yards(invisible bubble) . People find items that increase population rate or contruction  , but the system also chooses a drawback hidden backdoor-underground caverns,  or villagers allow the main doors to be open alowing the enemies to have 90% less stats and disguised as friendly npcs that have 99% less stats)  and persuade the Keep to accindetally create more "backfires" . Hopefully the defender can see which npc is moving irrational and throw a "remove disguise-trap"    , or the villagers  run when they detect the zerg , allowing X ammount of people to pass  with the opened doord vs X amount of defenders  that there are  , while the attackers have 90% less stats and their goal is to hit the door from the inside that has the "wooden plank" that dont allow the 2 doors parts to open


    cy Johny


  17. I understand that's  too late  to redisgn the WvW where PvE people can build settlements>towns>keeps like other games , or invest into building it from OW events items and then trying to defend it by doing minigames vs the PvPers (or something nono pvp-like) , so you can get more skirmish tickets at the end.

    But could there be a "semin-safe zone" (gray-not the brown area) that when you get low hp , you board a rocket , or a charriot of Skirt come and save you and teleport you into a random location ? You still drop loot and exp  for the enemy .and you can walk off by pressing "F" . This is mostly aimed to new players that when get 1-shot they feel bad . Or generally in  that area   players could do 30% less damage , less healing and randomly single boons are removed .


    The gray area is limited , if a tower-keep is occupied for too long (from any team) .Or the shadow of the Keep from the roating sun , captured  at a specific time , pierce that zone and slowly widen it . And if the  "gray area" has more mass vs the "pvp one" , each server is rewarded for more rewards  (if bases keep flipping all the time , then that means Dominant server will not be too far ahead , either that they went for the rewards too , or the lessers servers try to maintain the "grey zone" balance)

    Edit:Or the area can be limited by playing minigames ( settlements>town>keep>Mad King Tower , or Skyscale races in WvW) and the  top 3 players can vote to either limit or expand 

    Edit2:Skyscale race , with bombardment sidequest . Or beetlerace , throwing invisible no-boons--areas bombs, and getting rewarded afterwards

  18. What if we took the new " Skyscale "seek events mechanic , where it guides people to explore the map and get  ancient shards (or do guitar hero) that allow you to go in each Castle-Keep's "shadow realm" , with the goal to face an endless horde of npc guards and survive for 30 sec and then try to aim to do as much as damage at "secondary  Lord" that will spawn . The more damage you do to him  , the less HP the normal Boss + door will have in the real game .

    The defenders can see the enemy + horde of defencing npcs as as semi-transprent ghosts that cannot be be damaged , but you can use CC on him (or use arrows cards , trapdoors) and watch him die from the one-shot defending npcs . Or you can speak to the secondary boss , to become  his "champion" that you can use real skills , or transform into the 2nd boss


    • Confused 4
  19. I wish there was a system , where as long as you play (more placibo lvls) / or find hidden mobs (theres a clue if you are outnumber for more than 2 hours) which allowed to unlock forms :

    a) You become a sentient void castle  (top down view- cannot see the enemies , you see footsteps like Reksai from LoL) and you can use "bite + dark holes that teleports enemies away +  throw bookcases + create tunnels for allies  + teleport/freeze the Lord keep away ,or become one for some secs use enviromental weapons-run and find health potions" attacks , if swords + no allies are nearby .

    b) You become a semi transparent huge demi-god that cannot be damaged by players  , standing behind the commander in the open fields , that you can place aoes ,and as long  as people stand in the circle (or trick enemies to step in) , (or as long as you have the outnumber buff and the commander is in combat) , people can sucrifice their boons to give you more attacks , such:

    1)  create a field with huge swords , that offer condition removal buffs on you + ranged protection , or the comander gets un-coruptable stabilty that shares with allies

    2) If the Commander with his zerg break the swords  or purpose , before the energy is drained from standing near it , the demi-god can throw shards/lighting (Skyscale's Fireball mechanic) to enemies to corrupt from getting boons for 30 sec

    3) The more kills near the demi-god , offer bloodlust (attack speed and vampirism) , while the looser get increased fleeing speed (kite) . 

    4) If the demi-god , hit the other demi-guy , he also fills him special bar that allows him to create a "battleground of the gods arena" , where everyone will get petrified in 15 sec and the first 30 people that step in a circle from each side , will participate in the enclosed space . And whoever wins , the other team's petrified members are  teleported to various locations .

    5) The gods can become huge dexteretous stone  lizzards every 10 sec , that are going to perma-petrified after that period (create enviromental areas , where people can hop) ,and the goal between the 2 gods , is to have an irelevant 1v1 from the rest of the zerg , and whoever can get the most times the closer to random spawned "Orb of Power" location , while avoiding the others ranged attacks and have more hp , he "contest the "Orb"for his team . If the Commander flees away from his transparent demi-thing , the lizzard mechanic is disabled and the Commander and his server is locked out of a random boon for 20min , but get slightly moving speed (stacks with outnumber).


    c) Get a mystery box (chance , while attacking/defending solo vs a huge  zerg , or outnumber) , that allow your enemy (pesky thief) and you (Unkillable Necro) to random reroll and may the odds be in your favor

    Edit: where everyone in a castle siege gets the old Enginner Rifle (with AK-47 kickback?) and a crosshair , for some "more balanced approch for big vs small zergs" , and if people  stacks it will be bad for them . Or Toyapocalypse figures with slow-but dragonball ki like , snowballs attacks for some mins


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