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Posts posted by Eudaimonia.8695

  1. 7 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

    At this point they may be better then anet 🤣


    They've just cancelled overwatch. And people still give them money. It's unbelievable what people tolerate nowadays. ANet is a saint compared to them.

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  2. I think fixing 1) will already go a long way. You'll have to be more careful who you Gunflame if Signet of Might isn't up. Now it's just whatever, shoot this magnetic aura, that wall of reflection, no consequences whatsoever.



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  3. Of course it would be the logical way OP, but they have mentioned in the past that doing this would fry the servers, and, considering that they already had to allow fewer player into the maps to make them playable, I don't think this will be possible.


    Believe it or not, they already have solid server infrastracture, better than some other online games. I'm not sure they see it as a priority to make upgrades on the server side when things are running mostly well now.


    I'd love 80 man blobs and no target cap back, but they really did make the game unplayable. 2 minute lags were not unusual.



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  4. 1 hour ago, Svanhvit.4387 said:

    It's fun when we're taking an objective, and someone leaps past us into the gate, runs to the leather node, then runs out the back.  Lol  "Yep, we understand."


    Even funnier are those that go for the leather and die in the process.


    Objective is lost but I gotta get muh leather!!1!1!

  5. A huge problem in my opinion is that the new reward system encourages people to play dps instead of support in order to reliably get credit for tickets/shards. I see considerably fewer supports than before, firebrands especially.

    So even if you get a squad going, Riba, it's most of the time not going to be a good composition, which means you have to cloud, and at that point you might as well disband the squad.






  6. 9 minutes ago, gashen.3874 said:

    who at anet thought it was a good idea to put wsr  with another server,

    they are already over populated and you give them more cannon fodder,

    what are you thinking??????  absolute madness,  wsr thanks to you are taking the P---



















    WSR was full until 1 week before relink and it got changed to very high, even though WSR had the highest activity of all servers (now 2nd).


    Why? To rack in more money from transfers. Don't question it, it's always about the money.

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  7. 23 hours ago, Bunny.9834 said:

    Burning used to be competitive especially if ur a burn guard. 

    But ANET wants this unkillable boonball meta. 


    It's actually still a solid build if you're facing a zerg/cloud with a lot of pew pewers. In those cases, you'll be top dps in the zerg rather easily. Against organized zergs, which are becoming increasingly rare these days, this build is obviously pretty bad.


    There are quite a few sleeper builds that are really strong, yet the community doesn't use them. Most players clinge to the META and don't experiment anymore, which is kinda sad.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:


    Consider that the skill gap between veterans and newer players is so great, trying hard to the latter looks like playing "with their brain shut off" to the former.



    Fair, I should have specified that I don't mean new players by this. We were all new once. I'm talking about people who have been here a while. It's pretty easy to tell who's new and who isn't. A 200 AP guy who is killing players left and right clearly isn't.


    My definition of veteran is someone who has been playing a long time and is actually good at the game and not someone that just has the playtime. There are many, many players of the latter group like this that are just straight up trash. If they want to be trash, that's fine, it's their game, I'm just saying that it makes for a miserable pvp experience for everyone involved.


    But since this is a PVE game now, with Grouch focusing on content that the majority actually plays, this all doesn't matter anymore. 

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  9. 16 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

    But why is it so difficult nowadays?

    is it a matter of demography? Has the school education been different when all the veterans where online?

    has the origin of gw2 players changed over the years that many might not find the game in their mother language and have it difficult to understand tratis, skills etc?

    Are people not joining the military or real life sports teams anymore to get education on tactical movement and such?

    why is the overall quality so low these days?


    Most people that cared about competing in PvP or WvW left the game long ago. It's sad. What remains is jaded veterans and clueless players that don't care about improving their skill.


    I can't speak for PvP, I've always disliked conquest, but as for WvW in EU, apart from Whiteside Ridge, the player quality has dropped by an insane amount. It's honestly appalling how many people play this game with their brain shut off. It doesn't make for a fun experience when your supposed 'team mates' play like bots.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Ubi.4136 said:

    What's funny is I see MORE people fighting than I ever did before.  People both trying to take AND people defending.  Repairing, running supply and actually fighting instead watching a 50 man ktrain and backcap after they leave.  Anet spent 5 years nerfing defense and now we finally have a weekly that is mostly take and bonus' for defending (which includes repairing, but it is what it is).  WvW hasn't looked this healthy in 8 years.


    Nobody denies that there is more activity. That is not what this thread is about.

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  11. It negatively affects fights in objectives. People don't build defensive siege, don't disable or at least try to kill some stragglers. All they do is waste supply repairing a wall/gate while it is being damaged. They don't contribute anything to the team. They're being 100% useless and it's always the same people that abuse this nonsense.


    Note: I'm only talking about the players that knowingly abuse the reward system, not the players that repair when it actually makes sense.


    Revert this kitten so people don't get rewarded for doing nothing.

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  12. The last two days, in my match up at least, people have been tunnel visioning to SM all the time. The rest of the map gets largely ignored. I find this problematic because it concentrates all action in and around SM only. Some may see this as an upside, and yeah, the action is great, but trust me, it WILL get stale after a while and people WILL burnout. I don't think this a good thing for the long term health of WvW.  Rewards need to be rebalanced across the board, especially for SM.

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  13. 38 minutes ago, Hemi.5267 said:

    Bloody busy atm, huge fights everywere. You can complain all you want, but I think they are heading in the right direction with this. WvW feels ...more alive lol. 


    WvW always needed just a little effort to get fixed, it's just sad to see that it took them 10 years to really get going.

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