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Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136

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Posts posted by Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136

  1. On 8/22/2023 at 12:38 PM, Terek.8923 said:

    you can get your money back maybe but the relic change wasnt even soto. everyone gets that new "feature" 😠


    On 8/21/2024 at 12:47 PM, McMarc.1276 said:

    It is really tough and definitely needs some practise. Some tips on how to make things a little easier: 
    #1 use gear with with concentration so the swiftness lasts longer 

    #2 equip relic of speed for a little bit faster movement speed

    #3 swim in first person to avoid getting caught on the surface

    hope these help 🙂

    This did not help it all, the rave needs more work done to it, maybe adjusting the flag rings, add 2 more boosters 

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  2. 28 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

    For weeklies you also both have to represent same guild the first time you log on after reset, to get same weeklies.

    we are in the same guilds that doe's no explain how bad dailies are though or how impossible some of them are to do., or why they made them deferent for everyone. That was one of the reasons for me to log in and do dailies. This is not a singled player game. 

    As far as weekly goes: I might be able to spend a hour in gw2 due to RL disability's so I have to chose carefully on how a play and for to long.  and the weekly's are to hard to try and finish without grinding it out 😞 and I feel it's more grinding for bad rewards. 

    I also feel the AA should go to wallet not this new Mystic vault with only 1,300 AA to collect... I don't play for skins and if I ever wanted a skin I was happy to buy gems to buy that Item  their is nothing in that vault or want or need. Sorry that old system was better for me. I will not use this new one I wont even log into game anymore. 

    LMAO: I just tole my hubby I want a sticker to cover up the Icon for the Vault.  I want nothing to do with it. I wont go into a frenzy on the need to constantly having to click to get a reward either...


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  3. On 8/25/2023 at 6:46 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

    How different are you two in which expansions you own?

    Because if you have the same ones unlocked, and choose the same game modes, you should be getting the same dailies and weeklies. My son and I get the same set each day.

    Depending on the size of your guild, maybe you can't make sure everyone has the same, but you should be able to sync your account with your husband, at least, by picking up whatever expansion one has that the other doesn't.

    We own all deluxe expansions, we always bought the best :(.

    My guild is over 400 strong...

    We should not be forced to pick one or the other. in game mode.  That still defeats the purpose of playing with my Husband.

    I don't want that icon on my screen as a matter of fact I might tape it up so i don't have to look at it anymore... Very Disappointed in Arenanet/GW2, I don't even want to log into the game anymore 😞 

    I think it was best put buy this person: I love this on forms: Vecta.3475
    Posted Thursday at 07:02 AM
    This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.
    First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.
    The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.
    In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.
    The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.
    SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.
    The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.
    Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.
    Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.
    The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.
    The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.
    Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

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  4. I love this on forms: Vecta.3475
    Posted Thursday at 07:02 AM
    This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.
    First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.
    The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.
    In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.
    The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.
    SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.
    The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.
    Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.
    Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.
    The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.
    The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.
    Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

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  5. On 8/24/2023 at 7:02 AM, Vecta.3475 said:

    This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.

    First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.

    The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.

    In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.

    The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.

    SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.

    The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.

    Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.

    Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.

    The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.

    The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.

    Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

    Well said, and Thank you. I couldn't agree more with you ❤️


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  6. On 8/23/2023 at 4:50 PM, Stx.4857 said:

    This post is extremely non-constructive.  

    Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it “bad game design”.  

    Literally the only sentence in your post that made any sense was the criticism of the selection of daily tasks.  I think everyone can agree that only four to choose from is too few.  But other than that, this system is FAR better than the old, in every possible way.  

    The potential total rewards for completing your dailies / weeklies is roughly triple what we had before.  Even if you only do dailies every three days, you will probably get close to the exact same rewards as before, oh and by the way, you can choose so many more things than before.  Skins, ascended items, costumes.  And no FOMO.  


    Once they make a few adjustments like making sure you can play with your friends while doing the dailies, the system will be near perfect.  

    As Erich.1783 said: At a guess the complaint is, and I agree, having to open the Wizard Store and then click something to collect.  While I realize that you had to click various things in the old system, you could just right click the chest daily chest to drop the reward into inventory and deal with it later.  The new system just seems a bit more clunky.  There is also the situation, and I have not tested it since I do not want to miss out on AA, that it appears that if you do no not open the tab and click on the completed daily etc you do not get the AA.  I would be happy if when a task was completed the AA was automatically added to the account.

    I am not interested in how this new system works, It's more grind for less rewards, 4 dailies now Vs the 3 we had 😞  And I refuse to play anymore, and I don't see them trying to fix dailies were we play with our family friends or guilds. with more to choices from the daily task to work with the community.  Some of the RAGE in WvW they have turned this into a Dictatorship forcing us to do what they deem right for us. Arenanet has made no comment's on or  if they are going listen to the community's or just keep slapping us in the face with bad choices they have made. They could have made it to were we kept out dailies and made the wizards vault a bonus for those who have the time to grind it out. and they could have made the AA  was automatically added to the account and not force us to spend it every month or quarterly or how ever it is set up. We should also be able to get more then 1,300 and spend it as we need to and not make bad choices on crap we don't want or need. the other issue I have no WvW or PvP potions anymore? they should have kept that, or added it to the Vault as a currency.... 


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  7. On 8/22/2023 at 6:00 PM, lothefallen.7081 said:

    The relic changes feel awful too, my characters feel less powerful....I feel like I paid to regress the game. The rigidity of the daily system and the removal of wvw/pvp potions makes me not really interested in logging back in. I think I will severely cut my playtime down to 0 until they meaningfully fix what was working and didn't need to be changed. 

    I have done the same thing, I wont play again.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, ZombieHoser.3629 said:

    Here's the things I like about the new daily system:

    • The ability to get cosmetic items
    • The ability to get limited amount of ascended weapons and armor
    • The legendary starter kit seems like a good deal
    • Build and Storage Templates seems like a good deal

    Here's the things I don't like about the new daily system:

    • The removal of 12 choices down to 4 specific choices of PVE, PVP, and WVW
    • Removing those choices we are forced into some really silly and not fun chores to get completion chests
    • The new daily system is a new currency that I now have to do to earn other currencies... that is not fun and doesn't feel like I accomplished anything. Laurels were "the" login reward currency. Now I have to get a new currency just to buy that currency to buy the same things? Wtf Anet?
    • I could right click on the bouncy boxes every time I earned a daily reward in one location before... now I have to open the Wizard's Vault and click on each one individually
    • Why are the rewards boxes on the daily and weekly objects so small. It required more precise clicking to get that reward which is also annoying
    • Some of these rewards are just absurdly expensive... 1000AA for Lesser Essence of gold, 95 AA for revive orbs. I feel bad for newer players who may not understand how bad of a purchase these are

    Overall I just feel like this is a step backwards. Not really sure what they were trying to fix here with this choice to remove daily login rewards and completely change the dailies and weeklies. Are they trying to stabilize the economy? It doesn't seem like there was anything really in need of fixing aside from combating abuse of the login rewards. Why not just take those login rewards and improve rewards in other areas or make the dailies and weeklies more rewarding? The game that is known for respecting our time is now saying we need to play the game more to earn the same rewards we have been for the past 10 years. This paradigm shift in daily and weekly rewards maybe should have a more gradual approach rather then just dumping this as it is on everyone. I came back to this game from World of Warcraft a year ago trying to get away from their dumb decisions. At least World of Warcraft doesn't force you to buy currencies in their trading post! It's all cosmetics and an actual nice incentive to login and do these things. It doesn't feel a requirement to get end game currencies and materials. Very disappointing Anet!

    The ability to get cosmetic items..... are thrashy 

    The ability to get limited amount of ascended weapons and armor..... I don't want Or need.

    The legendary starter kit seems like a good deal..... Maybe for new players, Again I don't want or need.

    Build and Storage Templates seems like a good deal..... No It's in there because no one wanted to buy it in the first place. Not wanted or needed with over 20 charters 😞

    Everything else you have said I agree on.....

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  9. 12 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

    Even with different dailies you are able to play together. 

    I have limited time to play RL Disability's, its either grind daily, weekly or special, or say f... it and play something else... My life is playing with my Husband, guild and friends.... and having fun, this is not fun anymore.... If I cant play with them doing dailies like WvW or PvE or PvP. what the point anymore of playing, and they trashed the reward system you are working so much harder  then before. 

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  10. On 8/22/2023 at 10:51 AM, Healix.5819 said:

    The dailies seem to change entirely based on which expansions you own. I'm guessing today is EoD first, so anyone with EoD should have EoD dailies.

    For comparison, the PvE dailies are:

    EoD:  use 3 combo skills, complete the spirit vestibule mini dungeon, dodge 3 times
    PoF: complete a renown heart, kill 5 veterans, crystal desert vista
    Core: gather 10 plants, kill 10 enemies, salvage 10 items

    My Husband and I have all deluxe expansions, We are not able to play together because our dailies are different from one another... I have lost interest in GW2, The Vault is not worth the grinding and the rewards are crap.... They have ruined the game for us....

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  11. 7 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Have you considered playing through his dailies with him and him playing through your dailies with you?

    I am limited on time, and I am not able to play as much as before. I have to pick carefully on how long I get to play, as a matter of fact I got to walk away now I have been here to long 😞 

    I have Spinal stenosis, Degenerative disk disease, and 5 disk sticking out of my neck through my spine. and as time goes on it gets worse for me. sorry I don't want to make this about me... I would like to see some changes though. 

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  12. 16 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    I can see that. There're a few pretty universal things you can spend on though. At least the first 540 AA will get you 90 gold.

    I can see why they did it though. This game is overloaded with currencies, and many of them are stockpiled high by players who have been around for a while. It means they can't introduce new goals for those currencies without a portion of the player base just immediately buying them. That forces ANet to keep making new currencies so we'll have something to work toward.

    You can see this is a particular focus of theirs recently, because they're doing the same thing by consolidating old prophet shards and coins into a legacy category to keep people working on the current content's shards and coins.

    I can't seem to get into playing anymore, Dailies were a Big thing for my Hubby and I to do together along with a few friends in WvW. and now there is nothing I want to do anymore in game because we have different dailies...  and in truth I never care about currency in game it was always about playing with my family and friends make what little gold I could make and just have fun, and buy what I needed when I needed it.

    My charter is still sitting in town it's like, I am lost ugh. wishing we had more dailies to pick from and to be able to play with family and friends, But Like I said there is nothing I want out of that Wizards vault... I am not big on skins, not in to fashion wars, I really don't see anything in vault I want. nothing worth the hustle that they are putting us through to get the Astral Acclaim tokens it not worth it to me. and I don't like the fact that we can't save them either.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    Not pushback, just looking to understand. Why would you prefer to store it up?

    There is nothing I want to buy in there. why not save it up for a rainy day, when there is something I want to spend it on or on something needed, and not put into a position of, omg I have to spend it now before I lose it and make the wrong decision only to submit a ticket and hope to get a refund lmao....

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  14. On 8/23/2023 at 2:43 PM, Aejon.2837 said:

    I used to log in almost every day, just to see what the dailies were. For over 10 years! And 9 time out of 10, I could find at least 3 things I could do. Now I feel like it's not worth bothering.

    edit - I just did today's PvE dailies. Not horrible, but I really would like some choice. I had to wait for the reset for my selections to reset and I'll have to wait until Monday for the weekly to reset 😞 You should be able to change your selection, even if it wiped any previous progress.

    I have been sitting here at my desk for over 20 mins just staring at a open game, I have lost all motivation to play, I forced myself to offer a home instance to the guild, but I can't get into the game anymore..... I am so upset with this new daily weekly and special system that I just don't want to play anymore the rewards are not worth the grind, not only that they gave everyone different dailies, that takes away the time I want to spend with my family and friends that play the game with me to do dailies, and now you have to grind for a weekly and special??? don't we do enough grinding in the game already? we had a big choice for our dailies all of that was taken away from us and instead of 3 dailies we are forced into4 dailies with no options but being forced to do what they have picked for us to do... I was in WvW for over a hour trying to get defender done.... I couldn't do it. then they also gave me the Adventure daily I straight up skipped the whole daily because I refuse to do that one, I hate that one..... so I guess its my loss because they can't give us better options/ picks to do them for the bonus chest for completing them

    The rewards are horrible for completing them too..... you are only aloud to have 1,300 Astral Acclaim. 😞 why why cant we save up what we earned? why are we being forced into spending it? 

    Daily; Wizards Vault completion chest: 1 essence of luck 1 gold 30 Astral Acclaim. why bother doing this? I have 18+ stacks of luck.... and no options to pick for what best suits me for doing dailies, But only to be forced into what they have picked for me on what to do for the daily, can't play with friends or family due to we have different dailies.

    Weekly: Wizards vault Weekly completion chest:10 Laurels, 1 Celebration Booster, 1 Tome of Knowledge and  450 Astral Acclaim. That's to much grinding for me I have a limited time to play due to being hundi cap I can't sit at my pc for to long without being hurt... I have DDD (Degenerative disk disease) and 5 disk sticking out Throughout my neck& back. so no I am not going to hurt myself over this...

    Special:  Special has no completion chest: but has the Astral Acclaim 250-300 tokens... sorry I am not interested again.... which looks like a repeat of story,  view 12 vistas lol they should have made 12 vistas then lol... instead of us running another charter around the map to view 4 more vistas that we just already did. Thank god we had the skip button for that 🙂 EXP is going way to slow to even to get the masteries done to where I can get to ride a griffon or skyscale for ride a ley line, there is another one out the door for me ugh.... Complete a new friend achievement I am not sure were that is but I have no interest It.... 

    No more PvP or WvW Potions 😞 They should have added those back into the Vault too.... 😞 The other thing I don't like is the Icon having to click on it, then to click on a chest for a reward why can't it be a direct deposit?

    Logging in with no incentive now and nothing to really do anymore... 

    Most of all I hope they fix this asap

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  15. On 8/24/2023 at 1:58 AM, Barraind.7324 said:

    The pool of dailies is determined solely based on the expansions you own and the options you selected for them to be pulled from.  If you dont have the same dailies, one of you is missing an expansion or you checked different options.

    Thats the one part of this system that ends up making any sense in implementation. 



    The rest of this system is taking a good idea and instead of implementing it as its own thing, tried to fix multiple problems that didnt exist by tacking it onto a brand new problem. 


    Wizards vault offering unique items for doing different tasks?  Great idea.

    Removing the absolute crap that came with daily logins? Great idea.

    Literally every other aspect of Wizards vault including killing off pvp and wvw potions, gutting of daily login system as a whole, the dumpster fire of a mess that is the current daily achievement implementation, and nonsensical pricing for certain items in the wizards vault (see: whatever aneurysm someone was suffering through when pricing obsidian shards and t5 bags)?  Calling that implementation a brain-dead train wreck would be overly kind. 

    My Hubby and I have all Expansions and we have always bought the deluxe, so Why should I have to pick in the options of only doing PvP or WvW or PvE? when the 2 of us play side by side.

    Completing daily's is a joke. 1: if my hubby or friends have different dailies then it takes the fun out of the game for me to play with them, and the daily chest is a joke. you get one Essence of Luck, 1 Gold, and 30 Astral Acclaim.... 

    Weekly chest: You have to grind, you get 10 Laurels, 1 celebration Booster, 1 Tome of Knowledge, 450 Astral Acclaim.

    Special is about the grind again with no bonus chest just the  Astral Acclaim. 

    The Astral Acclaim only goes up to 1,300 forcing you to spend, we should not have a limit on what we are forced to earn. which means we can't save the  Astral Acclaim. Wizards Vault is a joke is how I feel....

    They are making you grind more that's all their is to it, I personally can't sit here at my pc to do that, my whole spine is messed up, my play time has been getting less and less over that last year 😞 and I want play with my Husband and friends when I can play...

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  16. 3 hours ago, Kaibamon.7206 said:

    The thing is you pay now and in full, not in increments 🙂

    But that's the problem, you are forcing people to play to get rewards. In my case I'd login and know there's something I get for it. And from there I'd just willingly do something more, be it fool around, or an event or explore, but it gave me a little treat at the start and I liked that. I also knew what I get that day and there was no rush. Maybe if you can buy something for the login credit they give you, ok. Otherwise no, you turned a game into a second job. Something I'm tired of doing from other games with battle passes.

    I find that they did just that. And I can't play like that....

    Logging in only gives you 5 points, but if you do the dailies they only give you 1 Essence of luck 1 gold and 30 Astral Acclaim tokens.... What a joke.....

    Most people don't know but you can only get the laurels out of the weekly chest..... I don't even see a way to get the mystic coin yet. and its all about grinding again....

    We need our options back, of picking the 3 dailies that best suit us....

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  17. 16 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Um... not that I completely agree with the new system..... but... what's stopping you both from helping each other do each others dailies? regardless if you have different ones? just because one doesn't get credit for a daily from the other, doesn't mean you can't tag along and do them together. 🤷‍♂️

    The defender event has been acting wonky ever since they took out repairing for credit for it, maybe this will get more attention finally to get it fixed? they sure as kitten haven't bothered listening to the wvw forums in 6 months since the change.  🤷‍♂️

    I am Disabled and I don't get to just sit at my PC all day... So I have limited time to play and I have to make a choice of what I can do in the game, and what I love the most is playing with my Husband and my guild.

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  18. So if you have friends and plan on playing with them don't plan on doing dailies with them

    IT'S OFFICAIL... I CAN'T PLAY WITH MY HUSBAND IN DOING DAILIES 😞  They gave my husband I different dailies, I think I am straight up done with GW2, I can't even finish my dailies for WvW which is defender, While my husband has capture a sentry.... what is wrong with you Arenanet..... I don't have time to do that stuff I had tried to play for a hour Defending and got no results.. Now I am in horrible pain from sitting here 😞  

    and I have the dumb daily adventure to my dailies today why???? I refuse to do it..... so much for gaining points for the wizards vault.

    WHY? why would you change dailies to were everyone's is different?

    Why would you keep us from playing with our guild or friends in trying to do dailies together?

    Why didn't you give us a bigger option for our Dailies?

    So this is How you really wanted the game to be, for those of us that don't have the time to miss out on dailies that you have picked for us and we have no choice in it??? Because you didn't even give us a option to even get to pick our dailies as before?

    I really want to know why you have done this to us..... and I don't want any poor excuse from Them......

    There is a few of us that run together or if someone needs help I am always there, but what's the point if if we can't get the same things done together?

    I am totally saddened by this.... 

    When they changed dailies way back in the day I refused to do them because of all of the traveling and it became really annoying, Now it's even worse and more annoying  

    • Confused 1
  19. IT'S OFFICAIL... I CAN'T PLAY WITH MY HUSBAND IN DOING DAILIES 😞  They gave my husband I different dailies, I think I am straight up done with GW2, I can't even finish my dailies for WvW which is defender, While my husband has capture a sentry.... what is wrong with you Arenanet..... I don't have time to do that stuff I had tried to play for a hour Defending and got no results.. Now I am in horrible pain from sitting here 😞  

    WHY? why would you change dailies to were everyone's is different?

    Why would you keep us from playing with our guild or friends in trying to do dailies together?

    Why didn't you give us a bigger option for our Dailies?

    So this is How you really wanted the game to be, for those of us that don't have the time to miss out on dailies that you have picked for us and we have no choice in it??? Because you didn't even give us a option to even get to pick our dailies as before?

    I really want to know why you have done this to us..... and I don't want any poor excuse from Them......

    There is a few of us that run together or if someone needs help I am always there, but what's the point if if we can't get the same things done together?

    I am totally saddened by this.... 

    • Like 2
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  20. IT'S OFFICAIL... I CAN'T PLAY WITH MY HUSBAND IN DOING DAILIES 😞  They gave my husband I different dailies, I think I am straight up done with GW2, I can't even finish my dailies for WvW which is defender, While my husband has capture a sentry.... what is wrong with you Arenanet..... I don't have time to do that stuff I had tried to play for a hour Defending and got no results.. Now I am in horrible pain from sitting here 😞  

    WHY? why would you change dailies to were everyone's is different?

    Why would you keep us from playing with our guild or friends in trying to do dailies together?

    Why didn't you give us a bigger option for our Dailies?

    So this is How you really wanted the game to be, for those of us that don't have the time to miss out on dailies that you have picked for us and we have no choice in it??? Because you didn't even give us a option to even get to pick our dailies as before?

    I really want to know why you have done this to us..... and I don't want any poor excuse from Them......

    There is a few of us that run together or if someone needs help I am always there, but what's the point if if we can't get the same things done together?

    I am totally saddened by this.... 


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