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Julischka Bean.7491

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Everything posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. I am with you on this. I got into expac with a Reaper. If the prologue was not so long, I would gladly drag my Rangers through it as the price to pay for an adorable Warclaw pet...I saw it and fell in love with it's appearance. No idea what it does but I want it 🙂 Well, I guess that is what I have to do, so I better get started 🙂
  2. Yay! I am not alone 🙂 The first time was months, ago but I was the waters of I think Mount Maelstrom. I was having a fight with multiple Kraits. I blame the Kraits..they are sore losers 🙂
  3. Overheating? Hmm...I don't think that was the problem or it would happen more often...Yes, it is compatible with Direct X11. This has happened to me three times all within maybe the past 6 months. It doesn't happen often but this last one surprised me because it was within days of the one before happening. Also, water had nothing to do with this last one. I am a clutz and was trying to keep from going over the edge when of the ramp when using the Zephrite speed aspect. I made it, but my clothes changed 🙂 And, the second time was when I did go over the edge of the same ramp when using the speed aspect. I fell into the water and my clothes changed 🙂
  4. I have the Shark Legendary, but I had not gotten around to swapping my ascended out for it.
  5. Like a bad penny, I am back. This transformed armor is different from the one I originally posted about....but I do like the pants on this one too.
  6. And here is the original back. And now I will quit boring everyone and start my day 🙂 https://imgur.com/a/DTHNOlG
  7. Here is one shot of the original armor before it was changed. One more coming. https://imgur.com/a/6yERNKi
  8. Here is the second. https://imgur.com/a/NCfhUU3
  9. https://imgur.com/a/NCfhUU3 Sorry it took me so long. My screenshot did not work. The name of screenshot was there in the screenshot file...but no screenshot . Anyway, the transformation happened again just a bit ago during the Treasure hunt. This time I did all sorts of things and this time it worked. So here is my first attempt at linking a picure to the forums. Fingers crossed. If it works, I have one more.
  10. Don't belong to such sites. But for this, I might try.
  11. I have a screenshot. No idea how to post it
  12. Hello all. Could someone explain to me why my armor changes to an armor type I have never see before? Several times I will be underwater and when I surface, I will be wearing a mystery set. Same pattern of armor I am wearing, but different. For example, today I was wearing the baggy pants and the brawler shirt. The baggy pants were changed to a different color, and there was a plate of armor on the lower back, the shirt color went from pure white to shades of blues. While it was the Brawler Pattern, the shirt looked different. The pattern had a different pattern if that makes sense. The pieces were well designed. I actually would buy the set if it were in the Gem Shop. I can waypoint and the mystery clothing will survive waypointing. I look at my equipment panel, and my original armor is showing. Eventually, it reverts back to normal, but, what I am I doing to cause this? Has it happened to others? ...Only Lisa.
  13. Hello all. Thank you for your responses DaniKat, Rose Of Gilead, Inculpatus Cedo, Randulf, and Ronin 🙂 After I posted this, I went to Mount Maelstrom and did the World Boss requirement there...and got credit 🙂 This surprised me, because it was the one in the Volcano. If I got credit for that one, I definitely feel like I should have gotten credit for Jormag. Oh well. Things worked out. And yes, the Turtles I was talking about were the turtle mounts...so many turtles were there that day. Inculpatus, Yes, I sort of felt that the Turtles should not block my damage output to Jormag, but there were so many of them, I went into a panic...silly, I know. DaniKat, I did get a bouncy chest...mayhaps I did fall victim to this bug you speak about. Thank you everyone. I appreciate your responses so much 🙂 Lisa
  14. Hello. I have a problem. I just did Jormag this morning and I did not receive credit for doing so. I need to understand why. I had a sick feeling that I was hitting turtles instead of Jormag, so I bounced to the front and made sure that it was dragon toes I was bopping instead of turtle shells. I put my squishy self into danger to insure I would get credit, but, nope. Anyone have any idea what I could have done wrong? I know I did not get credit because, for fun, I am following the "Beginners Guide" I think that is the name. Page 5. When Jormag finished, I found that credit was not given 😞 Thank you in advance. Lisa.
  15. Hello all. I just bounced in to thank Anet for the changes to the daily/weekly 🙂 When I saw I had a choice of things to do...example- kill 100 Mordrem or kill 100 Nightmare Court, do a Meta or do Events, I nearly cried with joy. Giving us a choice between teaming things and solo things made me soooo happy. I promise I am not lazy, just an uncoordinated player which keeps me from getting in a squad for fear of being kicked. I would gladly kill 200 Forge in place of a strike mission, bounty, anything that mandates getting on a squad. Scowl...this sort of makes up for me being unable to access the new weapons because I cannot finish the story...darn rifts
  16. Hi everyone. I am about to ask the dumbest question ever asked on this forum. Yesterday I was on Guildwars2 Wiki because I was curious about what it took to make a Legendary Relic. As I read through the list of required things, my eyebrows started inching higher and higher. When I was done, I logged into that wiki page on my phone, went into game and compared what I had to what wiki said I needed. I am a crafter and I squirrel things away because "I might need them later." That has been my M.O for years. Soooo, to my fascination, I saw that I could make a Legendary Rune right then and there. I only needed one Charm, the expensive one. So, to my question. I did not see anything about having to bravely march into PVP and getting beaten up, nor I see any requirements to raid...not that I could, as I would be immediately dropkicked out of every raid team I attempted to join 🙂 Is it true???? No competitive modes are required? You just need to make the gifts???? Thank you in advance 🙂 -Lisa who needs coffee.
  17. Ok. I went through and read all the comments. First of all, relax, get a glass of iced tea, and try this again when you are in a "I can do this" state of mind. I concur with the others that instead of retreating into the fort and closing the gate behind you, you were probably trying to fight all the waves of mobs. I tried that once. Ended up giving it up and running into the fort with my tail between my legs 🙂 Anyways, once in, just follow the instructions. The game will tell you what to do. I seriously wish all the living world stories were of this difficulty 🙂 Anyways, Grab that drink, throw back your shoulders, and back into the fray with you 🙂
  18. I came back. Like a bad penny, I came back. I was in a tunnel bringing a bad day to a clutch of fiery destroyers, when I thought of another thing I like doing ingame. World Bosses and and some Metas. As long as I am not in a squad where I can be kicked because of my atrocious skillz I am on it. Heck, I use my scribe and crafting abilities and provide banners and ascended food 🙂 Hmm..I am actually handy to have around.
  19. Hmm...well, the game is alive, colorful. I enjoy the sometimes absurdness of map chat. I love seeing how people dress their characters, I love doing digital homicide to wake up in the mornings alongside my cup of coffee. I do like interacting with people. What I am ashamed of is I am a klutz...and a sensitive klutz at that. WvW is like PvP...full of people taunting you, trying to get a rise out of you, so you will go into a blind rage and thus be taken out easily...I don't want to go there.
  20. Ohh, sorry. I did not mean Activities. I meant objectives in general.
  21. I agree 100 percent. We now have, err, hot weather armor tops for Heavy armor and the game has survived. Now, Let us have shorts for Heavy armor 🙂 Grin. A thought of shorts made of heavy armor just popped into my mind and made me laugh 🙂
  22. Sanctified Leggings are bike shorts when worn by medium weight characters. They are the armor in the Wizard's Vault...the place you spend your astral currency.
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