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Tootall.1830's Achievements

  1. oh sweet. Ive been playing since 2013 and never knew about it! thnks!
  2. Not sure if this is an easter egg or bug but if you go the citadel and go to the crafting area and go behind the Charr that repairs equipment, Zyra, there are about 8 orange and white cats there. Its part of the Serrated blade tavern and if you go down the a crack you will find them.Anyway it was a funny thing to find
  3. Here are couple of suggestions I have:1) Legendary trinkets get 2 slots when they are created. It is a lot of effort and mats go into it for only 1 slot. You would most likely see an increase in people doing them due to this fact which would help the economy based on the sheer number of mats and items some need.2) A transmutation charge gobbler / vendor. I'm the kind of person who once i find an outfit that works I really don't change it. Maybe a vendor or gobbler that would use min 500 to 1000 to get something like a guaranteed wardrobe unlock or dye that you are missing. Currently sitting on 2500+ with nothing to do with them.3) The rare flowers you get from the plot after completing the master gardener, legendary spikes and the some of the gifts ( I.E gift of fleet etc), can they go into your inventory and not your bank?4) Possibly reworking the higher achieve chest ( 25k on up) drops to something that is more useful for players who have been playing for a while? For example, I just hit the 25K chest and got an insta lvl 20 scroll as one of my drops. If you have played that long to get that far you most likely have enough experience scrolls to get an alt to 80 very quickly.5) A way to filter in the TP to show which dyes, minis or weapon skins you either have or dont have? Hope this helps!
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