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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. I'm finding the Janthir Wilds release to be fun. Lots to do. Can't see how it's doomed. Likes: 1. Story - flows better than SOTO. 2. First Map - lots to do, pleasing to the eyes. 3. First map hearts are not to difficult to complete. Plenty of events to do in the vicinity. 4. Boss fights aren't a pushover. 5. Love the pve warclaw. Has now taken the place of my raptor for general ground movement. Love the in combat mounting ability. 6. Homestead stuff is enjoyable. Dislikes: 1. Having to do the spear mastery to advance the story was a little annoying. 2. Hearts on second map. First heart is a pain - not enough happening around it quick enough - takes forever to complete. Second heart(South Western one) also has a pacing issue, though you can advance it while waiting for events. Third heart is adequate. 3. Warclaw dash button change in WvW, plus the lack of jump height - can hardly clear minor obstacles(so much for agile and precise).
  2. Yep we just had a potential guildie have this happen. 5/6 but tells us he has max number of guilds. He already joined our alliance guild but wanted to get into our primary guild.
  3. These last 2 weeks it seems the max number of players allowed on the map for our team has been reduced. The queues pop almost immediately. Yesterday for example, our squad of 38 moved to a map and 10 of our people were put in the queue. No other tags on the map, only 6-8 pugs at spawn, and nothing being attacked on the map. Seems like the max we can have on a map these days is about 50. Though our enemies don't seem to have this problem. They seem to easily have 60-70 on the map. ANET, what is the real deal on the map population?
  4. For a couple of days now the Gosta event says it has started and Gosta is nowhere to be seen. You can circle the whole area staying in range of the event and there is nothing. I've seen Gosta before and he's usually near the waypoint camp near the bloodstone area.
  5. I've seen it pop miltiple times now and there is no indicator of where Gosta is. I think this is a broken event.
  6. Right after this last patch I logged in and instantly crashed. Another guildie had that happen as well.
  7. I mentioned that to my friend during the last part. He sounded exactly like Braham. Is he going to take hundreds of warriors off and get them killed in the future, thinking he's the chosen one?
  8. We've been asking for this for years now. But instead they ignore real quality of life stuff and give us portals for thieves that NO ONE asked for.
  9. When in WvW look at the barrage skill. It now has little numbers in the corner of the skill. You can fire off more volleys much faster now.
  10. Longbow is actual really good. You just have to be smart. Always have a melee option ready. Sword/Axe, Axe/Axe, Greatsword, Hammer. If the enemy is using reflects switch. Barrage is extremely powerful at the moment since they added the "ammo" function. Really useful for clearing siege and killing fools who hug it. As with everything, just play smart.
  11. As has been pointed out, all you and your brother need to do is have the same guild set as your WvW guild. The little castle on the guild selected on your guild panel indicates which guild you have selected. Currently, ANET has stopped moving people until the next match making round that goes live on 30 August. If by chance you get placed on the wrong teams again - one of you needs to submit a ticket ASAP. Decide which of you will do so. The team your on is on the last tab of your WvW panel. Or where the little house is located on the first tab of your WvW panel. Good luck.
  12. Yep, they have a cutoff date. Which is way passed. Those who are stuck on the wrong team this time that didn't meet the deadline have to wait until 30 Aug. Make sure your WvW Guild is set correctly. If they get put on the wrong team again, submit a ticket immediately.
  13. You do realize that they can just zoom out, right? It does nothing to block their view.
  14. From all the responding you're doing you seem to like the dead spy on the ground stuff. And my suggestion doesn't put you in "black screen". It puts you in MAP Screen. There was a time when players who got into places like bay and were being chased would try to die really close to a gate or the water gate area so they could be rezzed. Usually a mesmer. My solution is to make it so dead players can't give intel on numbers, repairs or siege. you're dead, why can you see anything? Sounds logical to deny intel from dead players. Would add even more fairness.
  15. I've always proposed the "Dead Men Tell No Tales" rule. It goes to the map screen once you are killed. You either port or get rezzed after the battle. But all the while you don't get to see what's going on.
  16. 1. That is why you aren't with anyone you know. 2. To get with people you know, as has been pointed out, you need to join a guild and select that particular guild as your WvW guild. 3. You'll have to wait for the rematching to take place on 30 August to move off the team you're currently assigned. You have until 28 August to get with a guild(and select it as your wvw guild). 4. If, after selecting a guild before the deadline, you are assigned to the incorrect team then submit a ticket to get moved to the proper team. 5. Guilds set their own rules - Discord is usually somewhere in there. Not always. We have scouts in our "alliance" guild who never join comms. They don't join squads either(which usually requires discord for better fighting coordination). But we accept having them in our guild because they're awesome scouts. 6. There's a chance to end up with the same people you're currently with after being assigned to a new team on the next matchup if you don't get into a guild "alliance". You are taking your chances by not joining one. You'll be assigned randomly once every month until you do.
  17. Please increase the amount it costs to build siege. This past week has proven that the reductions were way too much. Increase AC cost by at least 10-15, Trebs by 20-25, Catas by 5-10, balistas 5-10, shields 5-10. We were actually siege locked in our borderland due to someone building a metric-kitten ton of siege in our garrison. We couldn't even drop a catapult on a wall at a southern tower.
  18. Like I said - you need to just make your 2 person guild then. Set it as your WvW guild, the two of you. If that is all that matters to you then you should both be on the same team on the next rematch. We have 400+ in our alliance guild and only 23 are not linked to us. If by chance you and your friend aren't on the same team you have about 7-10 days to put in a ticket for a transfer to the same team.
  19. Simple answer if all you care about is playing WvW with your friend. You both find the same guild alliance, join it, and set it as WvW Guild. Or, alternatively, form your own 2 person guild so you two can always play together. And make sure you set it as your WvW Guild.
  20. You don't have to reselect your wvw guild every reset unless you unselected it. You can tag as your normal guild without selecting it for wvw as long as the "alliance" guild remains selected as your wvw guild and remain with everyone. There are glitches where payers end up on the wrong team. Out 400+ we only had 44 not on the right team t his time and we did not have to reselect our wvw guild(where the little castle is on your Guild panel) because we never changed it during the last link. We have about half the non-team ones back so far.
  21. While we appreciated all the bags coming in this is ridiculous. In alpine garrisons it was a never ending flow of enemy defenders. and their numbers continued to grow. After 15 minutes of this yesterday we just grew tired and left. Fix this ANET.
  22. We went from 5 tiers last matchup to 4 tiers this time around. Did something happen? EU still has 5 tiers.
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