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Everything posted by Heibi.4251

  1. ANET, Is this true? There is a warning in the reporting section in game when you report a player. Some people are saying that ANET is going to start terminating the accounts of people who report players like wall runners in EBG. Can you confirm or deny such a policy?
  2. My views on the new changes: Wall and Gate repair: 25% would be a better number for the wall/gate to go up. Capture Circles: I think they are great now. Some were just WAY too big. The defense hardly had to do anything in some cases. Golem trolling the capture circles: I think this is ok. But it has really been abused. A certain server(starts with M) once had 20 golems in a certain EBG camp along with 10 ballista, and 10 shield gens ta boot. So the change is welcome to an extent. Siege Disrupter(Formerly Disable): Don't like it too much. I do like how it makes siege more vulnerable to damage. But overall, don't like. Changes/Additions I'd like to see in WvW some not related to defense: 1. Thief portal gone in WvW 2. When RI is active in a keep - no stealth allowed for invaders. 3. Actual cooldowns added to any thief movement ability(like Infiltrator's Arrow) in line with other classes.(i.e. Balanced). None of these should be initiative based. 4. Actual distance check for skills like Shadow Step, Shift Signet, Blink, etc. If the actual distance, like going up to the wall like in SE Camp in Alpine border land, is more than allowed threshold it does not work. 5. Make all gates go up to the actual height of the entrance(should stop some exploits). 6. Fix the glitch in SMC corridor allowing certain classes to go to second floor from first. 7. Target Painter Traps should not be overridden by any trait or skill. 8. Create a Repair Tactic. Basically once the tactic is added an npc(s) go around and repair any wall below a certain amount. Anyway, yes there are some targeted class changes, but overall this extra stuff would add more balance. to WvW. Obviously, thief maniacs will disagree with some of the changes I suggest.
  3. The problem with thieves is that they don't have real cool downs on weapon skills. If they did they would have to actually play the class rather than spam the attacks and then disappear for untold amounts of time. They truly need to get rid of the portal they gave them or disable it in WvW. With their counter-proof stealth(yes you truly can't counter it due to ANET giving them traits to overcome things like tracker traps and other player skills. No one should be able to stealth once in combat. Also they truly need cool downs on weapons. I'm tired of the glitch-like movements we see all the time in WvW. You try to engage them and their half way across the map in less than 3 seconds. Also, on keeps, no one should be able to stealth while RI is active after a capture. So many things have been broken by stealth - most of it by thieves.
  4. Wasn't just towers this week that blue was taking, they were teleport hacking keeps too. A thief either on BP or FC. No guild tag, and when I clicked to report him, no user name. Of course reporting for botting would have done nothing but I did anyway. Made the week completely unbalanced in the matchup when one side was doing this.
  5. Kind of disappointing that the expansion of the Realm Avenger title did not include any achievement points. All it added was bragging rights with II, III, IV, etc. added to your title. Sad face.
  6. What they need to do is have a distance traveled algorithm for this. If by a certain time they cover ZERO distance they are removed from the bl/ebg and are banned from returning for at least 24 hours(They can play GW2, just not in WvW). Also found from the last match up that 1 player was playing his account on our side and his other on the the enemy's side. And he bragged about it while tag watching and such. That should be a 6 month ban of both accounts.
  7. Killed both of them multiple times and have yet to receive achievement credit.
  8. Look at the achievement and make sure you have them all checked off.
  9. After re-contemplating this issue I believe it is a better decision by ANET. This way you don't need 18 characters for gifts of Inner Nayos. One toon can get all the gifts you need.
  10. So wait - we need 6 total Gifts of Inner Nayos to get a complete set of Obsidian Armor. We only get one for finishing the Legendary Armor astral achievement. That makes this a ridiculous way to do armor. Very poor execution of this new armor release. Massive grinding and then more grinding on top of grinding. I have been grinding for the last few months to make sure I had the materials and items required and you only make it so we get one gift for the story achievement. Very poor design. I mean I went and got tens of thousands essences thinking there would be a way to get the final piece and now it's do 43 lanterns 5 more times to get a gift of Nayos. Sigh. No one thought this was a bad idea?
  11. That is a cool idea. Revives and rezzes would be a good addition.
  12. I wonder if the Realm Avenger will take into account the kills above 250,000 or if we'll have to start from 250,000. I'm already above 500,000. Oh, look at that. I should have read more carefully - it will.
  13. The current reporting mechanism has nothing to do with what is said in chat. They are violating terms of agreement just like the afk farmers are in pve. Thus if they do not respond to queries when whispered by a in game moderator, they are subject to being kicked from WvW and face possible temp bans.
  14. Impossible. Anyone who did had it given to them. Not enough yaks had spawned for it to even happen. Considering that the change happened in 2015 with the HoT release(Oct 23, 2015) it makes that statement even more dubious. GW2 launch Aug 28, 2012 would mean they would have had to kill 333,333+ yaks a year, 913+ a day, 7 yaks every 5 min, 24/7. Assuming 1 yak every 5 min that equals 12 yaks an hour which equals 288 yaks a day. That's 105,120 yaks in 1 year. It would take doing nothing but killing yaks for 9.512 years 24/7. Impossible.
  15. As this is an ongoing problem in WvW - "Wall Runner" needs to have its own report category in reporting players. "Botting" simply does not cover it. Having it labeled as "Wall Running" would help ANET differentiate it from the botting done in pve by afk farmers. No idea how much effort it would require to add that to the menu when you report someone, but it would be a great relief to many players who get tired of queues created by numerous players who constantly abuse this technique to either stay in EBG/BL or have an alt to spy while they run another account on the opposing server. I'm sure there are other menu options people would want to add, but this one would cover a huge percentage of the "Botting" reports. Thank you for any effort to address this.
  16. I personally enjoyed the EOD and SOTO releases. I've been playing and never took a break since beta. The maps are underpopulated at times, but you can always find one when the time is right in EOD. They are challenging maps to complete at times. EOD's story is great. SOTO's is just slow due to the pace at which it is being released. There's a path to your skyscale if you don't have one right after you get through the preliminary part of SOTO. I suggest doing EOD first, since SOTO is kind of a sequel to EOD. But if you want your skyscale you can always do that part first in SOTO. Or do the skyscale old way before doing EOD.
  17. I'm quite aware. But at least you can attempt to coordinate even on reset. We do it all the time. Much much much less chaotic than the team making process for these betas. Even after the first week when we were still matched up on the same team reset was 10 times more chaotic than with simple server inks.
  18. One of the big contributing factors to these horrible WvW reset night queues is the lack of ability to coordinate with other groups(servers in non-beta times) to deconflict on said night. You try to make your best guess where to go and end up with a 74 instant queue. Then you try to go to a BL without a queue an a queue pops there. We were finally able to get everyone on a BL last night, which was a miracle unto itself. But there was a queue on all BLs thereafter. This is one factor in the team making that is a big negative for me. At least with servers we can talk to other guilds before reset hits.
  19. On Friday night while in desert bl the red team was in the process of taking fire keep while we were hitting their garrison. They flipped fire keep and transferred their claim to fire keep. Suddenly ANET claimed garrison for the red team and someone pulled the EWP. From all the times I've seen this happen there is an internal cooldown on all tactics preventing tactics already added from functioning, including tactics like Presence of the Keep, a current objective has if the guild claim is switched. Is there a bug involving ANET's guild claiming that bypasses this cooldown? Because it greatly affected reset last night if there is.
  20. We've had guildies experience the exact problem of being DC'd from the game while their internet is working perfectly. They have no issues with anything but the game. Not an uncommon occurrence.
  21. If someone was actually sitting idle for 15-20 min, i.e. not moving or taking any actions at all, they would be kicked from WvW. The only reason for a "kick" at 3-4 minutes would be a connection issue.
  22. Maybe an all fight map. No objectives. Just the spawn points and open structures to set up for your little ambushes and such. Then the fight guilds, or plain fight oriented groups can go there and "enjoy" each other's company, leaving the objective defending and taking to the other folks.
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