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Posts posted by LazySummer.2568

  1. Revs just need to think more carefully about saving their stunbreaks and energy for it instead of the current bs where they just spam Gaze of Darkness offensively for the broken instant cast blind + vul if they're in glint or spamming all their weapon skills for damage if they're in shrio because they can just legend swap to get away for free anyways. Good change.

  2. Dunno, I think this class is trying to fly under the radar from the pee vee pee subforums by being the last class not mentioned, and I mean, I still see them played in like every one of my plat games so it must mean they're OP.

    My arguments?


    inb4 l2p / just dodge 4head. Only monkey, biased ranger mains use these non-arguments.

  3. I don't understand all these condi mirage's complaints against fire weavers when:

    • it's an insane kiting machine:
    • all of its attacks are ranged
    • can evade / counter attack with shatter while cc'ed
    • has at least 2 displacement skills, both usable while cc'ed
    • big impact skills such as arcane thievery and phantasmal duelist that allows you to cast behind your back, with the slow from arcane thievery being insanely good against the weaver, especially when they happened to use Fire 2 during it.
    • has access to chill/cripple for more kiting, with chill being particularly good against weavers in general
    • even if you're just running around and not actively attacking, your clones are constantly auto attacking the weaver for free, with extra bursts whenever you press evade, and these damage stack up that the weaver cant just ignore them completely.
    • has access to poison to lowers weaver's sustain
    • has basically no tell on several of its important attacks (shatters, magic bullet, arcane thievery, chaos storm) except phantasmal duelist.

    All of these on top of having a bunch of clones to clutter up weaver's awareness while you're only fighting a single melee enemy that has obvious tells on its attacks except glyph. It's also not as if the mirage's build has 0 sustain and they can bring extra cleanses from mantra of resolve if they really needed it.Just give up the node for a bit and whittle them down from range instead of letting them get favorable trade on you in melee range. It's even worse for the weaver when it's one of those nodes that has ledges that you can staff 2 to like forest or temple.

    Fire weaver doesn't even have that many mass cleanses to deal with your cover condis once they use up weaver self jfc.

  4. Fresh air weaver cant do 30k damage in 1s in spvp even in full berserk + scholar + sigil of seperation + triple arcane damage util.and as a necro, the second you put weakness or chill on that thing all its damage goes to shit. That is on top just dodge 4head.

    If you meant the meme 30k churning earth + LF then I'd have to say you have no idea what balance even is because that's something which is literally full glass, requires long channeling, can't stealth, and can't be done from behind a wall. It's so bad that if someone were to label it "cheese", it's a build that cheeses its own team instead by making them 4v5.

    next time figure out what's really going on first before you whine on the forums.

  5. @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @"LazySummer.2568" said:it's nice to have in a squad, but the difference in a squad not having tempest is not as significant as a squad missing firebrand/scrapper or spellbreaker/herald/scourge (I know these are "dps" but I meant the support part they perform, whether it be boon removal, giving important boons, or barriers), which makes it unnecessary and 1st one to be replaced if the squad happened to be tight on support slots.

    I understand where you are coming from with firebrands, but scrappers and tempests have different roles in WvW. They both heal and cleanse, but scrapper for example, provides the stealth mechanic, whereas tempests provide the auras, the burst heal and the superspeed. Scrappers, too, can provide the latter, but it's not as instantaneous as the tempest, and it also doesn't affect 10 people (provided people are using the Tempestuous Aria trait).

    You may be wondering why I've brought superspeed into the equation. For second or third pushes in a guild/blob fight, it is the most essential thing to have. It is the key to winning a fight, as you can push hard and fast into your enemies, catching them unawares. That is why having a couple of tempests is important. I wouldn't disregard it just like that.

    I understand superspeed is actually a really good buff (any type movement speed bonus is good in fights, hence why my original post about losing swiftness is a nerf), and I slot eye of the storm every time I happen to play tempest in zerg but the cd on that skill is really too long for its effectiveness to be significant. Not to mention taking it & using it means using one of your important stunbreaks while giving up on potential extra heal/condi cleanse or aftershock which is pretty good too.

    It's quite dumb to me how much superspeed scrappers can spam on top of doing all these other useful things like converting condis, stealth and heal and really, if you want basically infinite, instant superspeed for the whole zerg, might as well mix in a few holosmith with the leap trait and it's not like holosmith is completely useless. It can still do some damage in melee group.

    Auras, like the post above said is really meh and the only aura that even cause a bit of annoyance to enemies is frost aura, and that's mainly only really good against dps weavers.

    Tempest is just too fair and i dont understand why balance team is so clueless and keep it at that level when everyone else is broken while keep making trash changes like this concentration for swiftness thing.

  6. @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @noiwk.2760 said:guys is Tempest support really vailable now days and good class?

    It has been viable for a while now. You can play with either dagger/warhorn or with staff--both with minstrel stats and trooper runes.

    ty .! thats great to hear ! tho how does it scale into late game as support ? how is it compared to Scourge support or other support in the game?

    Not sure what you mean by scourge support, since their main role is to do lots of damage and corrupts. With staff, you'll be doing a lot of healing, as well as cleanses, which is somewhat on the same level as scrapper now but better than support warrior.

    just abit better than warrior support? untill now i only knew about warrior banners as support.

    can tempest really be good and accepted as support on late game stuff? or its just far too bad compared to FB/Druid?

    as for Scourge it can be quite use for barriers and healing..

    and about Tempest as support what advantages does it have compared to other supports?

    there's no reason to use tempest as a support in pve as it doesnt offer anything unique that's useful that other supports dont have and it can only focus on one thing (heal or boons or dps) unlike other supports that can at the very least heal+give boons very well. i.e. it's bad

    even in wvw and spvp it's replaceable by other supports.

    I wouldn't say replaceable. Support tempests are still very much needed in WvW.

    it's nice to have in a squad, but the difference in a squad not having tempest is not as significant as a squad missing firebrand/scrapper or spellbreaker/herald/scourge (I know these are "dps" but I meant the support part they perform, whether it be boon removal, giving important boons, or barriers), which makes it unnecessary and 1st one to be replaced if the squad happened to be tight on support slots.

  7. @noiwk.2760 said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @noiwk.2760 said:guys is Tempest support really vailable now days and good class?

    It has been viable for a while now. You can play with either dagger/warhorn or with staff--both with minstrel stats and trooper runes.

    ty .! thats great to hear ! tho how does it scale into late game as support ? how is it compared to Scourge support or other support in the game?

    Not sure what you mean by scourge support, since their main role is to do lots of damage and corrupts. With staff, you'll be doing a lot of healing, as well as cleanses, which is somewhat on the same level as scrapper now but better than support warrior.

    just abit better than warrior support? untill now i only knew about warrior banners as support.

    can tempest really be good and accepted as support on late game stuff? or its just far too bad compared to FB/Druid?

    as for Scourge it can be quite use for barriers and healing..

    and about Tempest as support what advantages does it have compared to other supports?

    there's no reason to use tempest as a support in pve as it doesnt offer anything unique that's useful that other supports dont have and it can only focus on one thing (heal or boons or dps) unlike other supports that can at the very least heal+give boons very well. i.e. it's bad

    even in wvw and spvp it's replaceable by other supports.

  8. @God.2708 said:

    @"LazySummer.2568" said:Top streamers such as Vallun and MightTeapot (or pretty much any good players that can comprehend how good the trait was) both said that losing the swiftness on overload is a hit, so you're wrong.

    It's not about not having swiftness, it's about having it without needing to sacrifice any of your skill/trait/weapon/rune slots and being able to get it at any time in basically any situation (because you don't have to be in a specific attunement and it doesnt require you to blast fields, which is obviously not something you can easily do if you're currently engaged in combat).

    At most it's either a slight buff or nerf instead of the huge buff you're suggesting.

    Do me a favor and don't comment in any threads if all you're going to do is write useless comments that have 0 arguments and only personal attacks and exaggeration.

    Please do share where they said this in their streams. I'll set aside that Vallun is primarily a thief player and teapot is primarily a necro player and take your argument to authority.

    The only, singular instance, which I can think of where you would need this is if you are a D/F auramancer support in PvP and for some unknown reason you opt to take one of the other two traits over harmonious conduit because you enjoy having your overloads interrupted. But I am open to hearing otherwise. The suggestions seen thus far in the topic have done little to persuade me of anything other than fear that they might one day end up in my group.


    Both streamers play all 3 game modes and multiclasses, and I've also stated my own reasons other than simply appealing to authority.

    Harmonious conduit is literally the most useless trait of the 3 in the master line (middle line) even before the patch because if you choose it, your support powers drop significantly (due to the main strengths of the spec being to clear condis, heal, and give boons/auras to allies). Even in pvp, there's very little value you gain from getting only 1 stack of stab compared to the cleanse and the healing you lose out, and really, only earth and water overloads are useful. Earth overload already grants stab, while water overload is good whether you get to complete the cast or not (of course completing it is better but most of the time you just dont get to do it). For Fire & Air overloads, often times you just cast them for the swiftness, prot, and sometimes stunbreak and instantly switch attunement to get more useful weapon skills off cd while charging the next overload. The main strength of support tempest doesn't even come from overloads most of the time, it's from all the utilities skills (including Wash the pain away & rebound), auras, and weapon skills. The only use for that trait is for pve dps tempest because they obviously don't offer much support and would rather get extra damage from completing overloads, and honestly the trait is so bad now I don't even see a use for that trait anywhere but that's besides the point.

    You're free to disagree, and honestly I just see this issue as 2 camps of people with opinions and it probably depends on which game mode they play. I just personally consider it as a overall (slight) nerf and wasn't happy because any type of nerf to tempest is totally uncalled for when you compare tempest to other broken specs, but yet balance team keep doing the same shit.

  9. @God.2708 said:I have lost a lot of faith in the GW2 forums having any idea on how to play elementalist today. I don't even know where to begin.

    This was all a huge buff. You are wrong. If you do not have swiftness on your elementalist, you should pick up another class and not comment on elementalist's balance again.

    Top streamers such as Vallun and MightTeapot (or pretty much any good players that can comprehend how good the trait was) both said that losing the swiftness on overload is a hit, so you're wrong.

    It's not about not having swiftness, it's about having it without needing to sacrifice any of your skill/trait/weapon/rune slots and being able to get it at any time in basically any situation (because you don't have to be in a specific attunement and it doesnt require you to blast fields, which is obviously not something you can easily do if you're currently engaged in combat).

    At most it's either a slight buff or nerf instead of the huge buff you're suggesting.

    Do me a favor and don't comment in any threads if all you're going to do is write useless comments that have 0 arguments and only personal attacks and exaggeration.

  10. All these people thinking extra bit a concentration is a buff because you can blast swiftness and do some other workarounds by taking certain skills/traits have no idea how much utility that swiftness on overload offers. Extra concentration is pointless for a support that only offer basic boons and can already maintain these boons at a good duration currently in fights unless it's pve, in which case support tempest is still a meme compared to broken specs like firebrand/renegade or even chrono/druid.

    It's k, tempest can stay irrelevant because that's how anet balance team will always want it to be. The new warrior, on the other hand, is looking great for people that actually want to play as a good support.

  11. Just got out of 3 consecutive games with at least 4, often 5, holos in a single game. That's basically the same as mirages/chronos era, and the upcoming nerfs doesn't even fix the correct things.

    Fuck holos & this awful game mode. Back to playing how this game is supposed to be played -- afking in SW & soon-to-be dead charr map

  12. @steki.1478 said:You have it in arcane as well as weapon skills. Having swiftness on a minor trait is pretty stupid when you compare it to minor traits of other classes and their elite specs.

    Concentration isn't amazing either, but it has far better use than personal swiftness on a support spec.

    sure concentration helps but it's not like you're outputting high value, short duration boons such as stab, resistance, quickness and alacrity where difference in 1 extra second is impactful in a fight. Losing perma swiftness is actually not stupid, especially in combat where the difference in speed between no swiftness and having it is quite significant when your role as a support is to get in position as fast as possible for allies that need help. Arcane and weapon's swiftness don't cut it when they are all stacked in Air, forcing you to attune to it if you want swiftness, whereas currently, you have the flexibility to give yourself swiftness in any attunement if you just use your overload, namely the unimportant ones such as fire or air.

  13. gj removing swiftness from overloads by default and putting it on a bad trait that only dps tempests take while introducing another dps trait for tempest. how do you expect to support anything when you're slow and dont have good access to swiftness (have to blast shitty lightning fields, have high cd #4 air skills in a few weapons, have to take eye of the storm, air trait line, or non-supportive runes such as rune of traveler)?

    lmao @ dps tempest concept and calling speedy conduit lackluster. balance team taking a step backwards with eles again.

  14. Please do not add resistance to warrior warhorn. Just because a weapon / skill / traitline is underutilized doesn't necessarily mean it should be powercrept to match all the other currently dominant builds.Resistance is a very powerful boon as it grants immunity to a big part of attacks your opponents can throw at you so access to it should be scarce. 10-man resistance on a 20s cd sounds too short. Moreover, resistance is given on top of a 10 man barrier + damage boost, which is already a pretty big buff. It's not as if warrior isnt already dominant in wvw currently when their boon removal bubble already does an important job in a fight that no other class can really replace.These buffs will just make warrior, a class that's already meta, even more dominant in a zerg as I would gladly sacrifice some damage / cc when i have such a strong set of buffs i can give to 10 allies on a 20s (short) cd.

  15. @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:From my original post "The reason for it being BS should be class design, not whether or not it is meta/strong right now." This has nothing to do with winning or losing. Its about pointing out builds that ignore counterplay or promote lazy and uninteractive gameplay.

    you should add renegade and turret engi to the list then because both builds are super lazy since they are just about summoning all your AIs then afk

  16. @"Sigmoid.7082" said:Every class doesn't have to be able to do everything.

    arguments like these will actually be valid in games other than gw2 because those games actually have well defined classes with unique roles but the matter of fact is gw2 was pitched to be play your way and even shaped to be like that (eg. giving every class the ability to dps/support, giving stealth to classes other than thief) so it's only fair every class can do everything the second you give something unique on one class to another class, even more so when the said "unique" ability is given to close to half the classes but not other half

  17. @Aigleborgne.2981 said:

    @SoulGuardian.6203 said:Secondly; the elementals spawns need to have infinite time manifestation, and instead, just like necros, they would have a health bar instead.

    They already have a health bar, so you are suggesting a major buff. It would certainly come with a nerf to their own skills.Earth elemental would be OP in solo as he is almost unkillable.Water ele could heal you indefinitely...I think they are fine as they are.

    there's nothing op about the glyph summons even if they last indefinitely. you're basically saying necro's flesh golem is OP because it lasts indefinitely and therefore has infinite ccs which is just not true, necros also have an unkillable summon called flesh wurm that's extremely tanky and is actually used to tank a few mechanics in fractals and raids, and let's be honest, the cc from flesh golem is way more reliable than any of the useless, highly delayed skills that any of ele's elementals put out.

  18. fb nerf on 1 less way to give bullshit group retal actually might help us too on top of the scourge, rev, scrapper nerfs. Mainly the scourge barrier nerfs that mitigates a lot of our damage might be big.

    warrior 10 man barrier/dps/resistance buff seem a bit retarded though and might negate the nerfs these classes receive

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