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  1. Don't agree with the OP for the most part, only agree with the part about buying a lot of an item, though that is extremely minor negative in the new system. Other wise I like having the rewards easily viewable, we get to choose the rewards, we get to buy the rewards instantly without the need of travel. I do wish the OP would give a better description on why he thinks its bad, he says it's bad but gives so little information it's not enough to understand why he thinks its bad
  2. It's been feeling empty since the moment it released and through the entire day, even during peak times for USA. Core maps, and the previous expansion maps had a ton more people than EOD maps last night at peak times which were nearly empty at peak times.
  3. Did they decrease the minimum amount of people in a map before the system will try to merge them for EOD? Or the system isn't working for EOD maps? They really need to change it back or fix it, cause the maps do feel empty.
  4. I do. I got 305 points saved up. Today I spent about 5 hours doing the rest of the hero points I missed in the PoF expansion, and then heading off to HoT expansion area and doing the ones I missed there, I believe I got about 270 points today. There is only 1 more HoT hero point that I missed that I cannot do since I do not have the Itzel poison mastery and I am like 2 or 3 tiers away from that and I am not going to grind that out. Then the only other ones I am missing are about 90 points throughout the original game. So yeah, I think I am prepared for the next elite specialization, being able to max it out pretty much right away. Are you prepared for it? Don't care about elite specializations? or want to earn the points through EoD expansion instead?
  5. Simple forum search did not answer the question, their search function is really bad.
  6. Well, the entire Guild Wars 2 saga has been about the dragons, with the next expansion bringing that to a close, it can also suggest it would be the last expansion. Do they change directions and make an entire new threat that doesn't have to do with the dragons for future expansions, or do they end Guild Wars 2 and the team focus on Guild Wars 3 or an entire new IP?
  7. Do you think this will be the last expansion for GW2? I am hoping there will be more expansions after EoD, but onto a different storyline, a new threat to Tyria.
  8. I hope so, I just spent the last 5 hours collecting about 270 hero points from Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns expansions, I now have 305 points saved up. There is only 1 more hero point challenge in Heart of Thorn expansion, but I am far away from getting the itzel poison mastery that is needed to reach that one. I got all the ones in Path of Fire. I think the only points I do not have are ~90 points scattered in the original game, but you only earn those 1 point at a time, that's to much a grind. So yeah, hopefully I am prepared for the next specialization right out the gate.
  9. I also have the 5700xt with an i7-9700k and 32GB of RAM. I also got stutter when I tried to use DXVK. I also got some other issues like: - My weapon would disappear and reappear while fighting, like every other second or so the weapon would appear or disappear.. This was just a visual bug though. - I was getting geopmetry issues, like all of the sudden this long triangle spike looking things would come out of the geometry. - Then of course the stutter So I removed DXVK and all is well again.
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