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Posts posted by Mokk.2397

  1. The biggest problem is not the amount of boons , but the lack of even distribution of boons among ALL classes and professions . As it is right now is a very small proportion of a group can carry the rest . This only requires the skill of a few and not the skill of every member of the group. And it also excludes some classes entirely . THIS IS NOT BALANCE ! THIS IS NOT GETTING GOOD !

    Every class needs to be a requirement to make a group successful. So the boons need to be spread out among all classes so that every player needs to be skilful for the group to be successful . All members with a mix of  all 9 classes doing they're part carrying each other. That takes the skill of every member. This is balance . This is getting good.

    This can be done. ANET nearly had it pre-HOT .

    Some boons should never have been introduced. There were plenty then.

    Unfortunately, the Guild Wars team obviously have their favourites and everyone else can go jump off a cliff . And it's only got worse. This is why WvW is failing . This is why WvW is so depressing. This why people are leaving.

    And all the Guild Wars 1 V2.0 content isn't going to bring them back .

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  2. What I would like to see is people playing the expansion. I mean seriously, the new maps are dead . The only Meta that has any significant numbers of players is Dragons End. The expansion has been out for less than 2 months and all I hear are crickets.  More people show up for The Great Jungle Wurm than the Metas for End of Dragons

    I wouldn't mind so much if didn't need all these Jade bot boons and anything else I can possibly add just to do one single event as an individual player. But creatures re spawn before I've finished the last batch .What happened to scaling? Not even enough people around to do a strike mission just to complete the turtle mount.

    Sorry ,but I'm not very impressed with the new expansion.

    • Like 3
  3. If at any time you receive hateful , racist , harassing  or threatening messages  that is in direct contravention of the game rules  , take a screen shot of the conversation and submit a ticket and report .  I'm sure that a character name can be cross referenced to an account by ANET.

    Salty comments about play style are one thing , but personal hateful messages are another .

    If people get so angry that they need to resort to this type of behaviour need to log off and cool off .


  4. 13 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    Ancient seeds isn't just 1 second of immob, tho....


    It is 5 applications of immob with 1 second each, for a total sum of 5 seconds of immob. That is really long, one of the longest lasting immob from a single skill in the entire game.


    I personally don't mind ancient seeds that much, but saying that it is just 1 second of immob is just factually wrong.

    OH so Electrified Net is ok ?

    Besides that bug was fixed

    May 17, 2016
    • Fixed a bug that allowed multiple triggers of this trait on a single target.
  5. I really wish people would think before they jump on a band wagon about how "over powered"  Ranger skills are

    Ancient Seeds requires prerequisites  and is profession specific and is ONE SECOND immobilize . Look at other immobilize from other classes and it's no more powerful . In fact many have longer duration's  and shorter cool downs that do not require a prerequisite or are not profession specific .  By peoples thinking it should have a 20second cool down at least . That would mean that any immobilize should have a 10 second cool down for every 1 second of immobilize  . . What about Zealot's Embrace , Pin Down , Brutal Shot , Knot Shot , Net Shot , Net Wall , Bola Shot , Infiltrator's Strike , Surprise Shot , Spotter's Shot , Malicious Surprise Shot , Earthen Rush , Swap , Dark Pact  . I can go on .

    People have no idea what it takes to control an AI pet . They're always out of position , slow to activate or dead  Most of the time the skills that are controllable fail . 

    . Yet most people won't bother to look any of this  up for themselves and compare the skills that do similar things and keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages . No , that would be to hard wouldn't it . But jumping on band wagons is easy .

    You want something that really needs a nerf take a real good look at guardian . Retaliation should have been just removed not replaced . The boon ball is more powerful then ever now  . All this patch did was cater to the all ready existing  Boon Ball AOE meta that's been an annoyance for three years  now and push the rest of us farther to the side.



    • Like 1
  6. "The ranger is a potent damage dealer. We've seen that Soulbeast has extreme burst damage potential, and unfortunately in this case, this has helped create some very homogenous group compositions." I doubt  that the ANET understands the meaning of homogenous .(composed of things that are the same kind , similar , equivalent , alike)

    I'm of-course assuming they mean the "PEW -PEW"

    But when you consider the changes to retaliation to resolution this essentially negates  the effectiveness of condition  ranger , spirit ranger , and trapper ranger . So how exactly does this  change a group to a less  homogenous composition ? It doesn't . In effect the ranger is now forced further into the PEW -PEW roll  at the same time making guardian even more invulnerable to attack. 

    Retaliation should never have been introduced to begin with and should have been removed entirely . Guardian did not need a buff replaced with a more powerful buff..

    Do they honestly think that I would use  Whirling Defense now ? It's a death sentence . Removing The unblockable from Call of the Wild isn't just a nerf to the ranger but a buff to Guardian again . I can't for the life of me understand how a 5 second unblockable with a 30 second cool down is such a threat when guardian has the most blocks in the game. 

    I guess ranger was just to much of a threat to the guardian boon ball meta and something needed to be done to keep the Devs freinds  happy .

    Why doesn't ANET just simplify everything and delete all other classes  and change to  Guardian Wars 2 .

    • Like 2
  7. I suppose ANETs  thinking is ranger has plenty of pulls so why fix path of scars . Problem is Prelude slash is  barely a pull since its range is only 300 and  although Fang Grapple has  a 1200 range , it  fails  99.9% of the time simply because the pet is always out of position making it slow and unpredictable . Snap to target for Path of Scars  is just as useless  because line of sight is lost and won't target because that's also far to slow .

    So  if you actually land  a hit with Path of Scars , you should immediately by a lottery ticket because your the luckiest person in the game . .

    • Like 1
  8. Many times people shout out for a tag . When one does only a couple people join let alone getting in comms . So why bother when theirs less stress roaming..Another problem , that wasn't mentioned in the poll , is tag watching . This happens more than you think . That's why many tags go private .

  9. @"SweetPotato.7456" said:There is a ranger that always shoots people from underground. It is not underwater because the incident happened outside Ogrewatch tower on the Red side of the EBG Map, The damage meter show that I am getting hit by "something platinum something hits you for xx damage with [Rapid Fire] "

    There were 2 necromancers yesterday on Sanctum of Rall Borderland that can stealth.

    Reported that ranger by Support Ticket and supplied undeniable picture proof of what he was doing. Haven't seen that person since . Just doing a report bott in this case wouldn't work because nobody could target the hacker . Go with a Support Ticket and supply as much picture proof as you can . Video proof would be even better . A support ticket allows you to add evidence where the quick report does not. By hovering your cursor over the orange dot in the mini map , it showed that the person was many units below ground.But it still leaves me wondering as to how much of a waste of space and oxygen a person needs to be to have to cheat on a video game.

  10. @phokus.8934 said:.Void targets 5 over 600u and it pulls them towards the center. There’s even an activation delay before pulling. This was changed many years ago as it used to be instant.

    It’s apparent people don’t know what they’re talking about or have any situational awareness in this game. They still want Godmode activated but if they get outplayed, will come to the forums and cry asking for nerfs. This and like many others are nothing but l2p issues.

    Wrong! Don't try to mislead people. Pulls all foes within the radius on a vector passing through the centre of the Temporal Curtain. When temporal curtain is put on the edge of the wall , into the void will pull people (through the centre of where temporal curtain was placed ) off the wall.The description of function has been like that since 22 October 2018‎

  11. Into the Void is not the only pull that is overly obnoxious . Hunter's Verdict is just as bad . And people that defend these 2 skills should remember that prior to April 19, 2016 Path of Scars was also considered over powered and look what happened to it . It's so severely dysfunctional now it's nearly impossible to do a pull . Sure it has a range of 1200 but it's a single pull of 450 with pathetic damage and requires to much extra key binding to even have a small chance to work . A 1200 pull with Hunter's Verdict is ridiculous with no evade and no block with up to 5 targets. To many targets with to far a distance . Into the Void area of effect is to large and effects to many people for a skill that requires no line of site . Non of the pulls from other classes are any where near as over powered as both Hunter's Verdict and Into the Void . Both need to be toned down .

  12. Really don't know what difference it will make because the same band wagoners will still freely transfer to the biggest blob servers links , completely negating the purpose of the linking system anyway .Fix the transfer system and I might get excited about re-links .

  13. Power , precision , critical chance , and ferocity do very little to nothing in a SB condi build . I would concentrate more on toughness and vitality and less on power and precision . Shamans , Trail Blazers , Dires or Plaguedoctors would be a better choice . These will give you a much higher DPS than a combination of condition . expertise ,power and precision in your build . They would also add defence at no extra cost. Magnanimous Crystals would give an added benefit . Spiders , Iboga or Wyvern give an added benefit over Bristelback.Since fury does little without a high critical or power I would switch Vicious quarry to Light on Your Feet or Quick Draw and Live Fast to Unstoppable Union

  14. Down state in it's self is not a problem and it's gives a uniqueness to the game . What is the problem are the skills that give some classes advantages over others when in the downed state . Any skill that causes a downed player to move quickly away from the point the downed state occurred needs to be removed . Replace with a very slow crawl. .Any downed skill that causes a non downed player to be pushed , pulled , launched , feared must be removed . Base healing and recovery in the downed state must be equal between classes .Increase speed of stomp .Add stomp or similar action for under water.

  15. Earliest memory was probably 6 months after the release. I was collecting pets for my ranger and was on the hunt for the Wolf . I was totally lost , getting beat up by ogres and massive blobs of people . Didn't have the faintest clue of what was going on or where to go . I did eventually find the wolf but was put off WvW for year or so .

  16. Heck no ! Rangers get enough grief for the ranged weapons they have now . Off hand sword would be a nice addition. Maybe focus for better spirit summoning like the Ritualist . Now that would be cool.Hammer ? Bunny Thumper was a thing in GW1 because of the interrupts and I'm not sure how it would work here . Would end up looking to much like hammer warrior .

  17. You can't go the route of punishment to solve every issue . It simply does not work when you consider all the possible repercussions . Which inevitably ends up doing more damaging to the game .The only way to prevent Hackers from exploiting a game is make it impossible to hack in the first place . And that falls exclusively in the hands of the developers .So I leave this issue to the developers to prove to this community and every one of the millions of customers that support this game that they have the skill in programming to do what's needed.

  18. @kippynonarambo.1726 said:Had quite a few bad experiences recently in WvW. I'd love to play - I'm passable in most roles, but I'm quite a talented Tempest cleanser.

    But I've taken quite a long hiatus because people are absolutely awful to one another. My first WvW guild's leader straight up kitten one of my guildies. Literally showed up in her town and kitten her.

    My second WvW guild claimed to be a friendly LGBTQ+ guild, but, really, it was just a bunch of gay white dudes pretending they had a monopoly on oppression. Doesn't help they lost constantly - absolutely refused to believe that Tempests were there for anything other than immobs.

    It's really disheartening that, in a game meant to facilitate collaboration, people become so incredibly toxic toward one another. Is there a single WvW guild that exists that is both good at the game and ISN'T evil???

    Theirs lots of guilds that are decent and really don't care how well you play and care even less about your personal life. They just want everyone to have fun playing the game. But its a two way street . You have to except that they are also human beings and will make mistakes . Not every thing people say is meant to be offensive or a personal attack. Personally I would rather someone talk to me honestly and openly instead of acting like they're walking on eggshells .

  19. @"God.2708" said:There is, I believe, like half a second where you are in the air after being forcibly dismounted that it does something funky with removing the mount stats from your stats but hasn't applied your armor stats yet. This makes hits deal unusually high damage if they can land in that .5s frame which rapid fire does pretty easily.

    Edit: The short term suggestion is if you are getting rapid fired and you can't double dodge into a ditch or something, just dismount yourself to avoid the super damage.

    i think you may be right about this . Like when you jujp from a cliff on your mount and if the mount takes full damage the rider also dies . The "one shot" Seems to happen sometimes when you take the high damage when in mid jump or over an edge that you would think is survivable. And its not just related to the Rapid Fire .On occasion I've had this occur with other classes hitting my Warclaw. Although I imagine that Rapid Fire can do this more effectively with the suggested preparations.

  20. @borgs.6103 said:

    Don't get me wrong. I'm all for new content in WvW, but at least test it first or ask for feedback before implementing them.

    How the heck do you test something and get feedback without implementing it first. A few programmers are bound to miss something .If the code looks good then that's pretty much all they can do. It's much easier to implement something as is and have thousands of people testing it during game time to find possible issues . Beta testing every add on to a game before implementation is simply not practical . Besides , many of the issues do get fixed eventually if they are deemed a high priority .And to say nobody asked for mounts in WvW is incorrect. People asked for raptors when PoF came out .

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