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Matthew.9473's Achievements

  1. OH I like moving shards to boxes. I'd love that. OHHH, that too. Would love that.
  2. Hardly a new idea. But maybe give a gold or 2 for every tier of diamond. It doesn't have to be as good as repeatable Byzantium (the last chest of a PvP league). Just something more then the 24 memories of battle and mist packets, and skirmish chests, which amount to like, maybe 3 gold. And even then, that's only because memories are selling for so much right now. 1,050 points in reward track progress isn't that much when you account that's about 5 ticks worth, also. Don't get me wrong, I do play for the fun of it. With my guild-mates. I just get kinda deflated after I finish diamond. It's like "Oh, I was getting great stuff, now lame stuff". Where as Byzantium, while I never bother playing enough PvP to repeat it, I'd feel good about it, ~25-30 gold being a decent chunk.
  3. Dear me read. I said exp, not reward track. And it's 5% per STACK of the buff. So right now that's 60%. And 36% for reward track bonus.
  4. Might not be a bug and intentional but in THAT case I'd like a clarification please. EDIT: Exp not reward track progress. 5% per stack. So 60 bonus in exp right now.
  5. Ok I'm going to just say because that's why too much for me to try to respond to. Sure, we didn't get absolutely nothing. But it could've been way better. It wasn't on the same level of focus as some of the other dragons got. Especially Jormag, LOTTA focus on jormag in IBS, which I was LOVING. Also you're talking a lot about map-stuff. I'm not talking about map-stuff. I'm talking about what actually happens in the story. A part of how it was rushed was the WAY we defeat them both. It's incredibly vague and convenient. To effictively sweep Jormag and Primordus under the rug for the deep sea dragon and EoD. I get why they had to rush it. OR at least felt like they had to. I just wish they hadn't. So yeah, not absolutely nothing. But that seems like a lot of small details. Cool, but not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something like how much we got to talk to Kralkatorrik (not to mention his relationship with Aurene), and Jormag too. And heck Mordremoth basically being able to control some of the Sylvari. That was a big cool part of the story too. Zhaitan at least you spent a huge chunk of the story in a proper *war* with a lot of strategy and planning, leading the pact into the heart of his domain. Primordus I can't speak of anything that interesting going on with him. Nothing that big and important in the story. Not like my previous examples. Heck in a tier list I'd go 1. Jormag 2.Kralkatorrik 3.Zhaitan 4.Mordremoth 5.Primordus Because Mordremoth like I said has the Sylvari thing being so central. Actually I can simplify this even further. All the other dragons have a huge portion of the story dedicated to them as a threat to the world. Primordus is the only one that didn't get an expansion or LW season dedicated to them. And no, I would not argue IBS. That was all jormag until a bit of Primordus at the end, but only as a means to kill Jormag and Primordus at the same time pretty much. A large chunk of the Personal Story was dedicated to Zhaitan, HoT to Mordy, Season 4 to Kralk, and IBS to Jormag. All those small details don't compare.
  6. Another thing I want to say, besides simply delaying Champions to *properly* wrap up the story in a way that wasn't so crazy rushed, a particular change I would've made is dedicate IBS entirely to Jormag. Then "The Destroyer Saga" or whatever entirely to Primordus. And then yet ANOTHER season or expansion story dedicated to both of them, at the end finally destroying each other. Or place that at the end of the primordus season. That would've given the story plenty of breathing room. I mean think about how many times an expac/season's ending was rushed (albeit not as bad as how champions ended I'd say). Heart of Thorns? Wondering through the jungle then we realize we gotta kill Mordremoth and the solution is handed onto a silver platter. Compare that to the personal story and Zhaitan. Yes the actual fight was BLEH but at least there was a ton of proper build up and strategy to preparing for the fight. Season 4 Ep. 6, while I accept the solution being logical, pacing-wise it was off. Any weight from how Ep. 5 ended is not even there for a few minutes if you play them back-to-back. And also there's a bit with the real Lazurus at the end of season 3 for some reason I remember? Which was... odd.
  7. But the repeat for the last chest in PvP gives ascended shards (the equivalent to the tickets in WvW). Why not do the same in WvW?
  8. What other people said. Story-wise it was going good, then Champions happened and was... bad. I mean really, watch "The Elder dragons don't matter anymore" from wooden potatos and tell me they couldn't have done something so it wasn't so rushed. Personally, I would've loved if they'd delayed champions for however long they needed to make the story and gameplay/pacing better (I.E a new map and no DRMs to progress story). Long as they explained people would've hated what they would've turned out I think most people would understand. Also yeah, masteries were bad Too map-specific.. That's the other thing I didn't like, aside from the insanely rushed ending and all the DRMs you have to do at the end.
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