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Posts posted by Cronospere.8143

  1. 9 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

    I wonder what the consequence would be if you could just choose which gift you wanted.  People would obviously choose the one that costs more to make, but that would then help bring the prices closer together (reduces demand for some of those materials), and I don't think it is an intentional design decision that the gift of magic materials cost more, it has just worked out based on various factors.


    I actually would choose the other one. To get 2 of each.

    Because you also need to have gifts of exploration, which for me is too much time to get. 

    So i would be happy getting 2 new legendaries. (I crafted 3 weapons so far after playing since beginning.) Accepting that i would be unable to craft the other 2 legendaries for a long time. 

    For people with more time to play they would get the more expensive one I think. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

    Turning into a gift horse thread. Anet is practically throwing leggies at us these days but we just keep complaining ; p


    15 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:

    People basicly get a gift worth ~210 gold + a precursor for almost free and still complain... why am I not surprised...

    Lol dudes relax, it was just a funny observation. I am glad we get the gifts. Havent build a legendary out of the kits yet. Hoping i would get the other gift in the end. Because.. what are the odds getting 4 in a row right? I am glad I never go to the casino now. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    I think you're the first person I've heard to call Rama "bland".

    I think comparing Eparch to Zhaitan is an insult to Eparch. He wasn't a compelling villain, but he had far more direct presence and screentime than Zhaitan and Primordus by quite a bit.

    I still think a lot of opportunity was wasted in building the Eparch character. I could be wrong but didnt we only see him at the end of act V and then in the end battle act VI? Thats almost the same amount as Primordus

    Joko, Mordremoth and Balthazar, those had good screentime spanning over multiple releases. Kralkatorik had the best. I kind of missed that here. 

  4. In dragonfall they establish the camps and are moving the waypoint with them. So an waypoint needs to move there. 

    Also you first need to have fysically reached the waypoint. I dont think a lot of npc's have ever left their close surroundings.. although in guildhalls, new npcs suddenly travel via waypoints when they never were there before. So now i doubt my second statement.. 

  5. Just now, tzaeru.3742 said:

    Must be a bit of a wild day for the people doing PR and communications at ANet at the moment; I would hope that they clarify already today what the NCSoft fellas were talking about.

    Yeah. I am unsure to further invest in gw2 if the statement is true. For now i am holding off, until i have more info about the new game. I dont think i am the only one.. This could be a financial disaster for the next expansion.. 

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  6. LI and balls of dark energy is somewhat a luxury problem in my opinion. Other than that I agree. I also want to add the huge amount of worthless materials like leaf fossils which are so cheap you cant even sell them on TP unless for 3c.

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    They stopped doing stories or journeys or whatever you want to call it for legendaries some time ago. Even the newer legendary weapons don't have them,


    but there's not really any story or theme to it except they tend to be from the same expansion.

    Still sad about that decision. It is what made crafting Nevermore an absolute joy for me.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    I disagree with the premise of the thread. Mousing over the currencies tells you what they're for, and if you have zero, you have zero. Not too hard for the average player who may want to look further into these currencies to do a /wiki <currency> and read further, or ask in map chat or on the forums/Reddit/etc.

    To the large portion of this thread's respondants so far: young people learn from old people. If the youths around you are "stupid" or "lazy" then maybe figure out why and help them instead of thinking there's nothing possibly wrong with your generation. It's especially disgusting to see that a teacher of all things is claiming their students are "unmotivated." Your job is to motivate your students.

    Teach youth, and show them how to find answers to questions you yourself don't have answers to. Teach them to ask questions you don't even know you have yourself, that you don't even know you can ask.

    Wow.. dude. It actually pains me that you call me disgusting.. 

    Soo to give more information. I am a great teacher. I am able to motivate them, yes. I find that 'button' that they are searching for. It is a main topic in our country, especially since Covid, the overall motivation issues, knowledge and skills the kids have these days. They are not at all at the same level of skill when they start in my class as the same students 10 years ago. There are a lot of reasons for it. So the government lowered the standard of what is expected from them to help them out. (therefor my comment that they feel like the world is shaped around them). Still, i feel its harder than ever before to find that 'button'. Were i had to help out 6 in a class of 30 before when the year started. I now need to help 20 of them at the start of the year. So now my job is harder than before. I see that. I feel that. That is what i meant. And i will do everything within my power to help those 20. Even at the cost of my own health. Does that make me disgusting?

    Edit, OT: i agree with Kiki that its not hard to find the solution by asking or searching on the wiki if you dont know what the currency is for. 

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  9. 13 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    It is quite frustrating.  When people muster the courage to ask questions, they brace themselves as if expecting physical or verbal abuse.  They also seem to lack initiative or imagination.  No moving to the next logical step on their own, someone must prompt them each time.

    Damnit!  Why am I old? I'm not supposed to be old yet!  What is wrong with today's youth?

    As a teacher to 13 to 17 year olds i see a fast decline in attitude in the last 10 years. The world is changing (and i dont think for the better). Kids are lazy, unmotivated and less curious about things that actually make them better. They feel like everything is given to them and the world shapes around them. (And it kind of does.. ). They have access to soo many information, but sadly dont know how to use it. They have a huge potential, they just have to take it. The kids that do take it, absolutely excel above the others. It's amazing to see. 

    Edit: this is just an observation on my part and what i see. It doesnt mean that i as a teacher am not doing everything in my power to help them out. Because i am. 

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Isnt this like naming your character some variation of Legolasss and complaining that someone is copying YOU by naming their ranger Legulasss?

    I had the same feeling.. 

    Its probably unintended and the person who created it thinks he has chosen a perfect name. 

  11. 18 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    You mean Pre lvl 80?

    Yeah, just use what's fun for you. 

    Lol no, last time i was that was like a idk how long ago. 

    9 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I'm using mainhand dagger on my untamed ranger. I was unsure about doing that, but then they changed the ranger's sword skills and I don't like the new version, so it's nice to have an alternative. Most of my characters were already using core weapons, so it's not been a big change.

    Oh, I'm also thinking about making a daredevil thief using a rifle, but purely for thematic purposes, not because I think it will be a good build.

    TY. Lol i wonder how the daredevil rifle will play out. I like playing deadeye rifle. Let us know if you have made it and how it plays. 

  12. 22 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

    Isn't there a bug or something that breaks the magic find of a character if they go above 750% or so, so Anet capped it at 750%? 😂 (after all the buffs)

    This is what I also remember. I think the statement was from a developer years ago. It broke something in the game.. but im not sure. 

  13. 5 hours ago, tomominiki.9076 said:

    @Rubi Bayer.8493will there be a difference between "I crafted a legendary rune" and "I have a legendary rune"? There were players getting "compensation chests" for legendary items over the cap when legendary armory came into the game. And some of them chose the legendary runes.

    I wouldnt worry about it. 

    You either unlocked it or not. Thats the only parameter they can test easily. 

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