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Everything posted by Wraith.3504

  1. Okay I have tried everything that I have seen in this thread and updated EVERYTHING. Nothing seems to be working at all. If the laucher does not crash, then it will somewhat open and all I hear is the music. I cannot change between tabs, and most times have to restart my computer to get the game to close. This is clearly not something on my end, so I submitted a ticket. It seems like it does have something to either do with the 11/9 update, but I did see someone who was having issues for a while. I have only been able to get the game to load twice today, and once it crashed. Does ANYONE know what they heck is going on or are the Dev's silent on this.
  2. Today I tried to do costume brawl, today I failed to get costume brawl. Let me tell you why! You brought out a novelty many years ago that people use to troll anyone attempting to do this daily Called the Scepter of Thorn. Today as many many people tried to get their daily following a Mad King Says, one of these trolls "magically appeared" and refused to allow even helpful players to help others get the daily. Using this overpowered and never offered toy from bygone eras. this player succeeded in angering new, and veteran players alike. It is time to balance this issue folks, and by folks I mean developers. Either this novelty needs to be offered to EVERYONE, and not just the few who got it those many years ago, or it needs to be removed as a novelty to be used against other players who are using the legitimate methods to do dailies. I am sure that many who have this toy will find this post whiny, but that is because you are probably one of those who use this toy to be a troll and unfairly aggravate new and old players alike. I recently brought some of my friends into this game, and two of them were their when this troll happened, and they found themselves questioning the decision to move, because if they cannot balance this out, or be left to do what they wanted then their was not reason to chose GW over the other games. So my summary is this either offer this novelty to every player, not just those who jumped on the wagon years ago, or disable the brawl functionality that gives them the unfair advantage. Been playing for 9 years and it is only now that I can bring in some new friends that this sort of issue becomes really obviously. So I feel the time to fix this is past due, these folks have used the Scepter to get the main achieve something I and others have worked slowly towards in our many years of playing. Still, I and I am sure others do not want new players trolled out of trying. You endless balance our builds when you think we are becoming OP, often times making it so we have to substantially change our play style and builds, so I think it is time to fix this.
  3. Do not get me wrong I love a lot of POF, but that being said, Guildwars/Anet makes a huge deal of promoting their nerfs of characters skills to "balance gameplay" but take forever to nerf the enemy skill powers in the main maps. POF maps are like walking down a hallway 2 feet wide and not hitting an enemy mob, that decimates characters especially when solo. I realize that this is a level 80 expansion, but to not be able to stop moving unless on top of the world, and sometimes not even then is truly gross. We need a culling of the numbers on these maps, balance the condi gang bangs that occur everywhere we go, and decrease both the numbers of vets and the agro Zones. of enemies. You Guys are great about killing our ability to fight efficiently time to balance your little creations, and stop driving players out of solo play. I belong to a small guild, and rarely have guildies with me for most of the basic stuff, but leaving more and more frustrated daily is making me not want to play a game that has been my solace for over five years now. It is sad that their is always something that is horribly unbalanced in each Expac, and in this one, a beautiful creation on many levels, your lack of balance with mobs, agro zones, and overpowered conditions for enemies ruins something I generally loved. but now these issue I point out are emptying the maps and slowly the game.
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