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Everything posted by Arckange.8251

  1. I can confirm, we didn't get a single one of these 4 mechanics during our run. These mechanics being usually very common, it can't possibly just be a huge stroke of luck and is much more likely to be a bug or an unintended side-effect of the last tweaks from yesterday.
  2. Hi everyone! As you may know since yesterday's patch, the "Exposed" debuff on most creatures with a breakbar has be changed and normalised to a duration of 10 seconds. Before that it used to be 5 seconds in general, but sometimes 6, 7, 8 or 9 depending on the boss, champion or encounter. However it looks like it hasn't been properly applied everywhere and I've already noted a few bosses that still have an Exposed duration of 5 seconds: Ai and "Dark Ai" (100 CM fractal boss) FIXED on 19 April 2022 Scarlet (Aetherblade Hideout strike mission boss, including CM), thanks The Urps FIXED on 10 May 2022 Bloomhunger (Swampland fractal boss) FIXED Branded Riftstalker (during the Destroy the Death-Branded Shatterer meta-event in Jahai Bluffs) Chak Gerent (TD meta) Vishen Steelshot (Drizzlewood Coast meta) Ranoah's Modified TT6-B Devourer (Drizzlewood Coast meta) Veteran and Champion Djinns around Elona and in the Key of Ahdashim raid wing Captain Ashym (Urban Battleground fractal boss) Champion Svanir Brute (corresponding Bjora Marches event) Champion Aetherblade Rampager (Seitung Meta - Middle Path) Rodion the Vile and Giarg the Cruel ("Molten Furnace" story instance) Adolescent Leviathan (related events in Seitung/Kaineng), thanks again The Urps for these last three Corrupted Wolverine Spirit ("Arena of the Wolverine" adventure in Drizzlewood Coast) Champion Awakened Abomination (corresponding Domain of Kourna event) Champion Pyroclastic Jade Construct (Ember Bay) Champion Pineshade and Boneskinner (Drakkar meta event) Elite Speaker Purifier (protecting the Hero Point in New Kaineng Ciry Limits) Branded Riftstalker Matriarch (during the "Engage Kralkatorrik" meta event in Dragonfall) Every single champion during the Boss Blitz event Champion Twisted Nightmare (during "The Twisted Marionette" world boss instance) Other inconsistent durations: Nikare & Kenut (Mythwright Gambit raid wing), still 8(?) seconds Exposed Hydra, Destroyer Wyverns (Mythwright Gambit raid wing), still 3 seconds Exposed I assume it's unintended, but if it isn't I think it's important from a balance perspective that these bosses also get a 10 seconds "Exposed" duration to make up for the new, lower increase damage values. I'll keep this list updated in case I or other people stumble upon bosses that still have the old "Exposed" duration.
  3. It's definitely bugged or not working as intended upon reaching 100 stacks: The buff disappears completely from the buff bar. There should be an indication that the maximum amount of stacks has been reached Boarding the skiff after straying away from it or joining as a new party member doesn't (re)apply the buff correctly. It sometimes still shows as Tier VI next to the fishing bar yet no additional fishing power is actually granted (easy to check through the Hero panel) This makes long fishing sessions with friends particularly unpleasant and discourages new party members to join after fishing for a while. I hope this can get looked at and fixed soon!
  4. There are two things I'd like to see that aren't in this preview but I hope you can still consider: Adding a very short cooldown to Grand Finale after using a Hammer#3 skill to avoid accidentally double pressing it. Refilling Elemental energy ("Jade orb energy") on encounter start (raids, 100 CM, etc.), the same way Druids get their energy refilled, Virtuosos get their blades stocked, Harbingers get their shroud energy refilled and so on. It feels like you forgot Catalysts! On a side note, there is a bug in the golem training room if using the "mushroom" skill reset special action key, it refills your Elemental energy but you're still unable to deploy a jade orb until you swap some traits around or start the fight. This is a bit inconvenient and I hope you can fix that too. Thanks 🙂
  5. OMG, thank you! I actually got baited by the fact that for both HoT and PoF it was completion of ANY of the maps. Didn't properly read the little text under it. Thanks for the heads up, I'll edit my post.
  6. I completed both Seitung and New Keinang on my elementalist with the "Gravity" collection unlocked and thus obtained a couple Catalyst cache. Yet, it didn't progress the achievement and the "Catalyst cache" part still shows as uncompleted. This is blocking progress... I'll try to avoid completing the last two maps so I don't miss it, but please fix it soon! EDIT: as Arisal pointed it out, what's required for this achievement is completion of the Dragon's End map, not of ANY map like in previous expansions. Just putting that there in case someone encounter that issue too.
  7. Noticed the same today. Remote charges, EMPs and Charr tank skills (except skill 5) on Ruinbringer don't do proper damage on structures.
  8. What's the reasoning behind the removal of Unstable Cosmic Essence drops from the Shattered Observatory CM? Since they primary acted as kill proofs, it means that there is now no reliable way to show how experienced you are when joining CM groups. At least for newer people who didn't have many of these before the change. Is it an oversight? Was it made on purpose to try to change people's behavior in relation to asking KPs for doing CMs? Why were Unstable Cosmic Essence left in players inventories and not automatically converted to put everyone on the same level?
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