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Posts posted by Defias.1892

  1. Amongst the negative feedback and bug reports, I would say SotO is pretty fun so far. It's been more enjoyable than EoD, for me, at least The Mastery lines feel impactful and manageable, the Meta is openly accessible, and the maps are beautiful with wide open spaces great for griffon and skyscale riding.  Maps feel alive and we were able to get the meta down on the first try.  Back in EoD, Seitung Province and New Kaineng City were both pretty good looking maps, but they were way too complicated to navigate around sometimes.    I also like that new players get to jump straight into riding the Skyscale. GJ Anet!

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  2. Hi guys,

    I am a longtime WVW player and I just realized that its been a long, long time since I stepped foot in Edge of the Mists. Back then, you would only go there if all your borderlands were queued OR if you wanted to level your character.  Sadly, ever since they removed exp gains from EotM, it has pretty much been empty. I was wondering how the community felt about giving a EotM a bit of a revival. Maybe Anet could host a week-long "Return to the Edge of the Mists" event, where players would get +100% or more WVW rank gain or something like that.

    • Confused 3
  3. The reward is just the Skyscale, unfortunately. I understand your sentiments though, cuz at this point in the game, it feels like the Skyscale is the standard now and you're just playing catch-up to be like everyone else.  Personally, I wouldn't mind if they made older content easier or made the collection shorter, or even gave you the skyscale outright. Heck, they should make Griffon easier too. But, that will be dev's decision to make and I think historically, they have been against tampering with older content, even if it means helping new players. They have gotten slightly better over the years by adding Beginner Achievements and Tutorials, but I think more has to be done.

    If they do give away the Skyscale and Griffon, Im sure more people would buy the mount skins, so there really isn't any reason why the collection shouldn't be made easier.

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  4. Agreed. No idea why they gave Teefs portal in the first place. Having to spend an hour to sweep keep because some perma-stealth tryhard wants to sneak their guild in is not fun. It's annoying af.

    2 hours ago, Eugenides.1274 said:

    ANet simply doesn't care about exploits in WvW.

    They used to kinda care, but TP hackers were also alot more blatant back then. They used to TP hack the Orb in EOTM back to their base. Nowadays, most hackers are FOV/Zoom hack rangers, but it's not as obvious so I guess they tolerate them.

    Also, while they're at it, they can also fix that hole in Stoic where Teefs like to hide.

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  5. On 8/4/2023 at 12:43 PM, Gravitron.7982 said:

    In general? No. On the GW2 forums specifically? Yes. I find that people are more helpful in other MMORPG's when compared to GW2, and when comparing say ESO's forum to GW2's forum, there seems to be less of an elitist attitude over there than here when a newbie asks a question. On the ESO forums, if you ask where XYZ is, or how do you get XYZ, you don't as many "check google/wiki/manual/KB" as an answer, most people just answer it. Here though, "check the wiki" is the default verbiage pasted as a reply, which is fine, but it seems the attitude here is like "How dare you ask a question here as a new player instead of checking the wiki first!". 

    That's just what I've observed here. I will say, that there seems to be more helpful people actually in the GW2 game itself, than here on the forums, which is why I specifically reference the GW2 forums. That's just been my personal experience.

    This 100%. In my many years of gaming, game forums in popular MMOs are BY FAR the worst places in the community because there are a vocal minority of people with 10k+ posts that do nothing but antagonize, gatekeep, and are just overall toxic and unpleasant individuals. I've played multiple MMOs over the years, like Tera, ESO, BDO, WoW, FF14, OSRS, Vindictus, etc. and out of all the MMOs I've played, WoW, FF14 and GW2 have, by far, the worst forum communities.  Something about having the largest communities means there's gonna be a few more of the aforementioned gatekeeping individuals. HOWEVER, like you said, this is not reflective of the in-game community of most of these games (besides WoW), and most players you meet in-game are fairly pleasant people.  This is why, even when I played WoW, I would recommend people to avoid the game forums as much as possible.

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    There are SO MANY ZONES and it is SO HARD to navigate the world map, especially with many of the zones blurred out on alt characters. The compass KINDA helps a little bit. But with how many zones there are in the game, it might be better to add a little side menu with the name of all the zones. Clicking on the name of the Zone from the menu should pan over to the zone itself. Something like how ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) does it:


    If possible, the zones can be grouped in expanding categories by LWS season or maybe Expansion, but it would definitely help new and returning players have an idea of which zone they need to be going to.


    There are TOO MANY categories for LFG for a player to navigate. Can it be separated into something like "Raids", "Fractals", "Dungeons", "Festival/Holiday", "Roleplay", "Leveling"? Was having difficulty with this when looking at groups for Boss Blitz cuz sometimes they would put it in the wrong category.

    Thank you.


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  7. 7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Ok -and how does that change anything about your previous posts in this thread or my post you've quoted? Including part about "nerfing dungeons", which in no way would help the person from reddit thread you've linked here.

    How do you know that's a large reason? It seems to be as true as your "validation" post above. So not at all, you just take partial information out of context and try bending it whatever way you want.


    Okay its quite clear that this isn't an argument in good faith. There's too many people here with 5k+ posts that spend too much time on the forums imo

    • Confused 3
  8. 4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Validation? One thread claims "nobody plays them" (false) and the other says "getting a party wasn't the problem". The person saying getting a party wasn't a problem complains about people moving forward while he was watching cutscenes. Solution for his problem isn't nerfing dungeons (since that will make rushing them easier), it's communicating to the group "he doesn't want to rush dungeons, but instead watch the scenes play out".

    Not only that, but even the person saying nobody plays them, simply mentions "the easier story mode" as a solution, which is not really what you wanted in this thread as far as I understand.


    The main thing is I really don't care what they do with dungeons, as long as they make it easier and more inviting for new players. Nerfing dungeons would be the quickest and easiest way to go about it. Making it solo-able is also another way to go about it.


    I don't know why the community is so hell-bent about retaining 9 year old content, when it's clear that it isn't inviting or welcoming to new players. It's a large reason why there's such a massive drop-off in new players https://steamdb.info/app/1284210/graphs/

    • Confused 6
  9. 3 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    From the official link above:

    While, in general, we will not take action on an account for the use of such a utility program or modification, action is subject to ArenaNet's discretion. You use any third-party program at your own risk.

    Note: ArenaNet does not review, approve, or endorse any third-party program. Each use of such a program is made at the account holder’s own risk.

    Also from the same topic - https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013762153-Policy-Macros-and-Macro-Use


    Most people use some sort of overlay like Taco Markers, or Macros, so while they don't support it, it's no secret that most people are still using 3rd party mods

  10. 18 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

    "I'm good, but not good enough to carry newbies through content that hasn't been updated to current year game balance and DPS since 2014."

    Also AP hasn't been a good measure of skill since the dawn of the game.  It didn't work when dungeons were popular content done every day on farm and it still doesn't work today.  All AP is, is an inaccurate measurement of how long you've been playing the game.


    Well you shouldn't because it's against the rules.


    9 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

    I don't think you have more AP than anymore here... As somebody already mentioned, AP is bad indicator of whether you are capable to "carry" people through dungeons or not... 


    Point still stands tbh. If you don't have anything constructive to add to the conversation, please refrain from posting .

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  11. 5 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

    What?  As a veteran player, I'm well aware of how most, if not all dungeon paths (Outside of Arah) take maybe 30 minutes at most if you're carrying a bunch of newbies through the path and that, an optimized build for damage will decimate any and all dungeons that scale you back to 65 or lower due to how this game's scaling system works.  There's zero need for dungeons to be nerfed.  They're in 2014 game balance and have never been adjusted since.


    Dungeons are designed to be done in a group.  Always have been.  So the fact that they're difficult to solo, duo, or do as a group of at-level players, isn't an issue.  It also shows them that they have to get better be it build or skill, to get better rewards.  Believe it or not, Dungeons are actually more profitable than they were pre HoT by rewarding more tokens and giving out more gold if you do 8 different paths in the day.


    Okay Mr.Veteran player, when was the last time you did a dungeon? Exactly. Dungeons, like you've said, haven't been touched or updated since 2014, and is abandoned content at this point and the entire community knows it. If Anet is unwilling to revamp dungeons, then the least they could nerf it so new players could enjoy it without pulling their hair out. 

    • Confused 9
  12. In terms of timeline, the Griffon was released at least a year prior to Skyscales, so most players at the time, seeking an actual flying mount, rushed after the Griffon.  However, with the introduction of the Skyscale, the cost of the Griffon is simply not worth the gold investment.  The Skyscale is a low skill ceiling flying mount and extremely versatile, while the Griffon is a high skill ceiling niche mount. Outside of doing neat tricks, gaining higher altitude for invisible wall breaks, traveling aerial distances faster (pretty uncommon outside of time trials), Griffons are a niche mount, similar to the Jackal.  Some people prefer the Griffon because of their cute skins, or maybe just the general feel, but if you ask me, the 300g investment is not worth it. Maybe you can come back to it a later date when you decide you're willing to spend the g on it

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  13. I was just about to post something similar to this.  The Festive Sweater and Winter Hat are FIFTEEN Snow Diamonds each. and the Pets are 20. Absolute wtf. I understand that they want to get more players to spend more time in the game, but if a new player were looking at this, they'd go "WTF, 150g for a freaking sweater and snow hat?".


    On 12/16/2021 at 9:02 AM, Dayra.7405 said:

    With them 100 snowflakes cost https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/3c/Silver_coin.png 4 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/eb/Copper_coin.png + 4,998 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/af/Karma.png and a bit of time.

    What you use them for of course is your choice 😉


    Let's assume the full use of one gathering tool takes 10 minutes (0.6s per charge, not including the time it takes to travel/find nodes). At a generous return of 100%, meaning 1 snowflake per charge, netting to a total of 1.67 hours of gathering (theoretically) to equate to a single Snow Diamond (9-10g). And this is 1.67 hours of PURE gathering, not including travel time or the time it takes you to find a gathering node. Realistically this will probably take around 2-3 hours (if you focus gathering) for a single Snow Diamond (8-9g). Meaning an average player is probably better off doing a Dragonfall Run (20-30g/hr) or even farming the Wintersday JP (9-10g/hr) instead of focusing on getting snowflakes. And like others have said, they are also better off selling the snowflakes because 1k snowflakes is worth more than 1 Snow Diamond.


    On 12/16/2021 at 9:18 AM, Moradorin.6217 said:

    Im sorry but that is a totally invalid calculation. You do not calculate the cost a thing like a snowdiamond as only costing karma. The cost is the value of the snowflakes. That is the static cost of a snowdiamond is always 1k snowflakes or the cost of one snowdiamond (they also drop from gifts). 1k snowflakes would make it about 18g per snowdiamond. If you are converting snowflakes to snow diamonds you are wasting a ton of gold. No two ways around it.

    The value of 100 snowflakes = over 1.5g so 1000 snowflakes is over 15g a single 20 slot backpack is 5x snowdiamond so like 75gold using your conversion method, but 50g buying snow diamonds. Buy the snowdiamonds and sell the snowflakes already OMG!


    I agree with the OP. The prices are totally insane on Wintersday rewards.


    Side Note: Winter's Presence is overly cheap to obtain, however. It should be around 1k gold + but I think its closer to 200g now. Festival econ its pretty hosed up in general the last few years TBH.


    The value of Winter's Presence is actually around 600g. (Source - GW2Eff Crafting Calculator: https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-77645)  I believe at one point, the Sigils required to craft it were extremely cheap, but prices have now skyrocketed and it does raise the price of the skin.

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  14. 15 hours ago, Zohane.7208 said:

    Whenever a dungeon is daily I usually see quite a few veteran players (assuming >200 MP are veterans) joining, and even with less experienced people it only takes one person to explain the Lupi fight to such a level that new(-ish) players are able to get it done in 2-3 attempts.


    The only time I've seen dungeon runs take upwards of an hour was back in "the good old days" when a pug run of Arah 4 could take hours since people refused failed to learn the mechanics of Simin. These days the power creep has even made that fight trivial.


    I can understand a group of 5 complete newbies (to Arah) would struggle with Lupi, but that's entirely on them; there's enough information on youtube and on the wiki to come prepared.


    11 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

    That’s just one dungeon and it took that long because people repeatedly failed mechanics over and over. The encounter hasn’t really changed at all since 2012, and if anything, it’s easier due to the power creep. 


    Those are fair points, but that's my point exactly - that content haven't changed, but the playerbase has.  These are DUNGEONS, not RAID or Strike Missions. Requiring New Players to look up Youtube Videos/Wiki is a horrible New Player Experience, especially for something that's daily PVE content. And reminder - this IS NOT 2012. Dungeons are no longer the primary endgame focus and don't really need to be as difficult as they are.


    3 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:



    Arah is the only dungeon that takes forever.  That could possibly use a nerf. Or Aetherblade path is also bad. Otherwise, they're mostly fine. I remember doing Aetherblade with a group of exp people and it took longer than 2 hours.


    Thats a fair point. Admittedly I haven't done anything else besides Arah for the past week, so maybe it's just Arah

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  15. 1 hour ago, mythical.6315 said:

    They don’t take hours even with brand new players… lol


    Got stuck in an Arah for an hour and a half because the team kept dying on Giganticus, which eventually ended up disbanding. There were 2 new players in our group.  Maybe it's just the 80 dungeons that need tuning, but there's a good reason why most people don't touch dungeons anymore.  The rewards are simply not good enough for the time spent. I personally don't mind doing them if it means helping new players, but they take WAY too long.  Which begs the question why they're included in the PVE daily rotation, since it's now considered "outdated" content. The only players at the end of the day willing to do these will end up being the new players, and they'll likely realize why most players avoid dungeons altogether. Which is sad, because I did enjoy the dungeons at launch, but saddening to see that they haven't been touched or even attempted to be rebalanced in the coming years.


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  16. It is quite common knowledge at this point that dungeons have largely been classed as "outdated" or "abandoned" content, but from time to time, appear as PVE Dailies. As a Veteran player, most of us know that dungeons can take hours depending on the skill and experience of the group, and usually choose to skip these dailies (or skip dailies entirely if concerned with gold/hr), meaning that many of the players who choose to step foot into a dungeon will be a new player.  Meaning that many new players will step foot into these dungeons and have their time wasted on outdated PVE content that yield little to no rewards.  Years after the introduction of dungeons, we've come pretty far in terms of challenging PVE content with the introduction of Fractals, Strike Missions, Dragon Response Missions, Raids, etc.,  so I was just wondering what the community consensus was on nerfing dungeons.  Do they need a nerf or should they just be kept as they are?

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  17. At first, when I read the title I thought it had something to do with getting the Warclaw, which I agree, totally sucks for new players, but the post seems to be about the Rewards for WvW? Which WvW/PVP are never really about the rewards because they are just PVP gamemodes and PVE gamemodes will always win out in terms of Cosmetics + Gold/hr returns (https://fast.farming-community.eu/ is a great site for Gold/hr conversions/metas/reward tracks). I've played WvW on and off for 8 years, and I hadn't really cared about the rewards because I enjoyed the WvW gamemode more than I did the rewards.  Like others have said, if you feel like the rewards are a bit too low, then you can always play another gamemode or look for a more populated server for your timezone (https://wvwstats.com/timezones)

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  18. Description: There's currently a bug where using the same character to do Ley-Line Anomaly and nothing else results to no rewards on the third day.


    How to Replicate:  Do Ley-Line Anomaly on a character 2 days in a row and no other event. On the third day, standard rewards are given, but no Daily Mystic Coin.

    Workaround: Take the character and do another event, or use another character.  Not receiving a coin still disqualifies you from the daily reward though.


    Notes: Some have also suggested that parking your character on the map may also disqualify you from it, and some have implied it is a result of Diminishing Returns. Also, it seems like this has been an on-going issue for a very long time.

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