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HatSimulator.9362's Achievements

  1. Don't agree. First off - level 2000 wvw player 1. Without a cmd tag, someone eventually "becomes" the leader so to speak. So someone always commands. 2. Large scale PvP without commanders is terrible. It's devolves into you and 20 other people playing tug of war between the keep you own and the SM they own. No one purposely runs around the map for PvP with 20 randoms and no commander unless the fight between SM/Keep dies out and even then, people just go AFK. 3. Commander tags promote objective play if that is what you are into. with a commander, you actually get to go to other parts of the map instead of the small square between SM and the Keeps. (unless roaming) 4. Your tutorial plan is useless. It is not hard to understand how to put up siege. Flame rams hit doors. Catas hit walls. You learn all this within 1 hour of playing the game if not sooner by just reading the items or using basic common sense. (a ram probably hits a door, and catapults probably hit walls) Biggest point: When there are no commanders, people dont play WvW. People want a group to follow.
  2. Feels surreal to see you up there CMC. Miss your streams. :) I agree with sand savant changes. Scourge is pretty broken in WvW for almost only this reason. I dont think devouring needs nerfed too. I think thats a good skill and deserves to be 2 corrupts. I think the sand svant change is so significant that scourge should at least keep that, for now.
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