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Everything posted by vyanne.8506

  1. The notes posted here would have more value if the wiki page was linked in the patch notes so players can hop to it from right there. Most players know of and use the wiki, it's ease of movement that could be improved. I get your point though, that some of the ask is already met. That's good, now to connect the two.
  2. Anyone who hasn't gotten all the hero points in Heart of Thorns the "original" way hasn't lived. xD
  3. An addition to that, since I've brought up accessibility, would be to use visuals to aid in comprehension. Say, the icon of the trait as seen in the UI, like what you'd find on the wiki. And/or a snip of the whole trait line (ie. Firebrand) with the one being discussed highlighted since an image wouldn't provide tooltips. Player sees that in the notes, they log in to see first hand, they know exactly where to look. No hunting around the tooltips to find the right one. No bull-kitten, just the information you need. I get that text is easiest in a forum medium, but player comprehension of these things benefits everyone. Using a mix of text and visuals would have greater reach, as those who intake information more effectively through visuals would have an easier time of it. Slightly aside from this: I play other games and visuals help me remember things better. One of those games produces patch notes that can take an hour or longer to read on the regular and that's with efficient notes structure.
  4. The patch notes mix information from very different game modes together. I am mostly a WvW player and so that is the information I am wanting to read. It took me 3x as long to read the notes as it would have had information been separated, whether in the original post or in a second post. Yes, this would create the need to list classes twice, but it's about accessibility for players to locate the information they're looking for without having to "just use Ctrl+F" and spam click though a page when they could simply scroll to read in one go.
  5. Also adding to the data: Old account, did all the dungeons a bunch of years ago on a now-retired character. Swapped to new main who hasn't done a lot of dungeons. Have taken hiatus a few times in the past for reasons. Recently returned, everything is unlocked on the vendor for my current main. Helped a guild mate with a dungeon to unlock the appropriate tab and there was no change for them, and they have completed that particular dungeon many times previously. Hope this helps. Appreciate the patch to consolidate dungeon currency, and hope that this can be resolved for players promptly.
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