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Dark Red Killian.3946

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Posts posted by Dark Red Killian.3946

  1. One thing I have noticed as a player who really enjoys playing the new strikes and cms is this: I always cross my fingers hoping that LFG will have groups up for CMs for the new strikes. Most of the time you see one or two from eotn strikes, but it's just been scarce to find teams in LFG for EOD strikes. Sometimes no posts for groups. Enter fractals, almost always you can see groups up for T4 fractals or CMs/T4s, or recs, etc. Fractals is really different than raids/strikes in a few ways. 1. 10-man vs. 5-man. People will definately prefer 10-man over 5-man esp if it's harder to get the 10 people together. 2. rewards. Fractals has a reward for clearing each and every fractal as many times as you want. They also have rotating dailies that give excellent rewards for gold. Strikes has a weekly reward of gold, and then shards that are capped weekly. These shards are redeemable similar to fractal relics, however fractal relics are not capped at all. Increase the weekly cap or get rid of the green shard cap. Alternatively, give other ways of getting more green shards above the cap (besides dailies). This could be miniatures or ascended drops that you can trade in for green shards like in raids. Also, clearing each strike should give some kind of constant treasure chest reward (like the fractal boxes) where you have to unlock with keys that are obtains by doing dailies (or more keys can be purchased for shards like in fractals). The boxes can also be sellable on TP. These boxes can contain similar contents to fractal boxes except make it a noticable difference, like giving wood, metal, cloth, or leather pieces. Constant loot will give incentive to play more run throughs of the strike/raid rather than just 1 and done.  3. Fractals have an increasing level of difficulty based on your experience in the game mode. Raids/strikes just have lfg. Raids do have emboldened mode, but that's one wing a week. Raids/strikes could possibly benefit from an "experience" system. It doesn't have to be 4tiers like fractals, but perhaps a raid/strike level that unlocks specific tiers of LFG. For example, newcomers cannot just go to "experienced" lfg. They must choose beginner LFG and work through say, 5 clears of each strike. Then maybe semi-experienced lfg is unlocked, making you have to clear 10 of each strike. Then experienced is unlocked. Lastly, once a raid wing is cleared, allow the option to replay any boss in that wing on demand for the extra rewards outlined above.


    I think making improvements to the reward system similar to what I mentioned above, as well as improving on the LFG to ensure the proper experience levels play together will help the replayability of strikes/raids. For me, who doesn't play every hour of the day, I can choose what game mode I want to play for the day/week and not have to worry that I'm not making as much gold as when I just grind fractals on days I need extra gold. Maybe all the modes equally rewarding to encourage more people to play, but also so one game mode does not get left behind. Variety is a must in a game, but if the variety is not worth the time to play it can be forgotten easily.

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  2. I would expect a roadmap as soon as the lunar new year festival is over. If it comes before then that would be a bonus. They have nothing else announced with no specific dates after lunar new year, so they should definitely have a new roadmap with a release the following week I'm guessing. I'm sure they're keeping all the specifics until right before release.

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  3. Underwater would be good if they could release underwater related masteries. One could give you land movement from the sea floor and allow regular weapon skills to be used. Another you could run or walk on water and use your land skills. Another could let you use your underwater weapons above water. They could also produce an uw mount which you could battle from.

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  4. First of all, this is just an idea, and please be respectful and do not respond "oh just buy the catmander or commander tag for 300g". I realize the full commander/catmander tags have the ability to command 50 person groups as well as 10 person groups. My idea is that there is a special commander tag for raids/strikes (with a special look), which you can unlock with raid/strike currency (maybe LIs too?). This tag will be 10-person limit only, but the main purpose is for people looking to command a raid/strike group. This can give people, who legitimately started playing the strike/raids game modes and have learned enough to start their own groups, the ability to command their own squad in LFG. If we give more people the ability to unlock this tag through raids/strikes, then perhaps there would be more incentive for LFG postings and less postings of "need commander!".  If you want 50 person squad then you get the catmander/commander tag. Perhaps there could even be a 2nd tier raid/strike tag you could buy that increases the limit to 50? Just a thought, but this could give people more things to do with their currency who have too much, and hopefully encourage more people to command raids/strikes. Thanks for your consideration, ANET.

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  5. I think they should do two things:

    1. Make a legendary infusion similar to how they did the runes/sigils. This infusion can change stats at will like all legendaries do, and it included the wvw buffs.

    2. Create a wardrobe system that allows you to choose the infusion look that you want based on the infusion looks you have unlocked. The legendary infusions can change at will, and standard ones use transmutation charges.

  6. Wow this all seems very extreme. I myself avoided all achievements until battle for lions arch came out. I went back and completed achievements to get the mastery and get the lion’s pride key. In no way during any of this it seemed to be that terrible. Completed every mastery achievement in about a couple days. Achievements are by no means required, but if you are quitting over not getting Lion’s Pride then that seems a little much. Also please realize, all this content is in the past so achievements made back then don’t reflect what current and future achievements will be designed.

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  7. I noticed during the evacuation of Lion’s arch that Canach is prisoner in the jail cells of fort marriner. This is the first introduction of him in the LWS1 revamp. Can we please remove Canach’s story mission from EOTN and have it playable through Season 1, either patch it in somewhere with a letter asking for help, or make an intermediate episode that is optional and isn’t a blown out episode. I always wanted to be story led to southsun since it is a living world map. Maybe even introduce a portal scroll like other LW episodes.

  8. They really need to have old lions arch as the active map while you do personal story through season 1. Once season 1 is over, new la becomes default map. This would make the world feel more like it is changing for new players and give them a sense of progessing through the story that much better.

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  9. Releasing return to living world, decades Armor, even the legendary variant skins encourages the old content and helps keep the older maps alive. It helps keep map populations up. Living world maps where it was hard to find maps that did the metas so you could finish your legendary trinkets are now easier to complete since the map populations went up. It is healthy to implement these in my opinion. They need to improve new user experience as well as living world season 1 so that gaps in the story that have been there for years is now there and helps keep players engaged in the story. Basically they are hitting some of the big things players have been asking for years. Icebrood saga was definately done in unprecedented times and it showed. Anet switched gears and started an expac from scratch. Now with the expac released they can definately now focus on more content development, stating that a new Cantha map is coming, along with developing the next expac. And with the Dragon story over, they can focus on much better original stories and hopefully good content to come.

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  10. To be honest, EoD masteries may not seem like much, but to be fair what did people expect? Hearts of thorns brought good masteries like gliding and bouncing shrooms, but once you got all the required ones, you’re left with a bunch of masteries that don’t do much or anything outside of HoT maps. LWS3 brought some good masteries like the spectral attack when downed, the lava shooters are cool but map limited, and I still don’t get the point of the siren’s mastery, which doesn’t even need to be learned. PoF had just mounts for masterys, and LWS4 had extra mounts plus mount abilities. Icebrood saga brought the waystation and mount cloaking, but the rest were specific to icebrood saga only. Then you get EoD. The only masteries I had to have on my alt account as I’m leveling his masteries was arborstone and Jade bots. The turtle and skiff masteries are all for fluff and not really required. Fishing masteries are a must if you like the fishing concept and want to do all the fishing content for achievements and that cod title. I would say while underwelming to a lot of people, EoD fills a gap with its Jade bit and fishing masteries, while other masteries are similar to those hot and ibs masteries that people don’t have to have but help you in certain places only. Each expac I fear will have stuff like this. Some masteries that you get to boost yourself in all maps of GW2, and some masteries are just going to be expac specific. It is that way of course for your progression within the expac. I do look forward to hopefully more unique and hopefully permanent masteries with new EoD content we may see within the next year, as well as into the next expac. There is so much more they can do. I’d rather they take their time to knock it out of the park with big mastery features rather than release all big mastery features within one expac.

  11. I like arc dps in that I can see what damage MYSELF is doing. In all honesty most end game content as long as you are doing halfway decent dps and you learn and know the mechanics you are good. I am still powing around on my alt account doing strikes/raids with ascended trinkets and not even a full set of ascended gear, mostly exotic and not full zerk stats and not full runes and no one has said anything once. I do the mechanics, we get the clears and at the end of the day, that’s what matters is getting the clears.

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  12. I think the point of Aurene is that she is able to harness all forms of magic and filter out the corrupted void magic. This is why she is able to “attune” your legendary Aurene weapons to different magics. I think your idea is cool, I’m just not sure if that’s what anet has intended. I think we will see Soo Wan weapons even though anet didn’t originally announce them. I think they wanted to hold off on indulging any info on Soo Wan at the time to avoid spoilers.

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  13. 47 minutes ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

    😕 really? Wow I was caught off guard when I seen this. Do you guys not want people to buy the game? This is what you call self sabotage.  This takes pinching pennies to a whole new level. 

    It wasn’t about saving at all. It was about putting all expacs and living worlds out there to purchase up front rather than having that surprise after you bought the expacs that you still have to purchae living world. That is was one complaint new players had.

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  14. I was hoping they would be permanent rewards your could reuse like the birthday cake tray. Then each year after your tenth birthday you could unlock a different one. I thought they would be the unique reward for playing this long but being consumable is just plain dumb. Like you said you use it once then you have to wait another year to get to but another one.

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  15. If you want to compare it, compare to dragon stand, or triple trouble. You need “organized” groups to beat these also. If you don’t beat within the time limit, same thing, go home. Main difference here is organizing into parties if 5 to ensure everyone gets boons in order to increase dps and beat the timer. This and breaking the cc bar are the strategy here. People just tend to get frustrated when they first do it and don’t make it because they feel they should automatically be able to complete it just like everything else. People shouldn’t be intimidated that this is the strategy either. Just listen to your commander, and it will be ok. There are lots of Easy going commanders that explain everything and are very chill that have completed it with about 4-5 min left. If it’s your first time, hopefully you learned something about the battle and had fun.

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  16. How about engineer pistol rework? Or for holosmith make your heat level affect other weapons as well, such as boosting pistol skills, maybe adding some burning to some of the skills or something. Pistol 5 could add burning damage for example instead of being just sticky goo, rifle could have increased explosion damage, etc. This could definately increase viability for a now obsolete spec. I played holo forever after pof came out. Now it doesn’t even have a spot in my 8 templates.

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