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adubb.2453's Achievements

  1. Honestly, I find this move towards loot box style "gameplay" to be immensely disappointing and gives me great pause when considering whether or not GW2 is worth spending my continued time on. And it's not just the loot box mentality, but the fact that so many cosmetic options, which ultimately is the point of the end game, are gated behind gems (read: IRL money). I've generally enjoyed my time in PoF, but I have to admit, once I had finished the story and fully unlocked the elite specs I wanted, I haven't is logged in much because I just feel like there isn't much point for me to do so. What is there for me to work towards? There aren't any real map metas like in HoT, and so many things are locked behind either real life money or collections that are practically impenetrable. I guess what I'm saying is, please, for godsake, add some more incentive for me to play the actual game. And while you're at it, if you're going to lock all the new weapons/armor behind collections, can you please add a tab or some way to search through the god awful acheivement panel so I can find the ones that include armor/weapons? Maybe a quest system so I can track my progress in-game towards a specific goal? Or would you rather I just give you my money and hope I get the one thing I want because you're too greedy to put that work towards a system that actually rewards gameplay? (Sorry for the salt, but this has me pissed off for two reasons: The loot box blatant cash grab BS and the continued refusal to offer rewards via game play)
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